View Full Version : General Discussions
- what does UBB mean?
- Rollover thing..HTML
- Java Scrolling Error
- Which Weighs More?
- Memory Usage
- Need help with strange Nutscrape issue...
- Why is it not working
- NT question!!!
- mac soft search
- And now, here by popular demand...
- My greatest, most involving work: MechWarrior: Scorched Earth
- The Ballad of Mary Lou
- Elite Cold Sweat
- How do you post on here?
- Last Episode finished
- little poem
- So maybe I should try this, seein as I'm a mod...
- First Impressions
- Of Mice and Old Men
- Darkness Falls
- The Babylon Legacy
- Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus
- I wish I could post some of my "Star Trek: Olympus" stories here.
- Directory Listings?
- Dark Alley
- ST: Tales of the Marshal Martz
- Star Trek Olympus: McGreggor's Pest INTRO
- "Star Trek: Olympus" - McGreggor's Pest Chapter ONE
- "Star Trek: Olympus" - McGreggor's Pest Chapter TWO
- For all you aspiring writers out there...
- The Story So Far...
- Creative Es1373 PCI DRIVERS!!!
- Eve
- Question about joysticks
- Chapter 1 The Awaking Part1 scean 1 ( Diceman Project )
- Prelude to a Story
- Microsoft FrontPage question?
- Dark Alley Part 2
- ST: Federation Prelude - "Ashes to Ashes"
- ST: Federation - Prelude Part 2
- ST: Federation Cast....
- Stuck With A Huge Problem
- Graphics tablet
- Only Two Weeks Left in Script Contest...
- Email problem
- hardware question
- Has anybody read that part of that "Star Trek Olympus" adventure I posted?
- The Twistedia Chronicles Episode 1: A New War
- testing
- Star Trek : Morpheus
- Sentinel
- Big task; big gain
- Website space
- Anyone try their hand at writing your own sourcebook for a RPG/Board game?
- Huge computer trouble...
- Ok yous Brainiac's.
- UBB Addiction
- Three days left **rant alert**
- DOS help needed!!!
- VERY odd browser problem.
- Some interface thingies.......
- ...Nevermore...
- A BSG/Stargate SG-1 crossover
- My Second Season
- Works from my youth
- Another Excerpt from "The Book" :)
- crossover/what if? stories
- Suggestions wanted
- Help on Webpage Design
- Lighting
- Couple Questions
- Sky shader released for SL2
- Truespace Help Group
- free plug-ins...
- Poser tweaks
- From Kai's Tech Files - the Sokal Class File
- A Hitchhiker's Guide/Battlestar Galactica crossover
- Lightwave and Celeron / Duron processors?
- My fanfic, want to read???
- •Imperial Spy• [Beware -- SW]
- •Sector Osk• [Beware -- SW]
- I have 2 questions
- Rhino help
- Best place to go
- Story from hell!
- decals...and symbols....
- ok...maybe you guys might know this...
- Shaderlab 2 question
- Meshsmooth....GRRRRR
- Soften filter
- Latest Version of SkyGen for Lightwave 6.5 users
- Phasers and Photons
- Ideas for Shaders
- lightwave vs Rhino 3d?
- Animation Master opinions
- IK Problems.
- BatGal's BSG Soundtrack
- TS 5 - First Combat Report
- what's that plugin...
- what's going on with the mirror?
- Liquids?
- Multiple Cameras
- Creating a texture for a sphere
- On the way...
- Newtek Inspire 3D question...
- Hypervoxels 3
- 2000 or not 2000
- beginner problem with Messiah...
- Water Plumes or Wakes
- Floating Over Waves
- Networking problem: Help Requested :)
- Nurbs
- Looking for education in lighting
- Quicktime
- Slipstream in max
- Joss Whedon embarks on first-ever comic-book endeavor -- Fray
- Promethean fire
- Shape Merge
- IE 5. It sucks anyway, but now there's this thing...
- Well it's *sort of* sci-fi...
- Ok! A question about PSP 7 and Alpha channel textures?
- Atmosphere in MAX4
- iceball heats up and forms a comet tail...
- Having javascript problems.... :(
- 2 little surface things
- Bent slice
- video compositing
- Terragen
- Adobe Premiere
- Warrior - Default materials for male Trek boots?
- Shapemerging on both sides of a hull
- Battlestar meets Black Sheep Squadron
- Question about alignment in tables.
- Shades of Gray
- My Universe...
- Sounds in anims: Max 4
- Explosions
- POSER4 to Lightwave is it possible??
- My new site, test
- Plug-ings
- short poem
- Softimage XSI 1.5
- Better method of booleaning....
- How to....
- Modeling Error Max 4
- help
- ATTN: SeanR and others: Now that you've played with TS5 for a while...
- Poser4 figures
- Vue d'Esprit 4.0
- The Zanithian Chronicles
- STAR TREK Remington
- Mutiny on a Soviet Sub
- Universe Lost - A New Survival
- Lights have stopped obeying physics!
- Low Poly Starship Modeling
- Tutorial suggestions
- Importing
- Free modeling applications
- motion shadow / fake radiosity
- Attack of the Undead Computer
- New Worlds
- MAX4.2 modeling-animating question I THINK?
- STAR TREK: OLYMPUS!!!!!!! (Voyages of the USS Olympus)
- Multiple Textures
- sub-division.
- texture maps
- Greebles, nurnies, doodads and whatnot...
- I need a hug
- motion "blur"
- Animating Volumetrics?
- Blowing up stuff!
- Looking for help.
- Looking for a tutorial to create Poser skin
- Interesting little LW render status glitch
- Camera issues in LW6.5 layout
- AITD My Story
- Win98 and 2K networking problem...
