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-   -   Building the Classic USS ENTERPRISE in Lightwave (now released) (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=23536)

gmd3d December 6th, 2011 02:49 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
where the model stands now

evil_genius_180 December 6th, 2011 09:40 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
That looks great, dude. :D

gmd3d December 6th, 2011 12:17 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Thanks Chris .... you know better than many so that is high praise :)

Auditor December 7th, 2011 07:35 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Looks great.

gmd3d December 8th, 2011 01:16 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Thanks....... I have another chapter to go I think and that will be it,,
I also need to re edit it

gmd3d December 24th, 2011 03:51 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Update: the model is finished after a year and one month.
the tutorial is not yet finished.

You can see updates on my new blog

This is the first time I have finished this design and I an very happy with it.... I think its one of my best

evil_genius_180 December 24th, 2011 03:53 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Looking great, bro. I have Lightwave 10 now and I can't wait to try out this tutorial. :)

gmd3d December 24th, 2011 04:03 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
It uses only the basic tool for LW Chris...... LW should have no trouble at all.

VK08 who is a super Lightwave modeller (leaves me standing when it come to modelling has been proofreading as I work and speaks well of the tutorial as it stands.)

I have a few more things to do with it before its ready.

Starship December 26th, 2011 04:27 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave

Originally Posted by Taranis (Post 266587)
self, my finance's have not been rosy for over a year now as I have had little work.

But I am not talking about a lot of money either, I have never sold a tut before (and I need to find out if I even can with copy-write law. I don´t want Paramount breeding down my neck) lol. I talking about $30.00

But is I can sell it as a teaching aid, its a year of work,
working things out for new modellers with no additional plug-ins used to make it easier.

I have practically have relearned lightwave from the ground up
and I have learned things that have caused me problems at
the beginning.

If there is a problem with me selling it, it will be released as before free. I will do something else, tutorial wise that will give me the freedom to earn some much needed cash.

Hope that the finances ballance keeps better in the new year.

About seeling the tut, I don´t think you´ll have a problem. You won´t sell the Enterprise, but a tutorial focused on Lightwave in which you explain the use of the tools of that application. The Enterprise is just a sample. ;)
There are tuts like this out there: http://simplylightwave.com/lightwave...and-texturing/, which costs U$ 39.00.
So, U$ 30.00 isn´t that much. Maybe you can announce your tut in the same site I posted above. Good luck! ;)

gmd3d December 26th, 2011 05:50 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Yes I agree and that around the price I will be selling it for.

I have forgotten that site thanks ...... I will look into that.

I need to look into the texturing too, but I will stencil the registry to finish the modelling segment and then the textures.

Starship December 27th, 2011 05:04 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
About textures, Fabio Passaro has an old, but still usefull tut in his site. ;)

gmd3d December 28th, 2011 01:00 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
I have forgotten fabio´s site ...... thanks

gmd3d December 28th, 2011 01:04 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
with the name and reg modelled


evil_genius_180 December 28th, 2011 01:35 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Great stuff. Did you use one of the "Airborne" fonts?

gmd3d December 29th, 2011 01:50 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 266801)
Great stuff. Did you use one of the "Airborne" fonts?

Yes indeed. from Charles Casimiro site.

thanks :)

gmd3d December 29th, 2011 02:07 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Some more images, new angles and still no textures everything is modelled.


evil_genius_180 December 29th, 2011 09:04 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
She's looking awesome, bro. You're modeling all of the right stuff, IMO. Now you can get as close to the hull markings as you want and you won't lose quality, like you do with textures. :)

Starship December 29th, 2011 09:33 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Looks EXCELLENT Ger! Really a beauty!

About the bussards, I suggest you to look the tutorial made by Madkoi. ;)

About textures, I pointed Fabio´s site cause he is a Lightwave user, as you, but the old Scifi-art has a good tut too, therefore foccused on Studio Max. ;)

evil_genius_180 December 29th, 2011 09:47 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Texturing is something you really don't want to over think on a ship like this. I've experimented with hull paneling and stuff like that, though it really all looks icky. All you really need are simple maps with some "dirt" on them. I also like to put some very light grid lines on mine, in an attempt to mimic the look of the ship after someone drew them on (sometime around season two.) But, those are just my personal thoughts on this.

For the bussards: textures. ;)

gmd3d December 29th, 2011 10:01 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Yeah I am looking at simple textures for the ship...... I never liked what they did to the model in the Smithsonian.

So I am experimenting with some ideas...... I like it to be subtle as possible.

I will check out those links Starship, thanks again

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