View Full Version : Star Wars style laser effect - how to?
January 13th, 2002, 07:07 PM
I'm working on doing a scene with Star Wars, where I need to create laser blast effects for Star Destroyers blasting away at an attacking squadron of X-Wings. Unfortunately, the normal laser methods I use for Babylon 5 really don't work for Star Wars. :p
Does anyone here know a good technique for creating a Star Wars style laser blast, in Lightwave 7.0a?
July 18th, 2002, 11:42 AM
Well... months and months after having gotten NO response to
my request for help making Star Wars style laser FX, I found a
long lost tutorial that explains how to do it.
To anyone else out there who've been trying to create Star Wars
style laser FX and gotten jack for help click HERE ( to read how
to do this...
August 11th, 2002, 09:14 PM
but star wars doesnt use lasers, they have blasters, which are more of a pulse than a laser
August 15th, 2002, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by tgg7979
but star wars doesnt use lasers, they have blasters, which are more of a pulse than a laser
You gotta be ****ing kidding me?
Chris B
August 15th, 2002, 01:44 PM
he is right, isn't he?
pulse lasers, blasters..they don't use the sort of "laser-beam" that is known from trek or from the shadows in b5 (which you know best, thomas, lol)
Chris B
August 15th, 2002, 01:45 PM
who else thinks that the cruiser in the background is one of the coolest designs ever?
August 15th, 2002, 01:54 PM
It all depends on which bit is the front...
August 15th, 2002, 02:17 PM
Star Wars weapons use the 'pulse' effect rather than the solid beam type.. think of tracers in modern weaponry, that kind of effect...
and the front of the Nebulon B cruiser is to the right of the pic..
General Phoenix
August 15th, 2002, 09:44 PM
Actually, Star Wars lasers seem to be beautiful in their simplicity. Since they are just bursts rather than lasers, they flash by so quickly that they are seen as nothing but short streaks of light. I see a lot of CG images that make them look like Trek-style phaser blasts, and it just looks "wrong."
August 16th, 2002, 03:04 AM
If the front is the part on the right hand side... then I agree with XmESs. :3
Chris B
August 16th, 2002, 06:23 AM
August 17th, 2002, 05:27 AM
Who said anything about laserbeams? If a laserblast in Star Wars wasn't laser then what was it? Seriously........ It doesn't matter! And what the heck has that got to do with Tech-Master's thread about making Star Wars style laserbolts??
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !p
August 17th, 2002, 05:35 AM
from what I've read, the blasts are actually particle based, made by passing hi-energy pulses into spin sealed Tibanna Gas then fired...
tho, the technique he has used is easy to make into this kinda effect. Since the effect is based on 2 insecting planes painted with a map, just redo the map into the 'bolt' effect and repeat along the planes as needed.....
August 17th, 2002, 11:38 AM
Oh, how I long for the days when what you saw in the film was all there was, and you didn't have to worry about schematics and semantics...
September 1st, 2002, 11:46 AM
Tech master wants to make Star Wars style blaster effects, then they dont need to be solid lasers, what the hell is wrong with saying that!?
Chris B
September 1st, 2002, 12:28 PM
hmm...interesting. weeks after a thread is dead and done with some new arrival comes and curses around.
September 1st, 2002, 02:12 PM
Level of stupidity witnessed in this forum over something as simple as the term Turbo Laser is enough to make a grown man cry while he seeks out someone to bludgeon to death.
:cry: :hack:
Star Wars weapons are called "Turbo Lasers"... duh. Every Star Wars fan knows this. You Trekkies out there should know it too.
I had come here asking how to create a "Star Wars style laser blast" - note the term blast - to which I garnered no response. Given the nitpicking going on in this forum over something as redundant as "Star Wars" terminology alone, it now seems fairly obvious why I wasn't able to find anyone who knew how to create a "Star Wars style laser blast" around here.
All Star Wars fan have come to accept the term "Laser" when referring to the weapons of "Star Wars." As a long term Star Wars fan, I know this. All Star Wars fans know this. Anyone who knows anything about sci-fi should know this.
Its no big deal for someone to refer to Star Wars weapons as lasers. Its NOT like we're debating the technology of Star Wars here... no... we're talking about how to EMULATE the visual effects of the show!
Ah forget it.
I didn't come here to debate sci-fi technology. It is so obvious that no one here is interested in helping anyone else. Post after post where people ask questions or are looking for help are constantly being ignored at this forum.
Too many people out on the web are not interested in helping others anymore when it comes to creating visual effects, providing tutorials or helping to make new meshes for public release.
You know what... just... just forget it.
September 1st, 2002, 02:17 PM
ok.. lets calm this down now please.
first I am sorry that your post was overlooked.
this however is not a reason to insult the ppl in this thread which did try to help you.
there are ppl here which are willing to help others. I for one am one as is Xmess. I have written a Tutorial on Lasers which is on Xmess's site.
September 1st, 2002, 02:33 PM
It has nothing to do with the post being over looked - though that does seem to be a pervasive problem around here - but rather the stupid nitpicking over something as incredibly dumb as terminology!
EVERYONE knows that the Laser effects in Star Wars are pulses.
EVERYONE knows that the Phaser effects from Trek are beams.
EVERYONE knows Babylon 5 uses both, neither of which look like Trek or Wars.
So for people to sit back and complain about the use of the word laser to describe the "Turbo Laser" effect as seen in Star Wars is just - so - stupid.
Its nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking, about a subject to plain and obvious as to make the nitpicking its self an act of belligerence.
September 1st, 2002, 02:35 PM
Ok I am now closing this thread.
Tech Master if you wish to complain further please take this up with me in Pm's.
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