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cloudwkr55 February 14th, 2009 01:05 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hi all, I'm CK.
I guess I'm the newbie here on all counts. I've been primarily a paper & pencil guy :blink: most of my life but have just recently stepped into the 3d world as a hobbyist.
My stumbling blocks (or if you prefer - apps) of choice are DAZ studio / Poser and PSP (ok so I went from paper & pencil to tablet & stylus :laugh:).
When I grow up I'd love to be able to model something that doesn't look like a stack of legos! :laugh::laugh:

gmd3d February 14th, 2009 01:50 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Welcome aboard 3DG ..

Fretslayer February 14th, 2009 08:54 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hello there cloudwkr55 and like Taranis said, Welcome aboard.

So, you're a fellow Dazaholic?
Cool. :)

How long have you been doing the CG thing?
Do you do any modeling? (no, not that kind - CG modeling! :laugh:)

This site is a great site because we have people here who use just about every CG program you can imagine and they're all friendly and cool enough to answer questions and provide help. It's a good bunch here.

I use Daz Carrara Pro 6 and 7, Hexagon 2, Poser 7 (but not that often), 3dSMax, Lightwave, ZBrush, Deep Exploration (for mesh conversions) and Adobe After Effects.

I am a better animator than I am a modeler but I'm cutting my teeth in Lightwave's Modeler at the moment so I can have a bigger bag of tricks.

Anyway, if you have any questions just fire away and somebody around here will be able to help.

Welcome to the site and all of that good stuff.:thumbup:

Oh I just noticed that you did mention modeling - sorry, I'm a man with a monkey's brain. LOL!

Here's a bit of real advice then... Once you get one of the apps that psycoderek mentioned, head on over to YouTube and see if you can find any tutorials that go with it. I did it with Lightwave and and went from not being able to model anything (no joke!) to building my own BSG Viper.

psycoderek February 14th, 2009 09:08 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Welcome aboard. For a 3D model app try Blender or truespace. there are links here to pick them up free of charge.

Also the members here can give you loads of help to get started. don't give up. My lego looks cool with a good colour scheme on it.lol

cloudwkr55 February 16th, 2009 01:21 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Thanks for the welcome all!

I've been experimenting with DAZ for about a year... only seriously for a few months now.
Since you brought up modelling and DAZ, may be you can help with directing me to an app that is most compatible with DAZ.

I've downloaded a couple of apps already, including the ones Psychoderek listed, but I really want to be able to spend the time learning the ins and outs of one system really well rather than experiment only to find out later that it doesn't work well with DAZ.

Thanks in advance for any advice!:D

(EDIT: FYI, I posted this on the Help Forum earlier, sorry about the redundancy... I should check for replies once in a while...:nervous:)

gmd3d February 16th, 2009 03:16 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
some time we can take a while to answer ..we all have Real Life to deal with to ..

I am thinking of starting a new contest Modelling or Art. Don't know yet. So I hope well see all the participants who joined that last one and some new members too will be welcome.

Fretslayer February 16th, 2009 06:55 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
@ Taranis - Contests are cool. I enjoyed the last one even though I had no chance. :)

@ cloudwkr55 - I didn't see your question in the help thread but then again, I've not been around here that much in the last month or so.

Modeling and Daz. This is actually pretty simple really. Any app that will export an OBJ file will work just fine with D|S. Now if you're talking about creating a bone rig then you'll going to have to get a hold of Hexagon. Hexagon is the Daz modeling tool that does the rigging and what not.

I have Hexagon 2 and I can tell you first hand that it's pretty easy to use but I also have the basic grasp of how 3D modeling works. From what I've seen most of the modeling apps work pretty much the same on their basic level so one you understand the fundamentals of how to create an object or rig one in any app, you'll be able to grasp it in the others.

Hexagon 2 has some really nice tutorials that walk you through the building of a generic space creature. It's a good starting point and later if you use ZBrush you'll be used to some of it's features and quirks as Hexagon has them too.

The free apps are still good too. I started off with a free version of Bryce 3D and then GMax. I don't know too much about the apps you've downloaded but I'm willing to wager that you can find some great tuts for them on YouTube.

I hope this helped a bit - feel free to ask anything else you might need to know...except for the meaning of the universe, life and everything. :lol:

cloudwkr55 February 16th, 2009 07:08 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread

Originally Posted by Fretslayer (Post 259882)
Now if you're talking about creating a bone rig then you'll going to have to get a hold of Hexagon. Hexagon is the Daz modeling tool that does the rigging and what not....

