View Full Version : Quicksuits ... for making clothes!

March 2nd, 2011, 09:34 PM
Finally, found a link for a whole bunch of quicksuits :-)

They are meant to be used as a starter for creating clothes.
They must NOT be used to create any form of "competitive" product against that which they were created for.
For eg. the quicksuit for M4 is only to be used to create clothing for M4.


On the same site are also some starter quicksuits for dresses.

n.b. If you haven't already, download any of the free people characters over at Daz3d while they are still free. Some have been pulled and more will be soon enough ... so nab 'em while they're still free!


another Quicksuit for M4 exists here:

This one must be changed at least 30% before releasing it as either free or commerical ... and smoothing doesn't count!




mesh for a jacket and pants: "unrestricted use" ....



"unrestricted use" but you are to make significant changes.





















include Hexagon files!
"unrestricted use" but you are to make significant changes.






For these READ the readmes!


Okay now ... let's see some new clothes!!! :zorro:

March 2nd, 2011, 11:25 PM
cool links.. these will be useful.

anything that you build yourself .. you can load it here to the Downloads area....

I working on a project that I can make use of some of these :)

March 4th, 2011, 02:12 PM
cool links.. these will be useful.

anything that you build yourself .. you can load it here to the Downloads area....

I working on a project that I can make use of some of these :)

Eventually, it's possible.

Of the Daz characters which are people using in their Scifi projects.
M4 and V4
M3 and V3
or ???
Anybody using either one of the "Freak" characters?

By the by, Textures for Uhura are available on sharecg.com now too. They're to compliment Werts' morph of her.

March 31st, 2011, 04:17 PM
Hmmm ... okay well this thread certainly isn't exactly overflowing with response soooo....

I've made my own list of what I hope to be making over the next while ... it'll be a surprize ... most of all for me if any of these projects of mine actually work ;-)

April 1st, 2011, 04:40 AM
I would like to see more Daz users here and been active too....... hopefully they will join soon and add to our merry band :)

April 1st, 2011, 10:23 AM
I've been thinking of trying Daz Studio, I'll do that after I upgrade my Windows partition to Windows 7 (which should occur in the near future.) It seems like a cool 3D modeling program and it's free, so I'll give it a whirl after I do that upgrade. :) I'm also going to try the latest Bryce, which is also free and made by Daz Productions Inc.

April 1st, 2011, 03:34 PM
Daz Studio 4 is out in beta ... so might want to download D/S 3 (yes 3) while it's still available. From what I've been reading there's a big difference or 2 between 3 and 4. As I have paid for 3, I'm staying with 3.
It's not a "modeling" program. It's for combining already created models in scenes, rendering them out as stills or animations.

All content will not work between 3 and 4.

Bryce 7 is free for personal use ... and it's a great program for creating some really neat backgrounds. Can also convert some 3ds files into object files.

April 1st, 2011, 09:44 PM
Thanks for the information. I'll have to check out Daz 3. I want to learn character animation and I figure a program designed specifically for that is a great place to start. Plus, I know it can use Poser models and there are a lot of Poser characters available. :)

April 2nd, 2011, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the information. I'll have to check out Daz 3. I want to learn character animation and I figure a program designed specifically for that is a great place to start. Plus, I know it can use Poser models and there are a lot of Poser characters available. :)

It's fun ... there is a learning curve to it ... esp. for figuring out where/how/? to load the figures, get their clothes on and their hair and their skin and their ....
And yes, there's tons of free and inexpensive Poser content available for it.

Also for animation, you'll need to use a video editing program that can work with .avi files or a whole lot of pics.
The animations are rendered in "pieces/parts" in D/S and then need to be joined together, add special transitions, etc in the video editing program.

There's a free video editor that works with several file types (.avi is free, for some of the camera file types there's a small charge for the codex BUT there is a free trial so you can be sure it'll work with whatever your camera produces] called Videospin.

It worked well enough for me that I purchased the full Pinnacle program.


Okay now, so I had an hour to play with one of these quicksuits ... uvmapping is not finished nor is it rigged or anything and it'll be a few weeks at the earliest before I have much time to finish this ... so we'll call it a WIP. Which may or not ever get finished ;-)

April 3rd, 2011, 02:30 AM
cool ,,, this is interesting as your approach to work on these suits ..... show more please

April 3rd, 2011, 09:21 AM
Yeah, that does look cool so far. Is the checkered pattern for UV mapping?

April 4th, 2011, 08:52 AM
Yeah, that does look cool so far. Is the checkered pattern for UV mapping?

Yes, the checkered pattern is used in uvmapping. Basic concept is to have "nice neat" rows of squares ;-)
Eventually the checkered map gets replaced with the texture for the outfit. However before I make that I'll be wanting to rig the shirt so M4 can "wear" it.

April 4th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Thanks for this list, catherine. I've just started trying to model some things, and while I think I'll get warmed up on some static props to start with, clothing is on the horizon.

April 4th, 2011, 06:11 PM
Thanks for this list, catherine. I've just started trying to model some things, and while I think I'll get warmed up on some static props to start with, clothing is on the horizon.


Yes starting off with some prop items is certainly a good way to start ... at least it was for me too. Some clothing items can be props as well, such as "rings", hats, etc. The main thing to watch for with clothing props is that they're basically restricted to one "bone area" of a figure so you can parent it to that one bone for moving it with the figure.

Also: download any/all of the quicksuits you could possibly be interested in having while they are still available. We do not have permission to redistribute these "as is".

April 4th, 2011, 06:12 PM
cool ,,, this is interesting as your approach to work on these suits ..... show more please

I will when there's more to be seen ;-)

April 5th, 2011, 01:15 AM
I will when there's more to be seen ;-)

Good enough ;)

April 6th, 2011, 07:30 AM
Was merrily uvmapping this, took a break to start the grouping for rigging ... horrible discovery, FACES have vanished!!! Actually "gone invisible" ... can still pick the plane and extract from it, so they're still there somehow but they are supposed to be visible, nice white planes ... all I'm seeing is a wiremesh (and no that's not the setting I use) so ... arrrgghhh. Have posted a query in the Hexagon forum and hopefully all is not lost but there goes the day.

If anybody knows "why", or even better "how to get them back" ... feel free to share the knowledge here. Ta.


April 6th, 2011, 09:33 AM
could the faces be flipped ??

April 6th, 2011, 10:08 AM
^^ Not knowing anything about your software, that's the best thing I can come up with also. Is there a "flip all faces" command anywhere? If there is, it might be worth a shot to hit it and see what happens.

April 6th, 2011, 11:23 AM
Hexagon 2.something

Found a file that was "half" invisible ... the file before I applied any uvmap was all looking whitish as per my settings.

BTW - when I tried to make some more line around the neck and cuffs, was getting an error message that it couldn't, something about "manifold" whatever that means.

AFAIK - the only think I can flip in Hexagon are the textures on export.