View Full Version : [Poser] new STO uniforms ?

April 23rd, 2006, 05:20 AM
Bonjour from France :alien:

I was wondering if there is existing poser files on new designed Starfleet uniforms for the future online game : Star Trek Online ? (reference pic (http://startrek.perpetual.com/images/gallery/concepts/large/1.gif) )

I need to illustrate a new fr website on this game, and i have Poser 6, but don't have skills to design them... :tongue:

Any solution (free or commercial) ?

Tx in advance,


(and i hope my English is not too bad)

edit : in devs gallery we can also find that pic (http://startrek.perpetual.com/sto_gallery_char.html)
Perhaps it could help to produce Poser things (?)

Darrell Lawrence
April 23rd, 2006, 05:56 AM
Huh. Never seen those before.

They look to have the 7 of 9/T'Pol influence- Skin tight. Ugh ;)