June 9th, 2003, 04:47 PM
Okay, it's not really a discussion, its really a treasure hunt to help me get the best Christmas Present. I was recently asking my mum what film made her weep or well up, and she told me of this one film.
Now, I've searched the internet and I can order it from America on their NTSC version (which I'd rather not get, if possible.) What I'm after it is on PAL. The film is "Kid For Two Farthings", its an old one. If anyone finds it, could you please let me know, and I'll pay for whatever costs and a little bit for finding it as well. Please help me, it'll be great if I could find a copy of it (a GOOD copy) for my Mother!
Now, I've searched the internet and I can order it from America on their NTSC version (which I'd rather not get, if possible.) What I'm after it is on PAL. The film is "Kid For Two Farthings", its an old one. If anyone finds it, could you please let me know, and I'll pay for whatever costs and a little bit for finding it as well. Please help me, it'll be great if I could find a copy of it (a GOOD copy) for my Mother!