- Contest
- Bill the Galactic Hero
- Got Moderators?
- The Burning Question
- Aliens and Alien Societies
- Creepy and Eerie Magazines
- "Gap Cycle" by Stephen Donaldson
- HYPERION by Dan Simmons
- No more comics code at Marvel
- Hugo Winners Announced
- X-Men X-Treme
- Casting Call: The Avengers
- X-Men: Evolution - Season 2... New Students
- Ultimate Spider-Man
- The Burning Question 2
- Ultimate X-Men
- Thunderbird = Hazard?
- The "final" CROW novel rises from HarperEntertainment
- Which Missing X-Man should reappear?
- X-Men Perfect
- Casting Call: X-Men X-Treme
- Star Wars Echo Squadron
- New X-Men
- New X-Villian
- Trek related question.
- The All New eXiles
- Iceman Limited Series
- Supe's and where is he going!
- Version 5 and we still not got it
- Trek Tutorials
- Ts 5.1 Nasty!!!
- Whoa !!!!!
- simple blur...
- LW Won't Load Non-NewTek images
- truespace 4 for $99 (us)
- Invalid Page Fault in lwtools3.dll
- Formation of an Empire
- Spilines (or Shapes ?) and Paths...
- Stan Lee writes DC
- Mike Deodato's dedication sketch...
- Too many X-Men, not enough books...
- Help.... bevel tool twisting!
- Superman timed with terrorist attack...
- Radiosity question
- "Neuromancer" by William Gibson
- Can I use "Inside LightWave 6" by Dan Ablan for LW7?
- Bryce vs. Vue'D'Esprit
- Captain America Starts over...
- 100 Greatest Marvels
- NYC Tribute Wallpaper
- Colouring in drawings...
- Best CPU cooler/fan for new SYSTEM
- BEST video card for 3D Max 4
- I'd Love Some Feedback ...
- export strangeness
- smoothing objects
- Engine Exhaust
- Very quick question
- tiling textures in LW 6.5
- 2 modelling problems
- PIII or Athlon?
- lw to max conversion
- Fix For Lw& White Requestor Bug
- Lighting
- Harry Potter
- Volumetric Lighting in LW6.5b
- Moving on.... Need help doing it.
- Calling all Linux gurus...
- trueSpace 5.1 - Lost scene
- The Ultimates
- Need tutorial
- TS : Blurred Texture Maps
- Expressions (Max)
- anyone know the program 3d canvas?
- MAX Snaps
- An RPG i made
- recomendations
- Patch modeling Problems
- My Universe.
- Expressions...
- I've decided to take up 3D modeling as a hobby...
- Lightwave Textures
- how to add things....
- Creating Warp Effects - LW
- The Hobbit
- Spiderwebs
- Creating round saucer aztec patterns in Paint Shop Pro.
- Lovers Meeting Again - IN STAR WARS?!
- Hunting in the Myst
- playing with Shaderlab
- FILE export in MAX 4.2
- A number of help points needed.
- Andromeda's Slipstream - in Max?
- A couple of books....
- I am Back
- intranet yes, internet no!
- Plug-in Baby
- That crappy Darth Maul book
- mp3 tags
- How To Stop Colour Dither ?
- problem starting MAX4.2 - verystrange
- LW - Bones
- 3d max saving files?
- need help with Bulletproof
- Lip Synch?!
- Animated GIF's and HTML..
- Crowd generator in MAX 4
- Max 3 Boolean problems
- My Top Ten
- A Forgotten Classic
- Free Spots lost on export.
- LAN for Dummies
- Rama...
- Help
- Planets
- Fonts in Max
- Applying Textures in LightWave 7
- Prometheus Erred - Novel In Progress
- How do I line up...
- Lasers
- blizzard particles disappeer when light is added?
- Surveillance
- nVIDIA geoforce2 MX 400 problems......ITS a video card
- need certain plugins for MAX 4.0
- Simple image sizing help.
- First Lightwave tutorial
- Humans in tS4
- Cauldron Universe
- Acurate Texture Map Creation for Max 3.
- 3D Max 4 shadow problem...
- Perlin Noise!!!
- Free Shredder 3D Program?
- An idea for an SG1 fanfic......
- Ben Bova's Venus
- I need a little help with human figures in 3dS.
- The Passing of the Technomages: Invoking Darkness
- Importing multiple Objects into LW Modeler
- Beam Weapon Tutorial.
- Quicktime & FLASH Q&A
- Star Wars style laser effect - how to?
- What MAX Version
- Max 3.1 Omni light adjustment
- Clouds
- tS 5.1 and backgrounds
- Warp Flare
- LightWave on the Mac iBook
- LightWave on the Mac iBook
- Yet Another Networking Problem
- Glow behind a object(HELP)
- Working with GMax
- Quick Question
- Obj Import for TS!
- Marvel's Mangaverse
- Personal libraries
- Lightwave users / lust-afters --- Fantastic deal at Newtek!
- how do I link to IK joints to work together in MAX?
- Alive
- Windows 2000 Clean Installation Crash
- Diffuse Maps in LW7
- REQ: Poser Uniforms
- Star Wars commentary--a new look
- Umm :D Poser help ?
- Y Axis Segments in LW7
- Infini-D?
- TS4: half-screen render issue.
- Lights on and off in Max 4
- R2TK Plugin Problems
- MAX 4.2 render problem
- Budget programs
- Volumetrics in LW.
- Cool 3D Art Work
- RefMap for tS problems
- Server Error... help!
- Comet Cursor...
- "Salvage (working title)"
- A Bug in the Library
- Animating a rope in 3ds MAX 4
- Newtek cuts Lightwave's price!!
