View Full Version : Hello

April 5th, 2006, 06:00 PM
Hi all,

Just thought i'd introduce myself, I'm hopefully not just here for 5 posts and a download either.

I've recently (whilst at Uni) become interested in 3D modelling and computer art work. Something I stumbled upon when trying to create a short film and needing a spaceship to fly by a planet. All I can say is thank god for lens flares as they did a good job hiding the final model I made.

It's not something I fully understand and dare say something I will probably never fully understand, I have managed to make a few semi decent renders using other peoples models that have been available for download here and there online.

Hopefully over the coming months while I have a bit more time I will be able to pick up a few modelling techniques and be able to post my own creations here for your comments.

Well i'm starting to go on a bit now, but just to say hi, and i'm enjoying looking through the gallery and posts you've got here.

Darrell Lawrence
April 5th, 2006, 09:03 PM
Welcome. Best help comes from posting your work for others to see. Then they are able to give pointers/suggestions/ideas :)

Which, of course, is what this site is about ;)

April 6th, 2006, 07:09 AM

That sounds like a good plan, i'm working on a Star Trek scene and animation at the moment, should hopefully have them done in a couple of days at the present rate, I'll look forward to some feedback.

April 6th, 2006, 08:15 AM
welcome MFXUK:) .... I love to see Trek pictures .. a recent new comer to 3d myself I enjoy seeing others work also ....

what prog do you use ?

April 6th, 2006, 10:08 AM
I've been using blender to play with i'm now begining to get into Max which is what i've been shown in uni. I've had a go with Poser which also seems a lot of fun so at the moment i've not really chosen a program to use myself its only what i've been shown.