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Chris B August 26th, 2002 02:09 AM

i have been offline for about half a year due to reasons out of my control.
but a while ago i returned to put my site back online and see all my old friends


it's acctually easier to read the silmarillion after the lotr simply because you need the "feaver", that infectious desease that you catch, while reading lotr. :farmer:

Mike August 26th, 2002 06:26 AM

Here's a very hardy welcome back! :D

Kai August 26th, 2002 06:41 AM

ok revsion on what I'm reading now ;)

Spacecraft 2001 - 2100
Great Space Battles
Star Liners

all by Stuart Cowley.. his Terran Trade Authority Handbooks... great reading and great artwork :)

Chris B August 26th, 2002 07:35 AM

thanks, mike :D

Mike August 26th, 2002 09:20 AM

Where on Earth do you find time to read that many books? :p

Kai August 26th, 2002 09:30 AM

fast reader ;)
I can go through an average sized paperback in a night..
I can also keep track of about 4 books at a time :)

Mike August 26th, 2002 09:40 AM

I'm a slow reader. I take about 1.5 minutes per page. But if you calculate in my wandering attention over the span of a reading session, it's probably more like 5 minutes a page ;).

Mobius Paradox August 27th, 2002 07:29 PM

currently reading "The Sentinel," a short story collection by Arthur C. Clarke.

Crossbow August 28th, 2002 11:23 AM

Let's see....
"The Two Towers"-Tolkein
"Marlfox"-Brian Jacques
"Greetings, Carbon-based Bipeds!"-Arthur C. Clarke
"Cryptonomicon"-Neal Stevenson
"The Diamond Age"-Neal Stevenson
"Tiger Burning Bright"-Mercedes Lackey, etc...
"The Golden Key"-Melanie Rawn

That's not counting the 3D books that I'm going through...
I guess it all depends on what I'm in the mood for at any point as to what I read.


Where on Earth do you find time to read that many books?
It helps that I don't watch television. Ever. :D

FĂ«anor September 6th, 2002 10:46 PM

I'm reading Silver Tower by Dale Brown. sorta a military thriller/scifi book real cool stuff ;)

ooo ooo The Sentinel cool little story ;) was re-written as 2001 hehehe

ooo ooo anything by Niel Stephenson is great too ;)

Kai September 26th, 2002 12:49 PM

time for an update ;)

reading right now...

The Time Machine
The War of the Worlds
The First Men in the Moon

all by one of the masters of SF :) HG Wells

waiting my attention -

Journey to the Center of the Earth
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
The Lost World and other stories...

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