- Premiere Doesn't See Certain Audio Codecs
- Question about posting pictures on a site.
- LW - Shield FX - How To Q&A?
- A Battlestar Galactica story
- Where do you get your books?
- MEMORY (MB) errors?
- Needed?
- Needed?
- Anyone else here a Lovecraft Fan?
- Rendering Scenes and AVI files in Lightwave
- Starship troopers models
- The art of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the clones
- Novels close to home
- GenoPlague
- Question about Blender
- A book series that I suggest you try reading.
- Graphic novels or Kiddie comics?
- Prometheus Erred, novel in progress
- Why does Max have wierd motion blur?
- How to in PHOTOSHOP create this
- LW lighting question...
- LightWave question :)
- reflections in LW 7.0
- how do i capture a picture
- Lcars?
- Anyone Ever Have This Problem.. ?
- Building Deckplans for the K-7
- Moving textures
- Victoria's clothes for Poser 4 Pro Pack
- opengl.dll
- Max surface errors?
- LightWave 7.5 & Cinema 4D XL
- The Shield
- Star Trek references
- lightwave 7 compositing with reflections
- LW7 wigs out
- character modeling LW7
- computer upgrade
- Cain's Return-Permission
- Morph Targets on MAX 4.3
- Star Wars references
- Animated gif help?
- constrain controller
- Wanted!
- Please help me! LW screwy
- Givin volume to a mesh
- Tractor Beam Problems MAX4
- Special Effects in Cinema 4d
- povray, moray, and max
- Modelling earth
- Macintosh Poser Convertor
- Microsoft's bid to sieze control of all PC use
- I need a 2D artist
- WIndows ME, Geforce 2 Pro, "genius" optical USB mouse... cursor gone.
- File Conversion
- Battlestar Pegasus-fan fiction
- poser help
- It's back..?
- NIF converter?
- Huzzah!
- need help-anyone with some spare time wanna get in on a mod project
- TOS Enterprise Nacelle Question
- Austin Powers: Goldmember
- LW Texturing question...
- I'm curious...
- Conversion between newer and older versions tip for Max users
- Poem: Freedom
- Argh, someone help me...
- Preview of my Highlander fanfic.
- Some random thoughts
- Truespace Problem
- "Star Trek: Hell's-Gate Station"
- De-trapezoiding
- Tolkien's other books
- Does anything go?
- Dark War
- Front line tales: Specters-Recon Goliath Squadron by Crusader
- AI trouble
- Morpher Modifier
- Help with Illustrator?
- Nebula Effect in Illustrator
- bright red shoes
- [Q]Blueprints
- Text Question For Photoshop
- How to Handle Telemarketers (comedy)
- Stargate animation
- Stargate Ultimate Edition DVD
- Red Dwarf - the Movie
- Slightly OT: critique group seeking members
- Trek Tech help needed!
- Oh yeah, Angel Season One DVD's coming soon.
- 3DSM Help
- Splinecage Tutorial
- better AI import?
- Script in LW?
- Alternatives
- So has anyone really boycotted watching shows on Sci-Fi?
- Bloop Bloop Bloop :)
- Hohlbein
- Fill objects in LW
- Farscape makes top 10 sci-fi characters list
- DECEMBER Artist of the Month Submissions!
- High Court Ends Stay in DVD Copying Case
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
- DK speaks!
- As the CPU fan turns...
- funny names
- Woot! Best Buy DOES listen!
- "Kansas"
- "Terra Firma"
- Good news for Stargate fans
- "Furlings. Sound cute and fuzzy to me." (kinda spoliers)
- Welcome back SG-1!!!!
- All the STARGATE meshes available ?
- FarScape Article in Boston Herald
- DECEMBER Artist of the Month Vote - 2-D ART
- DECEMBER Artist of the Month - 3-D ART
- Um...okay, yeah... Just...okay...
- Art Tablets . . .
- UPN likely to slay Buffy?
- "Twice Shy"
- Pbem Rpg
- "Kansas" ratings
- Was it lost during a plane crash in the mountains?
- DVD industry out of control
- Mario!!!
- Gate Wars?
- ST the Magazine - the END
- APC to recall two popular UPS lines...
- 3D Artist Wanted for Freelance Job
- The Countess
- Variety
- Disclosure (SPOILERS)
- Pass me that parameter!
- Message from the Cast/Crew
- Origin of the Gou'ld ship
- "Mental As Anything"
- Greeble for MAX 3?
- Lightwave & Motion capture
- a couple of news tidbits
- DVD 3.1/2 announced
- My galaxy X Plastic model
- "Bringing Home The Beacon"
- Season 4 Companion in May
- "Twice Shy" ratings
- "Terra Firma" ratings
- Attention Script Writers!
- Holodeck Six : The Last Crusade [ Season Four ]
- Brief descriptions for 420-422
- News - Daz Studio to be free!
- Problem with Loft im Max
- I hope we didn't lose another space shuttle...
- Matrix Reloaded - May 2003
- God Bless the Crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia
- FarScape forum honors the men and women of Columbia
- Web Hosting..
- My turn for a tribute.
- Sci-trek 2001
- and yet another new version of my site :)
- jsp: Troubles with generating at body tag.
- This dream must not die!
- "Mental As Anything" ratings
- The AniMatrix has finaly come on-line
- New Guy Here!
- Japanese scientist invents 'invisibility cloak'
- red shirts....
- Um...?
- JANUARY Artist of the Month SUBMISSIONS!
- Brits luck out once again!
- "A Constellation of Doubt"
- Rockne Speaks Frankly on Scape's Cancellation
- Am I the only one that sees a major SG-1 - MacGyver relation here?
