View Full Version : I'm curious...
August 10th, 2002, 03:24 AM
What was the last book you've read and what are you currently reading (if)?
My last book was german fantasy novel about a caveworld, some magic and dragons. Very good one.
And currently I'm reading "Forever Peace" by Joe Hadleman. I really like how he write and the book is excellent but "Forever War" was much better.
The next book will be "Mars" or "A Canticle for Leibowitz"...
August 10th, 2002, 03:39 AM
the last book I read was Thief of Time by Terry Prachett.. and it's his best yet...
currently reading GURPS Discworld and Dilbert Future....
August 12th, 2002, 03:50 PM
*Raises an eyebrow* From what I've heard you say I would've thought you despised Pratchett. Thief of Time isn't his best, I really stick by Small Gods. :3
Right now I'm reading 1984 by George Orwell, Birdsong by Sebastien Faulks, re-reading The Dark Side of the Sun, The Carpet People and Strata by Terry Pratchett, The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and re-reading Monkey(Journey to the West) by Wu Ch'eng-en.
Now if you don't mind I need to get back to it. :D
August 13th, 2002, 10:33 AM
I'm reading the Harry Potter series right now for recreational reading. ;)
August 13th, 2002, 02:46 PM
The last thing I read was a collection of 10 books in one by Roger Zelazny, it was called The Great Book of Amber:The Complete Amber Chronicles. Right now I'm reading a book and I guess if I were to translate the title, it would be Halfway Down the Drop (or something like that).
August 13th, 2002, 03:26 PM
trying to understand this.. but.. I don't like pratchett? how did you get that idea?
quotes from Chat
[23:25] <Khai> there's more guards books and Death books that Cohen
[23:26] <Xanda> And a short story in a fantasy collection.
[23:26] <Xanda> Guards books rock.
[23:26] <Dano> ...hey... oh, bugger, my copies of he first 2 books are in cambridge
[23:26] <Dano> the, even
[23:26] <Dano> heh, i meant to clean this keyboard today... i think it's the only thing in here i didn't
[23:27] <Xanda> I have... some signed books...
[23:28] <Dano> bah, you decreased their value ^^
[23:28] <Khai> yup ... there's a joke in fandom... terry books are worth more unsigned... cos he signs everything
[23:28] <Khai> he's even signed my denim jacket
[23:29] <Dano> LOL!
[23:29] <Dano> memo: don't stand still round terry pratchett
[23:29] <Khai> yup.. how do you think I ended up in Sourcery!
[21:38] <Khai> ever read any Terry Pratchett?
[21:39] <Ceci> 9o9 Don't think so...I don't usually pay attention to authors or titles
[21:39] <Ceci> Sounds familiar, though 9o9
[21:39] <Khai> hmmm I think you should... his Discworld books have us in stitches
[21:39] <Ceci> :3 I'll look for 'em.
[21:40] <Khai> if you want.. I recommend Mort, Thief of Time, the Truth, Feet of Clay, Guards! Guards!, Pyramids, Reaper Man, Witches Abroad or Small Gods
[21:41] <Khai> those are my favs... but there's over 20 books in the 'series' now
[21:46] <Ceci> Oooh, okay
[21:48] <Khai> got a feeling you'll enjoy 'em
[21:49] <Ceci> :3 What makes you feel that?
[21:49] <Khai> okay... systems a litttle tied up rendering Starside for me...
[21:49] <Khai> you like the Gold song :)
[21:49] <Ceci> XD
[21:49] <Khai> ok try this.. (from memory - the blurb on the back of Mort)
[21:50] <Khai> 'Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort... He offered him a job'
[21:50] <Ceci> *LOL* XD
[21:50] <Ceci> Okay, I think I'll enjoy it :D
[21:50] <Khai> yup... you'll like 'em :)
[21:50] <Khai> in the books.. Death is a character.. TALKS LIKE THIS
[21:51] <Khai> kinda of a good guy.. but very good at his job....
[21:51] <Ceci> Death sounds cool :D
[21:51] <Khai> he rides a White Horse.... called.. *cough* Binky
[21:52] <Ceci> Binky?! XDDD
[21:52] <Khai> he's also accompanied in the later books by the Death of Rats
[21:52] <Ceci> ...Death of Rats?
[21:52] <Khai> 'SQUEAK'
[21:53] <Ceci> o.o;;;
[21:53] <Khai> you'll have to see ;)
[21:53] <Khai> but remember.. these are comedies :)
and there's more...........
August 13th, 2002, 04:05 PM
*Poke* You are not in Sourcery. Nor is anyone you know. =P
August 13th, 2002, 04:13 PM
Shu? taking this into PM's between us.
August 14th, 2002, 03:09 AM
And it's "Shui".
General Phoenix
August 14th, 2002, 07:47 PM
Shui-Hua, if you have a personal issue with Kai, it needs to be handled outside the forums, as Kai has requested.
Now to get this thread back on track...
The only Pratchett novel I've read so far was the one where Death decided to quit his job, leaving all the newly-dead people to wander aimlessly. At least, I think it was Pratchett. I can't seem to find the book right now...
Mobius Paradox
August 14th, 2002, 09:35 PM
I'm reading "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess and "Lord Brocktree" by Brian Jacques.
August 15th, 2002, 09:32 AM
I got into Brian Jaques when I was 10 when he was autographing books in Waterstones. X3 I didn't get an autograph, but I was hooked. I loved Mossflower.
