Mike Wright
September 27th, 2006, 04:56 PM
Wow, haven't posted here in a while. :)
How is everyone doing these days?
Me, I've been through a number of life altering events... (college graduation, marriage, several near-death encounters, a number of lifestyle changes...) I guess I've been nostalgic today. Got to thinking about the old days, and I'm thinking about writing up a tribute/post history of Scifi-Art and the old Mesh making communities from the late 90s, early 2000. Possibly might put something on Wikipedia, since they've got the whole history of Something Awful there but nothing about us.
But history is never great when its written from one perspective. I've only got a few of the chat logs from way back, and none of the emails, and I'm curious if any of the old timers that might still be around do. Or if anyone is interesting in participating. Maybe throw in some recollections, some "where you are now" stories.
Anyway, if anyone is interested, throw me an email. michaelwright@taylorengr.com
But anyway, nice to see the old place is still around. :)
How is everyone doing these days?
Me, I've been through a number of life altering events... (college graduation, marriage, several near-death encounters, a number of lifestyle changes...) I guess I've been nostalgic today. Got to thinking about the old days, and I'm thinking about writing up a tribute/post history of Scifi-Art and the old Mesh making communities from the late 90s, early 2000. Possibly might put something on Wikipedia, since they've got the whole history of Something Awful there but nothing about us.
But history is never great when its written from one perspective. I've only got a few of the chat logs from way back, and none of the emails, and I'm curious if any of the old timers that might still be around do. Or if anyone is interesting in participating. Maybe throw in some recollections, some "where you are now" stories.
Anyway, if anyone is interested, throw me an email. michaelwright@taylorengr.com
But anyway, nice to see the old place is still around. :)