- My new website (WIP)
- Red Dwarf
- Mobility
- "Beacon" Ratings (or How Scape Ousted Tracker)
- Do YOU believe in God?
- Free 3D Apps
- FYI: Digital Domain is looking for artists
- Full circle (OH MY GOD)
- Sound card woes
- Art Of The Saber - Star Wars Fanfilm
- Neat little programme
- Neat site with printers ornaments/vintage clip art
- DVD 2.5 on sale prematurely!
- Crab = owned
- "Prayer"
- 400,000 Jedi in Britain
- Ever Notice...
- READ ME: voting policy.
- Ranking the final season thus far
- "Constellation" Ratings
- Clan Farscape is now accepting members!
- Enterprise: "Future Tense"
- BBC reschedules Farscape once again
- Updated Farscape ratings
- Free programme for making HDR images
- New X-2 Trailer online
- JANUARY 3-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- JANUARY 2-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- Out of the mouth of babes ...
- Scaran typology
- February Artist of the Month SUBMISSIONS
- In the tides of the winds they swayed . . .
- Mad Max: Fury Road to Film in Africa
- Fetal Attraction
- Prayer Ratings - FarScape Remains Ahead!
- *A lurker falls from the ceiling into the Forums*
- We're So Screwed, Part 2: Hot to Katratzi
- Now i'm going crazy...I'm building a chainmail
- 'Buffy' Series to End After Seven Seasons
- Calling all trueSpace users. God help me.
- My updated website
- OT - The "Red Dwarf" filmmakers GET it.
- 3DS Max 4: Splinecage Help
- OT-RIP, Fred Rogers
- I'm on the beta-test for EVE Online!
- This weeks ep (written by Chris Judge)
- Hang on little buddy!
- My sheep are missing!
- Sci-Fi sale pending
- Farscape reruns begin in US & UK
- We're So Screwed, Part 3: La Bomba
- DVD 4.2 announced for UK
- Indy on DVD
- very important question
- Save Farscape Ad during 4X22
- We're So Screwed, part 1 Ratings
- Harry Potter III : Behind the Scenes
- Saturn awards
- Twenty Questions...
- Well Oprah, I'm here to talk about my book...
- Holodeck Six goes MUSICAL
- UK fans say goodbye to Farscape
- "Bad Timing"
- Nathan Fillion To Appear On Buffy
- It still annoys me!
- Slowly going crazy...
- you can smash him.. he body may burn....
- 3-D Artist of the Month Vote (FEBRUARY)
- 2-D Artist of the Month Vote (FEBRUARY)
- 3DGLADIATORS Official Online Store
- Halle Berry purrr-fect for Catwoman?
- Ratings: "A Constellation of Doubt" update and "We're So Screwed, Part 2" number
- Any Farscape RPGs?
- Canadian Bacon
- McC's Quibble!
- Weapons Question
- Casting off the ATI shroud...
- Farscape Magazine's final issue
- Globe article on Sci-Fi without Farscape
- "Children of Dune"
- Aircraft over water?
- Ripper - 2 hour TV Movie
- Farscape basher
- Ratings for We're So Screwed Pt. 3: La Bomba are in
- Save Farscape fan song
- Space 1999 Revival
- Ben Browder TV Guide interview
- Now have my own shop!
- Send 'Em Your Bras!
- World Events
- Newsday article
- David Letterman
- FarScape Nielsen Ratings Throughout the 4 Seasons
- Grand Theft Auto...full game, free download!
- hmm...guess who`s gonna need glasses
- Editing and DVD Burning with Ulead software...
- Suggestions for a digital camera upgrade?
- Greetings!
- BBC Interview with Juliet Blake, of Henson
- Yet Another CG Website
- Forum Folders
- No Spin-Off JOSS yet
- Farscape is back on the air!
- any one here like incubus
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer 8 Weeks left
- For the Lad's Out There
- For the Ladies :(
- SFX interview glimpses at what would have been
- Ghosts of Albion
- Kewl.
- Suggestion Box
- Favorite Episode - Name 'Em and Shame the Rest!
- Yup, I have an online store, too...
- Front-face wireframe rendering in LW 7.0...
- Some Excellent Reference Work
- Battlefield Earth 2?
- Hot Air
- Time-traveler' Busted For Insider Trading
- A Question of Format
- A game you might like
- Sleep deprivation: Exerpts from my Livejournal
- Zhaan talks (or Zen or Zhann)
- smart bomb
- New "Galactica 2003" Site
- Sound Compression?
- Stargate: Atlantis
- Farscape OST
- Michael Jeter dies at age 50.
- Making the Move
- MARCH Artist of the Month SUBMISSIONS!
- F-a-b!
- Volume 3.1 released
- Notice!
- Ratings: "La Bomba" update
- DVD 3.3 announced for USA
- Matt Roush discusses FarScape
- Season Four -- Overall Analysis
- Rating the Reruns
- DIY Pest Control!
- Ricky Manning Interview
- Download section fubar'd
- Tutorial: TNG Helm Console (not software specific)
- MaxScript
- Tremors
- Favorite Season 1 Episode
- Favorite Season 2 Episode
- Favorite Season 3 Episode
- Favorite Season 4 Episode
- Final Matrix Reloaded Trailer
- Can somebody help me?
- Welcomes & Websites now moved here
- Flash files swf
- thanks!
- Any Indie's in Orange county California?
- Favorite Digital Camera?
- NLE: Newtek's Video Toaster NT 2.0
- IE won't open a new window when clicking a link
- Dear Alexander...