Mobius Paradox
August 15th, 2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Shui-Hua
I got into Brian Jaques when I was 10 when he was autographing books in Waterstones. X3 I didn't get an autograph, but I was hooked. I loved Mossflower.
I have 2 autographs. One autographed copy of "The Legend of Luke" and an autographed copy of "The Taggerung." I have all the redwall books except for the kiddie ones [The Great Redwall Feast, A Redwall Winter something-or-other] I wanna get those, 'cuz those are coolies too.
August 16th, 2002, 02:23 AM
Mobius Paradox
August 16th, 2002, 03:08 PM
Ain't nothing better than curling up in a blanket underneath a tree on a summer evening reading a Redwall book and sipping tea, I'll tell ya that right now.
August 19th, 2002, 06:12 AM
Has anyone read the Dark Future series?
It contains such things as assassin nuns, the popes very own brand of condom (Called "The Swiss Guards"), one very eveil cult leader trying to destroy the world and an insane mass murderer obsessed with the Warner Brothers Cartoons.
And in the last book the only people who can save the world are the aforementioned nun, a chauvinist police officer, a mercenary, an 18 year old biker gang leader and... Elvis.
No I wasn't making any of that up.
August 24th, 2002, 10:17 PM
I'm reading The Lord of The Rings, including "The Hobbit". I've completed "The Hobbit" and half of "The Fellowship..." after 1 week. I'm not much of a reader so this is certainly a first for me ;). I hope to be done with "The Fellowship.." by Wednesday. I'm debating if I should read "The Two Towers" before the movie since it would be nice going into a sequel unspoiled.
I'm looking into Stephen R. Donaldson's "The Gap Cycle" and "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" after he came highly recommended by Sho. Considering my hecktick schedule, I don't think this will come to pass, but we'll see ;).
Chris B
August 25th, 2002, 02:21 AM
last thing i read was the silmarillion which i finished within one week. was well worth it, indeed.
and now i'm reading in a book about medieval clothig, armouring, weaponary and the like (questions about that can be directed at me ;))
usually i don#t tend to read novels - did so when i was younger but in the last few years i only read about art, art-groups, etc.. got more than 2000 pages of text concerning the bauhaus alone. not counting dutch De Stijl.
Chris B
August 25th, 2002, 02:23 AM
oh mike, the two towers are likely to be quite different in the movie. as i have heard they want to/have change/d some essential stuff.
so i would propose to watch it first and read it afterwards. perhaps even after the return of the king-movie.
if you can wait that long...
August 25th, 2002, 10:01 PM
It has been ages since I was last graced by your presence XmESs, I'm glad to see national service has passed without event :D.
I've heard the Simarillion is like reading a bible. It's dense and full of names that simply don't retain the mind. So I'm not terribly encouraged to check it out, but I probably will sometime or another. It's probably one of those things that should have been read initially, although I doubt I could appreciate it without some groundwork to place it in.
Chris B
August 26th, 2002, 02:09 AM
i have been offline for about half a year due to reasons out of my control.
but a while ago i returned to put my site back online and see all my old friends
it's acctually easier to read the silmarillion after the lotr simply because you need the "feaver", that infectious desease that you catch, while reading lotr. :farmer:
August 26th, 2002, 06:26 AM
Here's a very hardy welcome back! :D
August 26th, 2002, 06:41 AM
ok revsion on what I'm reading now ;)
Spacecraft 2001 - 2100
Great Space Battles
Star Liners
all by Stuart Cowley.. his Terran Trade Authority Handbooks... great reading and great artwork :)
Chris B
August 26th, 2002, 07:35 AM
thanks, mike :D
August 26th, 2002, 09:20 AM
Where on Earth do you find time to read that many books? :p
August 26th, 2002, 09:30 AM
fast reader ;)
I can go through an average sized paperback in a night..
I can also keep track of about 4 books at a time :)
August 26th, 2002, 09:40 AM
I'm a slow reader. I take about 1.5 minutes per page. But if you calculate in my wandering attention over the span of a reading session, it's probably more like 5 minutes a page ;).
Mobius Paradox
August 27th, 2002, 07:29 PM
currently reading "The Sentinel," a short story collection by Arthur C. Clarke.
August 28th, 2002, 11:23 AM
Let's see....
"The Two Towers"-Tolkein
"Marlfox"-Brian Jacques
"Greetings, Carbon-based Bipeds!"-Arthur C. Clarke
"Cryptonomicon"-Neal Stevenson
"The Diamond Age"-Neal Stevenson
"Tiger Burning Bright"-Mercedes Lackey, etc...
"The Golden Key"-Melanie Rawn
That's not counting the 3D books that I'm going through...
I guess it all depends on what I'm in the mood for at any point as to what I read.
Where on Earth do you find time to read that many books?
It helps that I don't watch television. Ever. :D
September 6th, 2002, 10:46 PM
I'm reading Silver Tower by Dale Brown. sorta a military thriller/scifi book real cool stuff ;)
ooo ooo The Sentinel cool little story ;) was re-written as 2001 hehehe
ooo ooo anything by Niel Stephenson is great too ;)
September 26th, 2002, 12:49 PM
time for an update ;)
reading right now...
The Time Machine
The War of the Worlds
The First Men in the Moon
all by one of the masters of SF :) HG Wells
waiting my attention -
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
The Lost World and other stories...
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