View Full Version : "Kansas"

January 8th, 2003, 09:46 PM
This is the official review thread for the beginning of the final stretch for our beloved Farscape. So lets put our hearts and minds into this one and savour every minute of it.

Our UK friends and cheaters should feel free to vote and comment! :D

January 8th, 2003, 10:10 PM
Here's a review from Farscape World. Take a look at the "Did you know" section at the end, very useful!


January 10th, 2003, 09:20 AM
Eight hours to go! I'm so excited! :D

Want to hear something creepy?

McClure597 (12:18:37): Dude!
McClure597 (12:18:44): Less than eight hours!
McClure597 (12:18:52): HOLY CRAP!
Ccatterson1 (12:18:53): frell yeah baby
McClure597 (12:18:59): The FarScape theme just came up in my playlist!
McClure597 (12:19:02): Just as I said that!
McClure597 (12:19:04): That's uncanny!
Ccatterson1 (12:19:09): nice

:wtf: :cool:

January 10th, 2003, 12:45 PM

January 10th, 2003, 04:14 PM
Less than one hour to go? DId anyone else but me notice SFC"s lineup tonight? Farscape comes on at 8pm, then Stargate, Tracker (I don't even know what this is) Stargate and FINALLY Farscape again.... WHY they put Stargate ahead of Farscpe late night is beyond me. 8 pm is early.. and midnight is almost too late... Us old folks can't stay up that late after working all week. ;)

January 10th, 2003, 04:43 PM
I noticed. Kind of strange. I tape it anyway, you can't get everything in only one viewing.
Tracker is a bounty hunter show from 2001. I'm not sure if it has aired here before, there seems to be fans at scifi.com that are happy about it.

January 10th, 2003, 06:07 PM

Holy crap, that was great! I have to see it a few more times to really figure out my thoughts on specifics, but DAMN! :D I loved the end, too. That was just...DAMN! :D

January 10th, 2003, 07:26 PM
I LOVED it!! It was exellent to see our gang on 80's earth! :) I taped it as well and plan on watching it all weekend. :bounce: (Oh, I have my Farcape T shirt on too)

Farscape Fanatic

January 10th, 2003, 10:25 PM
WOW!! It was soooo cool!!

Crichton So rocks!! I can't believe it's already jumping in to "to be continued".........I love those :D

January 11th, 2003, 12:18 AM
Now do you see what I mean by an excellent way to start off considering the current situation?

While this ep was definetely important to the overall arc, you don't really need that much knowledge of the Scarrens, Peacekeepers, etc to really understand what was going on because it was fairly self-explanatory... not to mention it taking place in a familar environment... namely, Earth.

So new viewers can enjoy it and still get hooked by the "to be continued" at the end... if I didn't know better, I'd almost say they planned it this way! ;)

Captain Zefram Mann
January 11th, 2003, 12:19 AM
What can I say. This series is beautiful. How could I even do it justice. Okay, maybe there was a weak point or two, but it kicked the crap out of even LEXX's arrival on Earth for hillairity. Chiana going out and "greeting" people, as cheap a laugh as it was, worked well. Oh, and Aeryn continuing her English studies with Kermit the Frog? Priceless. Oh, and how can anyone overlook a sugar-buzzed Rygel carving that scorpy-lantern? :D

Definately a 9 out of 10.

January 11th, 2003, 01:54 PM

I haven't laughed so hard at a Farscape episode ever since "Revenging Angel". :D I even got an old buddy of mine that doesn't like farscape to watch it when it re-aired. He was laughing his ass off at Rygel. :D

January 11th, 2003, 04:23 PM
How funny is it that Chiana was Crichtons first? hehehehe

As soon he was asking her name and she said Karen I knew what was going to happen! hahahah

January 11th, 2003, 05:11 PM
It totally makes sense if you think about it, tho :D

Captain Zefram Mann
January 11th, 2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Kakaze
How funny is it that Chiana was Crichtons first? hehehehe

As soon he was asking her name and she said Karen I knew what was going to happen! hahahah

HEE! I didn't get that one on the first viewing. That's an example of a time travel bit done right. :D

January 12th, 2003, 06:20 PM
I've had the oportunity to see this a couple more times. :) Everything fell into place in this ep. Crihton was meant to come back to the eighties.. Did anyone notice hat his Dad was watching the adult Crihton as he was leaving? THere was a look of recognition in his eyes.. I think he knew who it was. That is why he pushed Johnny to much to follow in his footsteps.. He knew or suspected... ANd he had now had 17 years to think back on that day.....