- bluescreen viewscreen effect
- And the winner (could be)
- 3D Voting For March (Acting alone)
- 2d Voting For March (Acting Alone)
- Favorite "Classic" Kid's Movie
- Frustrations with Premiere
- Ask Zhaan
- Animated gif's arent animating
- DracoAlliance: Ripping off B5TECH - - - AGAIN!!!
- Angel is coming back!
- With the three art forums fused...
- WOW - New Look
- Best new series of the 2002-2003 season?
- New Site - Please Look
- Klingon For Terrorists
- You cant parker there (thunderbirds pics)
- Calvin & Hobbes
- April Artists of Month Submissions
- Max 3.21 starting problems
- MAX File Format
- oh my...
- Looking For A Modeller For An RPG
- Where would i go if i wished to request a model?
- New Nixie Clocks... and a request for ideas to go in them.
- Did I go overboard?
- America get's all the MAD people
- Lego Matrix
- Pimping my limited skills.
- A day & Night in Los Angeles
- a few older projects
- ARGH!! Need help to find TV Software
- am i the only one who think...
- And Now... The End Is Near...
- APRIL Artist of the Month Vote (2-D Artwork)
- APRIL Artist of the Month Vote (3-D Artwork)
- Showing off :)
- Do you not just hate it?
- A Malicous Attack? or Not...
- Quote of the month:JUNE
- Shield FX Tutorial for Lightwave!!!
- Member-submitted posters for our Online Store? Discuss here!
- Website help needed
- MAY Artist of the Month Submissions!
- I bought myself... a camouflage uniform
- Who made this ship?
- Anybody want to buy an aircraft carrier?
- I'm addicted!
- MATRIX RELOADED (spoilers most likely included)
- Bath Bombs - I Hate Them!
- Less than a week now
- Hankey Time
- Brit's I Need Your Help!
- exams
- Anyone buying AG-DVX100's?
- MAY 2-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- MAY 3-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- 3DG T-Shirt Contest VOTING!
- Can anyone ID this?
- Setting up Film/TV Site
- If anyone would like to do some game GFX...
- Wide Blue Yonder
- Haunted : A rip off of the Necroscope books?
- Can't get back to main forum's from General Discussions
- CONTEST - Win T-X Prop Replica (finish date - 20th July)
- Big Doctor Who news
- JUNE Artist of the Month submissions!
- Problems loading the site/forums
- If you were a mutant, what would your powers be?
- Roobarb!
- Richard Hatch is coming soon to Colonila Fleets!
- Bsh
- the New Doctor Who
- CPU Usage Oscillation when running 3D Max 5
- JUNE 2-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- JUNE 3-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- Matt Jefferies dies at 82
- e-mail address problems!
- get me the head of Avon! - Blakes Seven News-
- mpeg output for Lightwave?
- The Star Trek Meshes Collection is back!
- Need computer help
- looking for some help
- Stumbled upon this website today ...
- JULY Artist of the Month Submissions!
- CPU RIP.. I Hope Not..
- Ojos asi, mp3s, firewalls, ICQ, etc
- SHARK!!! or dolphin? (REALLY COOL)
- stars and stripes dartboard...
- 5 members, need more
- Recommended gear.....
- General Phoenix!!!
- Kakaze, I love you!
- Went shooting today...
- How to get to Character STudio in MAX 5
- Arrrrrrrgh!
- International Matrix Revolutions Trailer
- Strange, it's been cancelled
- Nightmare!
- JULY 2-D Artist of the Month VOTE
- JULY 3-D Artist of the Month VOTE
- Connectivity problems
- Having Problem With Eyes
- Photos of me and my family (funny)
- My midieval outfit
- man get 2 years for sex. abuse 11 y o
- Namechange!
- Chin 2 - Oh The Memories
- Paint shop pro
- Oh NO!
- today begin my studies...
- the Red Dwarf Movie Thread
- This forum is ****ing gay
- Has Anyone Read The Cinema Forum Recently?
- greetings from the internet
- I've made a... shoe!
- :o! I can see it again Wooooo!!!
- AUGUST Artist of the Month Submissions!
- Joe M. Ralat,
- It's been 24 years.... Alien - New Ridley Scott Cut
- phenomenal!
- Matrix Revolutions - Entirely Scored!!!
- Right-click to save images - BMP only?
- AUGUST Artist of the Month - 3D Vote!
- AUGUST Artist of the Month - 2D Vote!
- Maya vs Lightwave
- i just recieved...
- airforce question
- When will the boards be sorted?
- Stargate fan film
- A rant about - The BBC
- Matrix Revolutions - The Trailers Have Begun...
- Ode to my mom's ex
- oh my god... it may happen... Dr Who to return?!?!
- Avid Express Pro rocks.......
- Two Trilogy Actors
- Converting meshes?
- Kill Bill Vol. 1
- Someone found Nemo!
- Colonial Fleets
- SEPTEMBER Artist of the Month submissions...
- Mwahahahahha
- September artist of the month
- Off To See The Eye
- Tell me
- Max 4 Open GL Question
- Need help :)
- Spock is a Howard Dean fan!
- SEPTEMBER 2-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- SEPTEMBER 3-D Artist of the Month Vote!
- My review of DS9 Season 8 books * Warning may contain spoilers*
- Model question
- If software companies built houses...
- Great Scott I Need Help!
- Need tutorials: Glass box and vacuum tube...
- 3dsm 5.0 > UT2K3
- Pictures of the new Galactica...
- OCTOBER Artist of the Month Submissions
- Someone found Nimoy!
- OCTOBER 2-D Artist of the Month! -VOTE!-
- OCTOBER 3-D Artist of the Month! -VOTE!-
- Why oh Why OH WHY?
- Farscape & Galatica
- Best Of 2003 Calendar Contest!
