View Full Version : HYPERION by Dan Simmons

September 2nd, 2001, 02:53 PM
In January, I finally read all four Hyperion books by Dan Simmons. I was stunned. The books are huge, and packed with all sorts of different ideas. Take a little religion and throw in an 18th century poet reincarnated along with some AI and a killing machine made of razors that can shift through time and you have a really great book ... correction, series of books.

The Fall of Hyperion
The Rise of Endymion

The first was published in 1991 and the last was published in '97. I loved 'em all.

Anyone else read these?

September 6th, 2001, 11:11 PM
Okay, maybe not quite, but he's a great author. My one gripe is that I wish he would write more SF. His recent thrillers don't live up to Hyperion or his best work, imho, Carrion Comfort (a psuedo horror, thriller, fantasy, political novel). I've found that whenever I lend my Simmons books to friends, they always come back and complain to me about the lack of sleep they've gotten as a result.


September 7th, 2001, 11:22 AM
Sweet. :)

Did they have troulbe getting past the first chapter of Hyperion too?

I did, and the friend I loaned it to is still stuck after several months.