I hope this helped a bit - feel free to ask anything else you might need to know...except for the meaning of the universe, life and everything. :lol:

Just so I'm on the same page... can you import Hexagon rigging and textures directly into DAZ without conversion? If so, I'm going to have to take a second look. Also, how well does Hexagon do with UV mapping, if at all?

No worries about the meaning of the universe, life and everything... answer is 42.:laugh:

Thanks again!

Rook3 February 16th, 2009 09:14 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hi Everyone,

Name's 'Rook' on pretty much every forum I frequent. :)

I mainly work in 'reality' and my main hobby is making movie props and costumes, but I've wanted to get "back" into CG/3D work to try and get some projects in my head out onto video.

Mainly I just do simple photo editing with photoshop, I've used Lightwave (poorly) in the past, and I'm just tinkering with DAZ3D and Poser right now. For video editing I use Sony Vegas by choice, elements of Adobe Premier when I must, and FXLab when I need to be creative. :)

Fretslayer February 16th, 2009 11:01 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
@ cloudwkr55 - I'm 99% sure you can rig in Hexagon but I'll go back and make sure of it. I've been doing my character rigging in Carrara Pro 6 and Carrara 7.
At the moment I do 80% of my CG work in Carrara. I think it's a very underrated piece of software. I use Max and Lightwave quite a bit but always come back home to Carrara. If you've not had a chance to check it out I think Daz3D offers a demo.

** I just loaded up my Hexagon and I don't see bones or rigging at the moment.
That doesn't mean it's not there, only that I've not found it. I thought it had the ability.

I can say this though - with Carrara Pro 6 and 7 all you have to do is import your OBJ file, then draw your bones - select the OBJ and then 'add' the bones and BLAM you're done. I am a big fan of Keep It Simple Stupid. LOL!!!

I'll dig deeper into Hexagon and check on the bone thing - I do know there are several chapters/tutorials on creating Poser and D|S clothing and props, which as you know require bones of their own. It make take me a day or two but I'll get back to you on that.

I just found this over at Daz3d.com - It's a plug in for Daz Studio that does character rigging and morph targeting. This may be worth you time if you're doing a lot with D|S or Poser and you don't want to fork out the cash for Carrara.


@ Rook3 - Hello there and welcome aboard. FXLabs? I've used that program too. It's a great piece of software because the results are pretty nice and it has a very intuitive interface. I think it does fantastic laser and lightsabre effects and for anybody working on a tight budget or doesn't have the time to learn the ins and outs of After Effects, it's an awesome program. Obviously I can't say enough good about it. LOL! Nice to see I'm not the only one using it. :) But... I have been teaching myself After Effects because it's a 1000x more badass. :biggrin:

gmd3d February 17th, 2009 01:21 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread

Originally Posted by Rook3 (Post 259886)
Hi Everyone,

Name's 'Rook' on pretty much every forum I frequent. :)

I mainly work in 'reality' and my main hobby is making movie props and costumes, but I've wanted to get "back" into CG/3D work to try and get some projects in my head out onto video.

Mainly I just do simple photo editing with photoshop, I've used Lightwave (poorly) in the past, and I'm just tinkering with DAZ3D and Poser right now. For video editing I use Sony Vegas by choice, elements of Adobe Premier when I must, and FXLab when I need to be creative. :)

you made it Rook .. good to see you here .. now that you have made it I hope we will see some WIPs and Art in the future ..

psycoderek February 17th, 2009 08:54 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Bone rigging in Hexagon is possible but carrara is simpler. It is also possible in Blender and to export ready for Daz. The all in one app of choice for Daz users though has to be carrara. The app was written for that purpose in mind. It is a bit pricey but if you want to rig your models then that's the one to go for. Truespace is also compatible with Daz for rigged models but it's a case of swings and roundabouts. carrara 7 has a direct link to daz studio and many of the other apps available from daz are fully compatible across the board.

Fretslayer February 17th, 2009 09:01 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
I know that rigging in Carrara Pro 6 and Carrara 7 is one of the easiest things I've ever done.

Carrara 7 is also supposed to be able to export into Max and Lightwave but after a few long hours of screwing with it I gave up for a while. Too much headache for me. LOL!