- NOVEMBER Artist of the Month Submissions!
- Favorite "OLD" movie
- Vizorchicken
- Talking Treebeard
- Christmas List
- Star Wreck Trailer
- Spider-man 2
- Energy Beams in Lightwave
- Sky Captain...
- Christmassy
- I'm going to act annoying now
- Merry Yule to everyone!
- NOVEMBER Artist of the Month 2-D VOTING!
- NOVEMBER Artist of the Month 3-D VOTING!
- New Years Resolutions
- Happy New 2004
- Happy New Year
- Happy New Year, everybody!
- Oh For the Love of Pete...NOOOOOOO
- New Homepage Progress
- Staffing Changes for 2004!
- Where 3DG stands...
- New Website Direction!
- Write the next passage...
- Project Ideas!
- Free Jimmy
- Sluggish Computer, Do ya have photoshop ?
- I Am Me
- Untitled.
- Nasa - Finally!
- Xp Programs Connecting to net..
- Mozilla 1.6 is released!
- Broken image
- Broken Heart's Cry
- Stuck with a film title!
- We're Unsure What To Do With The Site - But Someone Needs Help!
- New E-Mail Virus!
- *cough*
- Can't find a specific tutorial
- I'll be MIA for a few days...
- Hidden Frontier preview of season finale!
- Please help!
- Hey all!
- the server's too busy
- Return of the Gladiators!
- Chicken
- Medieval
- Angel Canceled
- sess said...
- The Star Trek Meshes Collection
- Largest Contest at ever
- Cat Death Auto
- Jason VS Freddy ( spoilers )
- Only In Kenya
- Board traffic
- Something Interesting - My Avatar
- Well, it's, um...different...
- neat VB3 stuff
- New Contest?
- Woman Prosecuted for Petting Dog
- BBC Announce new Doctor Who actor!
- Lighting Federation Style
- Doctor Who Talks!
- I can see clearly now...
- London = great, British Telecom = arse.
- Where's the Other Mike when you need him?
- Posting Artwork
- zandura class?
- The Story of Smilies
- Wow
- It nice to be back and....
- New Star Trek Fan Film
- Favorite Film of 2004
- Next Year's Project - Film
- B5 Dr. Franklin passed away
- No news like good news
- Schindler's List
- The Fan Fallout 3 Projects seeks Arts and Graphics Talent
- Feels Like A Desert In Here
- My gay-ass little homepage now open! *lol*
- Stories by Sean
- Scotty's got Alzheimer's...
- Farscape : Peacekeeper's Wars
- Life in Words
- I've been gone too long...
- need help in 3ds max
- This Land...
- Intolerance
- 9/11 Report
- The answer is 42
- Drinking Game
- Understanding Good and Evil
- "Fahrenheit 9/11"
- Paperback Writer
- How to...
- Is anyone really out there... maybe!
- Question for today
- What scares you?
- Bizarre September Holidays
- APG26 I See You
- Teddy Bear Day
- Swap Ideas Day
- Origin of NX-01?
- Good morning
- Illinois Senate (Barack v. Keyes)
- Grrrrr to the Main Page!
- Cream-filled Donut anyone?
- Open Letter to the Internet Police
- Ramblings
- Here's an idea...
- Tempting Eve 'toon (nonsexual mild nudity)
- My Own Little World
- Can't download even after I've logged in
- What's wrong with my cookies?
- Can psychics really see the past/future?
- October holidays, etc.
- Help! How do I get out of this?
- Notebook computers
- im a newbe
- Anyone looking to purchase Digital Fusion v4
- Faulty sub
- cg superman/chris reeve?
- Christopher "Superman" Reeve passed away
- Super cheap web comics!
- 3d R2 units
- Mothers Always Leave Marks On The World
- Some Fun
- To EU Land I Go..
- A Culture of Cover-Ups
- Word Association
- Things Before You Die
- Pants on Fire?
- Hating Bush
- For All of You
- November Holidays, etc.
- New Trek Film XII?
- Bar Wench
- Photo's...
- Oh, boy!!
- Song Title Sentenances
- RED ALERT - Doctor Who teaser video!
- How stupid can it get?
- MOVIE NEWS:- C&TCF & WOTWs trailers!
- January Holidays, etc.
- Happy Holidays
- Happy New Year!
- CFF Fund Raising
- New $499 Macintosh and flash based iPod introduced at Macworld today...
- Waning Moon
- February Holidays-Look quick--short month
- Upload Avatar...
- Design the USS Titan for a book cover competition
- Problem Viewing Thumbnails
- not much happening here, lets change that...
- How many active posters do we have?
- I am back.
- SFM Close it Doors
- Contests?
- Photo Upload error
- beginning of the Minerva Paradox
- Happy Birthday- moovok, Fëanor and Dangerous!
- Happy Brithday- Flamingo Girl
- How do you get into the forums via the main page?
- Happy Birthday, Zorares and Drakath!
- File Formats
- June Bizzare Holidays
- A Prologue
- Oi....That U?
- Graduation
- Wanting to learn
- Happy Birthday, Breea and Braxton
- help with a download
- leaving
- A life in a Chat
- From Sweden With Trepidation
- Final Results
- Attention All L.A. Area Members
- Icomic for mac
- July Bizarre Holidays
- Can't download anything from site
- Transporting Out
- DTEMachine
- James Doohan dies at 85
- USS Sapporo NX51010
- Great Oppertunity!
- what happened to my joke post?
- Comission requests?
- Curious Labs Model Compatibility
- August Bizarre Holidays
- Short summer getaways
- Introduction
- New to 3D
- Need Help You Guys Are Good At This
- Hey there i am chooch!