January 13th, 2003, 12:25 PM

I loved it and I also thought it was very accessible to first time viewers. My mom had never seen the series and watched the tape of it and liked it. D'Argo's 4 words were great: "yes, no, Bite me" LMAO. I was still laughing hours later when I would think of different scenes.

January 13th, 2003, 02:11 PM
The look on the kids faces when Rygel moved was PRICELESS! :D

January 13th, 2003, 06:02 PM
This episode was a blast, I have never laughed so much at any Farscape episode. Farscape is SOOOO much fun, its genuinely funny. There is no deadpan humor in Farscape. The punchlines stem from their established relationships and characterizations. That's exactly why fans of Farscape are so fortunate, we can appreciate the efforts put into making this show real for all of us.

The energy in Farscape is hard to ignore, the way this episode crams our eyes and ears with stuff is testament to that. I love that richness in details and the kinetics of the characters. They are able to fit a very big story into just one episode. Of course it will continue on next week, but the episode still had a solid beginning and end. And notice how, unlike Enterprise, each character has a full experience in this episode? This is NOT lazy filmmaking gentlemen!

My favorite moments *and there are many* include Aeryn's TV watching, especially when it came to "s..S! This girl is slow!". And then there is Aeryn's Cher outfit :eek:. And John was looking sharp in those blue jeans, Kakaze must have some thoughts on that ;).

There were weaknesses in this episode that actually left me contemplating its overall effect on me. I'm affraid I just didn't follow the plan to prevent Dad from going up in the Challenger. The solution wasn't very interesting and a little convulted. In the end, I had to ask, why does this matter and why spend an episode on it? I imagine my answer will come next episode, but as it stands it just didn't matter to me. The episode was much more entertaining while they were plotting and goofing off, the climax actually interupted the fun and that's not a good thing.

And I'm affraid they didn't spend enough time developing Mom. We're suppose to feel for her but beyond her fantasy appearance in "Won't Get Fooled Again", she was a fairly incomplere pressence here. Actually, she was depicted kinda as a loonie with the Taro card obsession. I guess I just wanted more pay-off with the "Casper the frieking joke" scenes. The scene had a substantial pay-off at the end if you had seen "Won't Get Fooled Again", but otherwise I wanted more in the episode. They hinted at it with Dad's mistreatment of her, so hopefully they'll pick up on those tensions again.

Other issues, the inept cops kinda irked me. And there were a few other contrivances that irked me, such as the trick-or-treaters walking into the backdoor in broad-day-light of an abandoned drug-house. But of course, the pay-off was hilarious ;).

Overall, an episode that was a lot of fun but not as solid as I was hoping for.

January 16th, 2003, 09:59 AM
It's Thursday, which means voting on the episode rating is officially closed! The results are below and also available at the usual place at The Official 3DG FarScape Forums Episode Ratings Guide (http://www.mcc3d.com/farscape).

"Kansas" is the 2nd-hightest rated episode of season four so far, coming in behind "Promises", with a rating of 9.08. 13 people voted on "Kansas," exceeding both the seasonal average and seasonal peak for number of voters. The Median and Mode ratings for this episode were an even 9. This episode raised the seasonal average of 7.62 by a 0.12 points to 7.74. The average number of voters for the season remains unchanged at 10.

Straight Stats
Overall Avg. Rating: 9.08
Number of Voters: 13
Current Ranking: 2
Season Avg. Rating: 7.74
Season Avg. Voters: 10

Enjoy! :)

EDIT: Woops! Excel was being deceptive and not showing me the correct number of digits! Ratings overview updated.