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Guardian Of Paradise
September 7th, 2001, 10:46 PM
I read the synopsis of this book and thought I'd pass it by. On a whim, I picked one up, and I am presently shocked.


This is a cross between X-Men, and Quantum Leap. Basically, each character has done something, or something has been done to them, that threw a multiple realities out of whack, sort of like a dimensional ripple. A "time broker" has assembled a team that is basically a group of people that is either dead, or going to be executed, and given them the task of setting things right. They succeed, and he'll transplant them to a stable dimension... they fail, they die.

The assembled eXiles are...

Blink: Pseudo-leader, and the most popular character to come out of the Age of Apocalypse.

Magnus: Rogue and Magneto's son in another reality. Has magnetic powers and turns people to steel when he comes into skin to skin contact.

Thunderbird: The original survived in another reality as an essential part of the X-Men, and was mutated into one of Apocalypse's Horsemen, but earned his freedom later. He's haunted by his own actions.

Morph: Not the AoA one, but another who went from New Mutant, to X-Man, to Avenger.

Nocturne: Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch's daughter. She has make shift hex-bolts, low psionics, and can "bamf" into people's bodies, to control them for about 12 hrs maximum.

Mimic: In his reality, not only did he stick with the X-Men, but he was their leader. Kept a sample of all their powers (including Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, etc) and uses them at will, at half their original strength.

Magnus has already sacrificed his life, and was replaced by the new Sunfire... not Shiro Yashida, but another dimension's version... his cousin (and killed in the "normal" reality) Lady Mariko Yashida.

It's a fun series. Kind of like an ongoing What If, with the first four issues being going to a world where super-powered beings are killed or locked up, and another world where Dark Phoenix survived her trial in the Moon's "Blue Area".

The team characters, with the exception of Sunfire and Thunderbird, have an almost campy-teen feel. Morph especially is entertaining, using his powers in a very cartoony fashion, and quiping every couple minutes.

This book isn't for all, but it's a good read, at least.

September 7th, 2001, 11:53 PM
Ya know I think there are some costumes I wish that would become popular in real life.....:eek:

Guardian Of Paradise
September 20th, 2001, 07:44 PM
It would appear that the eXiles next adventure is to stop a rampaging gamma monster that stomped his way over... and on the Thing