- Akyazi mesh in Lightwave
- New Posting Requirements for Downloads
- greatest polygonal modeling toolset released...Orionflame v0.3
- New Home
- 3d Modeling Program of Choice
- Hello.
- Hope this inspires...
- Hey All!
- site question
- Corrupted File
- some Poetry
- Universe
- Time To Go
- Another Death tied to Star Trek
- Just curious
- Hey all...Question.
- Hi, where i could upload a tutorial?
- EPISODE III on video!
- seeking MS agent SF characters
- Bckground photos for dioramas
- FREE Caligari TrueSpace v3.2
- Some Planet Tutorials in Photoshp
- Just Saying Hello to all.
- A thought?
- SeaQuest DSV Dvd set coming soon...
- How do i post an image in forum?
- Game design
- New Companion
- Star Wars: Kotor: The Passing of the Jedi Lords
- The Ultimate Nurnie Collection: Volume 1
- Problems with Attachment
- 'The Rescue', part 1 of The H.M.N. logs [SISS]
- Newbie to the sight
- The Introduce Yourself Thread
- Submit file?
- Anyone get the Aeon Flux DVD collection?
- First post and 11 videos to break the ice...
- need 3d model
- Star Wars: SVP
- Promethus
- Olympic Watch
- The weekly funnies!
- Download help for new project
- Freebie 1: Transporter Prop for Poser
- Freebie 2: Scare Bear Addons
- Freebie 3: Thunderbirds are Go!
- Freebie 4: Star Wars Poser Stuff
- Freebie 5: Aliens Stuff for Poser
- Great site
- My Introduction
- A useless thread
- Hunting Crashers with Dick Cheney
- crazy duckbill video
- Why does everyone here only have 5 posts?
- New in town.
- mach 5 3d
- Hi
- Dawn of War
- My word as a Warrior…
- movie shirts
- downloads
- Hello
- A Small Introduction
- A Download Question
- Just for laughs
- Devilmans Startrek Australia Back Online
- ideas?
- best dust protection - DUCKBILL
- This weeks funnies and shock videos
- [Poser] new STO uniforms ?
- Original StarWars Tilogy on DVD (1977 Version)
- Hello hopefully I won't look too much...
- How to Post Pics in Threads
- Enterprise Warp Drive Glow in LW8
- Star Wars starship blasters
- Tessellation in Lightwave 8
- help
- Looking for a Poser format Y-wing
- Trying to locate a mesh/user
- Lightwave Scenes - Searching
- Sounds?
- Mysterious red cells might be aliens
- ...ummm Oh-kay...
- How do I make 3D water?
- 6-6-6
- Just joined
- Req : Star Wars Models
- Who do I Contact
- 2 scenes - help please
- Star Trek vs Star Wars
- Real vs 3d question
- texturing - lightwave help please
- Space Ship Engine Exhaust Help?
- Poser, Max, and LWO files
- Poser Lighting Question
- Looking for a 2D artist
- How does one Upload an image?
- Warrior - Please Help
- Any new James items out there?
- What was your first day with your first computer like?
- It's time to play-------------->
- Hello - Dev Tej Kohli
- Birthdays?
- Christies to auction star trek memorabilia
- Req : Stargate Atlantis Models
- New Mac Pro
- Star Trek Convention
- Get Poser 5 for free (limited offer by EFrontier (Legit))
- What Effects Do YOU Add?
- Introduction
- Useless Gems of Information
- Newly back here
- Poser 5 Tutorial?
- Name that Movie (quotes)
- Am I still a hermit?
- Sorry guys
- Ultriviolet Soundtrack Help
- The Hello Thread
- Virus Warning
- Proper author credits
- A Question About Lightwave v.8x
- New game... puzzling
- Star Wars: Twi'leks and Zabraks
- Friend registering
- Bond is back (SPOILERS!!!)
- AntiSpambot Measures - Spread the Word
- Colonial fleets will not accept me!!
- BSG Comics petition
- Beyond Impressed...
- The state of sci-fi
- Of special interest to 3D CGI artists on a budget!
- What's on your Screen...
- A Question re: Lightwave v.8 and Stars
- Serenity Set Blueprints???
- Download problems
- Scifi meshes.. .. .. ..
- Lol?
- Mods, Admins, im searching for someone!
- Best Star Trek Video Game?
- Finally My Sci-fi Illustration Book Is Out! :)
- Uploads to 3DG??
- New here...
- CGI in film.
- “There's something you need to know…â€
- "There's something you need to know..." Concl.
- Runway Model
- Help with Poser 4 Downloads
- Armed Assault p3d format
- flavor of the month?
- I guess we're redecorating?
- nu here to this
- ill post a poem soon
- new prop company?
- Story idea.
- Wow...
- Andorian Stuff
- 3D animation - war bot
- Hold the line
- Political Drag
- There's a spammer in your PM section :(
- What pulled me away from 3D art...
- New game content resource!!!
- New tutorials by Nico?
- looking for a few models
- Roy Scheider ( Captain Bridger of seaQuest DSV) passed away.
- Screen Cleaner
- help, unable to download meshes
- Falling through reality
- designer's model
- poem: cerulean eyes
- vbulletin
- This Is News Of A Threat To The Works Of Professional Artists!
- Real Trek Tricorder
- R2D2 projector!!!
- Yahoo!Mail and account deactivations
- Yahoo & YIM
- Looking for a few star wars 3d models
- Tricorder and Phaser Replicas
- May Bizarre Holidays
- Everything working?
- my drawings
- OMG! I'm such a chump!
- Vista Primary, XP added!
- Thank you Warrior & Why the 5 Post Rule is Good.
- Don't hit the newb!