Psycoderek - Would you say the '...swings and roundabouts' with Truespace are anything like the native controls in Daz Stuido or Carrara? I mean as far as how they work with constraints and all. I've not yet messed with Truespace, but now after reading your remark I'm somewhat curious about it.

I wonder if we should have this moved over the 'help' thread before we get flogged.

psycoderek February 17th, 2009 11:19 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Frets, The truespace controls are very similar. Exporting is a headache and may require something like poser for finishing which is why i rekon carrara would be the best app for modelling. I'm still looking at the blender rigging and may need to import in to poser to finish anything off. As far as I know Carrara has all the apps that poser offers as standard for rigging in Daz. Truespace rigging seems simple enough but i have yet tried to complete anything for daz as most of the time I am working in Blender. The Swings and Roundabouts reference is really a throwaway comment that can be taken anywhich way it seems appropriate. Personally I rekon those members who are familliar with Daz/ poser rigging may be more qualified to give a more accurate representation of the best apps for Daz. I am going to struggle on with Blender and see what happens when i get in to rigging movable obj files.

Hope that helps clarify things.

As a post it! The Daz web site and persons more familiar with apps that work with Daz etc will give a better clue to the desired apps for modelling. Poser/ Carrara/ Hexagon etc are all great for working with Daz. I cannot vouch fully for other apps although Truespace bears many similarities with carrara 7 pro.

Fretslayer February 17th, 2009 11:32 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Carrara isn't that friendly with regards to modeling - only tweaking things in the 'modeling' room. I've spent a good bit of time in there and I wouldn't want to use it as a modeling tool.

Poser and D|S/Carrara use a very similar bone rig but the controls are very different in Carrara. I don't know how much time you've spent working in it but it's my app of choice and the figure controls work like spinning a giant hula-hoop that controls the movement in a joint area. You can set it to work with limitations (like your knee only bends one direction (well unless you're in a highspeed accident!)) and there are something like 3-4 different types of movement you can set your control to. Obviously if it's a left/right type of movement you get a 'flat' control as opposed to a 'round one'.

I have always liked Poser but hated their mesh controls.

Carrara Pro 6 and 7 have a ton of excellent tools and their bone rigging has to be the easiest one I've ever used. It's one of the things that got me hooked on the program in the first place.

I think I'd like to have a look at Truespace (after seeing what EG has done with it I'm very curious about it).

As for the Daz forums... It's a crapshoot at best. I've been going there for a long time and when I asked a question about how to get a more photo realistic render (a question regarding image quality) I got answers about how to pose the people. When I clarified what I was asking I got the dipsh!t comment that is now part of my signature.:laugh:

cloudwkr55 February 18th, 2009 06:55 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Thanks Fretslayer and Psycoderek for all the great input. You've given me a lot of options and things to research, I appreciate it.

To avoid any of us getting "flogged" as Fretslayer mentioned earlier, I'm going to ask my follow up question for you guys in my thread in the help forum follow me here:)

muddy_chickn February 27th, 2009 11:06 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Just let me introduce myself...

my name is Humpty
spelled with a ....

Sorry, got carried away there. Actually been a member here for a long while, but just started to produce anything that might be considered renders.

gmd3d February 28th, 2009 07:31 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
welcome aboard .. we all started some where ,, but post what you can and sometimes feedback or comments helps

jayru March 30th, 2009 03:16 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Suppose i should drop in and say "hello" to you one and all...

Been a member for a "few" years now, but only really started posting in the last few days.

Personally I don't think I'm that interesting a person, hence I tend to not drivel on about myself, but hopefully my posts and work will stand for themselves and show that I'm a pretty decent and nice person. Well most of the time :)

gmd3d March 30th, 2009 06:26 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread

Originally Posted by jayru (Post 260446)
Suppose i should drop in and say "hello" to you one and all...

Been a member for a "few" years now, but only really started posting in the last few days.

Personally I don't think I'm that interesting a person, hence I tend to not drivel on about myself, but hopefully my posts and work will stand for themselves and show that I'm a pretty decent and nice person. Well most of the time :)

Welcome again .. :) and welcome aboard .. I would class myself as you have done .. but join in and have a good time and pass what ever time you have and knowledge you want to share.

Like what program do you use
What is you fav subject for modelling etc

what ever ..

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