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moovok March 15th, 2003 12:31 PM


Originally posted by McC

Well, it certainly seemed to me like that's what she was going off to do :tongue: And it wasn't stated explicitly, no, but it was heavily implied.

I didn't think it was heavily implied, since in the entire episode, that was the ONLY mention, her going into it. The rest of the episode, you didn't even hear about it.

But as I say, Wait till the last episode. How do you know she hasn't stopped it? Hmmm...?

Guinan March 16th, 2003 11:27 AM


McC March 16th, 2003 11:32 AM


Originally posted by moovok
But as I say, Wait till the last episode. How do you know she hasn't stopped it? Hmmm...?
I don't. But I prefer to hope for better outcomes rather than worse ones, even on FarScape which is notorious for being cruel to its characters :tongue:

And I really hope that's not an implied spoiler, or I will have to beat you severely.

moovok March 16th, 2003 03:27 PM

Well, all I'm saying is Farscape can really be nasty. Does Aeryn really want a family? You've got one more episode left. Everything could happen within the next 45 minutes (baring adverts for you Americans).

McC March 16th, 2003 03:30 PM

Of course, FarScape's trademark is being nasty ;) Look at the S3 ender. "You have got to be kidding me..." END. What?! No! I want to know what happens! That was just mean ;) All I'm saying is that I'm being hopeful, because hope is one of the themes of FarScape (well, not because of that alone, but you know what I mean). I'm also saying don't make implied spoilers about subsequent episodes that haven't aired yet :tongue:

And no, UK airings don't count! :D

moovok March 16th, 2003 07:53 PM

Hey, you said it. I was just telling you to consider the possibilities that Aeryn isn't human. If you can say "well, she's made the baby start the process", I can at least tell you that there's a possibility that she might have terminated it.

I could also state that its possible that Aeryn may not be Aeryn we know, or love. But again, only saying.

I would never intentionally spoil ANYTHING for anyone, without a spoiler bracket, but since I'm only letting you consider the possibilities, that isn't exactly spoiling it, nor is it not spoiling it, its just giving you possible outcomes you might have not considered fully.


Vertigo1 March 16th, 2003 11:23 PM

Guys, lets get back to THIS episode shall we? Save the 4x22 discussion for the other thread if you don't mind. Have some respect for those that haven't seen the episode yet.

McC March 16th, 2003 11:44 PM

Exactly, for those of us who haven't seen it! :) I'm among those people, Vertigo.

Arrghman March 17th, 2003 08:23 AM

Vert, no one's talking about events that happened in 4x22... only possibilities :)

Artemis March 17th, 2003 01:22 PM

I too thought Aeryn was going into the medical bay to do something in regards to the baby, but I figured trying to guess what is pointless. This is Farscape, they never do the expected and each episode is creating more questions that I'm afraid they won't answer next week.

McC March 17th, 2003 01:24 PM

DK has promised that the story will get told, somehow. I'm confident that they will find a way. And I can wait, because FarScape is that special.

Mike March 17th, 2003 02:24 PM

David has said that he will not release a book a.) because he doesn't believe publisher's will be interested and b.) there is always a possibility that they could tell the story in the appropriate format. Personally, I think it's best to sit on it until the right opportunity arises. Hopefully, before people forget what "Farscape" was ;).

moovok March 17th, 2003 03:43 PM

Remember, Star Trek was taken off the air, and look at that now, its still going. They might, in a few years time, resurrect Farscape, you never know. If DK feels strong enough, he might even have a year's break before telling the Farscape's Season 5 story.

McC March 21st, 2003 11:29 PM

Sorry for the lateness! I got caught up watching the war. Anyway, the voting for last week's episode is complete! The results for this week's ep are below and can also be found at The Official 3DG FarScape Forums Episode Ratings Guide!

"We're So Screwed, Part 3: La Bomba" came in at 9.11, making the "We're So Screwed" series the highest-rated consecutive episode block ever, with each episode receiving a rating above 9. Maintaining the trend of nine, nine people voted on this ep. The Median ratings was 9 while the Mode rating was 10. The seasonal average to this point has increased to 8.16. The average number of voters for the season remains at 11.

Straight Stats
Overall Avg. Rating: 9.11
Number of Voters: 9
Current Ranking: 5
Season Avg. Rating: 8.16
Season Avg. Voters: 11

Enjoy! :)

Lumikko March 27th, 2003 04:07 AM

Another (way) late vote, so *sniff* I don't count again.

(Since I missed the deadline, I just waited until I voted for Bad Timing)

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