- New Member Welcome Thread
- Foundation3d
- Hello guys
- ...and how was your day?
- RIP Stan Winston
- The "Thank you!" thread
- Update: Mozilla logs 8 million-plus Firefox 3 downloads in a day
- RIP Michael Turner
- RIP Don Davis
- Despicable!
- *LMAO* Gross!
- The Female Icons of SciFi
- Time Killer
- Gallery
- Welcome, Nexusians!
- Realism vs Cartoon Characters
- Who's Got The Maps?
- What Class Ship?
- Trek Online Podcast
- Trek Online Trailer(s)
- Info Page Logo?
- hey 3d huminoids
- my, aren't you special...
- Licensed stuff sold at store?
- my mesh, you mesh
- Much Love to our friends in the path of Gustav
- Simbaka is back!
- Strelok?
- 3D Model Sweepstakes - is this for real?
- Paul Newman has died
- ADMINS: Bug in the site menu
- Space-Art Wallpaper Links
- what changed on the board?
- V is back!?
- Contest: Sci-Fi Cargo ANNOUNCEMENT
- Getting Started in CGI Thread
- Creating Tutorials Question
- The story of the Millennium Falcon.
- BSG 2K Pops set to go to auction
- Mayor of Batman sues Warner Bros
- Happy Bithday Thread
- Carrara 7 OPEN BETA - check it out!
- Dead Ringers in Time?
- Star Ship troopers and not the <insert colorful term here> movie
- Comic Readers
- Ultimate Nurnie Collection Volume 2 Now On Sale!
- A General Question
- Happy Birthday, Taranis!
- Forrest Ackerman Dies.
- Snazzy animation by RealtimeUK
- Another reason to visit my site -
- Are you looking for Walt Disney's 100 Years Of Magic?
- A show I worked on
- Freelancer - Do any of you play this game?
- What TV show is this robot from?
- Star Wars - the real story
- Wolverine Trailer
- 20 Ways to Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
- Republic Commando armor? anyone know?
- New Guy - FarShot
- April Fools' Virus Alart
- REQ: F-37 Talon from the movie "Stealth"?
- Looking For A Good Plo Koon
- I'm Looking for a YT 2000 Mesh
- I started a blog
- Want to show of your talent?
- Uniforms For Star trek and Stargate...
- Real Inventive those Chinese
- E.T. Laser Tag
- They'll fly anything?
- District 9
- Happy Memorial Day...
- Have a good laugh :)
- Cutting back on CGI stuff
- Triumph in the face of D'OH!
- Canadian Space Elevator
- Danger of warp-speed drives
- Photoshop Elements 7
- Foundation 3d offline ??
- Apollo 11 July 16, 1969.
- Contest
- Colonial Fleets Emails
- James Cameron's 'Avatar' trailer
- Disney to acquire Marvel in $4 billion deal
- Whats up with colonial fleets ?
- Going to Spain
- ST: TNG Dress Uniforms for Daz M4
- Robert McCall - Died 2/26/2010
- requesting help, all frequencies open
- Download area
- Andorian for P4
- General Credits Discussion
- Delete Request
- Contest: Ships of the Line Submissions
- Snow Storms
- 2010/2011 Happy Birthday Thread.
- San Diego Comic Con 2011
- Contest: Star Trek- First Contact Questions
- Mesh Conversion thread
- Mapper Welcome thread
- 3DGs Musical Corner (updated Daily) "What are you Listening to".
- Happy New Year 1/1/11
- Winning pictures
- Enterprise-F Design Contest Liasion Thread
- A new post
- Tatooine: Desert planet discs
- Internet addresses depletion
- Far Centaurus
- Happy Birthday mikala
- Increasing The Knowledge base
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in 60 seconds
- 404 not found page
- Howdy
- SW female character
- any Edoans for download?
- Quicksuits ... for making clothes!
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Betrayal
- OLD SciFi-Art Movie
- There and Back Again: Filming begins, finally!
- GMail Motion (Beta)
- Is our Modern Display Technology Surpased Display Treknology?
- The Bryan Singer ‘Pitch’ of “Star Trek: Federationâ€
- One of those "moments" ...
- Old times and meshes
- Darn it! They found my house!
- Superman Gets a New Look
- Free Daz Studio 4 and Bryce 7
- Eyes!!!
- I´m Back
- Rubber Body Suits for Everyone
- Cover Art - Star Trek - Book
- Cover Art - StarBlazer - UK Comic
- Old Member welcome thread
- Do you care if spacefighters bank?
- Superman Vs Hulk Animation
- Dustbuster
- Spherical Projections
- Kurv Studio closed!?!?!
- need reviews help to purchase vbulletraffic storm...
- Building the Enterprise...on a much bigger scale
- The Passing of Ray Bradbury
- Hey there
- William Windom (OS Star Trek's Commodore Decker) has died
- Tony Scott Died Last Night in an Apparent Suicide
- "Star Trek" 46th anniversary
- Star Wars Morphs and Mods
- Color Theory
- Blade Runner 30th Anniversary Box Set
- Star Trek Generations 2-CD OST
- BSG: Blood and Chrome uses LIGHTWAVE!
- Honor Our Veterans
- 3D World Advent Giveaway
- Incredible Starships!!
- Ship sizes?
- Need help: Sovereign Class
- Gerry Anderson RIP
- Poser is on sale
- B5 Starfury Concept
- 4th of July
- One of our own is gone
- I am back..
- Star Wars Exhibit-Tech Museum in San Jose California
- Doctor Who - Sontaran Battle Sphere MESH Build
- Monthly Art Contect
- Happy Easter
- The 90s
- is down
- Social Media Enough! stop lurking and start posting
- Fabio Passaro has Passed
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