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skyhawk223 October 12th, 2004 05:31 AM

It would have to be one of those stinky European cheeses to really count as gourmet.

dfalconet October 12th, 2004 08:43 AM

Yes, that is the Height of moldy cheese. :)

Darrell Lawrence October 12th, 2004 05:54 PM

The Green Bay Packers have been playing like they have moldy cheese on their heads... :(

dfalconet October 12th, 2004 06:25 PM

Oct. 12th:

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh, screeeech, screeeeech!!! Sorry, that's the best frustration scream I can come up with. Not frustrated today. Quite happy actually. :blush:

Where is this day when you really need it?.....................Darlene

skyhawk223 October 13th, 2004 05:34 AM

And the Dolphins have been playing like dead, smelly, rotting fish.

dfalconet October 13th, 2004 09:59 PM

I guess you would need to wear nose plugs if you went to a game between the Packers & Dolphins. Good thing we can only watch it on smellovision! They have special filters and air fresheners. :lol: ................Darlene

General Phoenix October 14th, 2004 12:36 AM

I'm pretty annoyed about that last Packers game myself. I wear a Favre jersey as I type this, but you gotta admit, ole' Brett throws passes with his heart, not his head. Double or triple coverage? No problem!

But I think that Sherman's playcalling is a big part of the problem, too. They always start the game running, but as soon as Green fumbles (and he WILL fumble) all they do is throw, and it's finally starting to haunt them.

Oh, and a defense would be nice, too...

ANYWAY - I think I've steered this thread way too far off topic, so...
[Egocentric Newscaster]

Back to you, Darlene...

[/Egocentric Newscaster]

General Phoenix October 14th, 2004 12:37 AM

BTW, I'm sorry to say that I won't be participating in "Bald and Free Day" today.

But my father will be. *L*

dfalconet October 14th, 2004 08:47 AM

Okay, as long as it's all in the family. Your father can be bald and you can be free. :cool-sm: (or will it be the other way around?) Just be careful about it..................Darlene

skyhawk223 October 15th, 2004 05:41 AM

I chose to celebrate National Dessert Day yesterday. Made up a batch of mint ice cream with some cocoa mix and green food coloring. It came out the color of the Hulk, but no matter. The taste is what I was after. The mint levels might be a bit high for some, but that's the beauty of making your own ice cream. Custom flavors.

dfalconet October 15th, 2004 07:37 PM

Yummy! If you ever make vanilla cherry nut, please invite me over to share. :drool:

dfalconet October 15th, 2004 08:59 PM

Oct 16th---Dictionary Day

I will be working on my "Do-It-Yourself" dictionary. I am going to add the word "Grandiose" which means: 1. having grandeur; imposing. 2. pompous and showy.

I really need some help here! Please post more words and definitions I can add to the dictionary, serious, funny, cute, etc. all accepted.

skyhawk223 October 18th, 2004 09:32 AM

That's quite an undertaking. You could be collecting words for the rest of your life and not even finish.
My contribution will be antidisestablishmentarianism, meaning opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, or opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country.

dfalconet October 18th, 2004 09:36 AM

That's quite a mouthful!! Thanks for the contribution. :laugh:

moovok October 18th, 2004 01:19 PM

Howdy-Doodey - a greeting that can be used instead of "hello"

General Phoenix October 18th, 2004 02:35 PM

Shyhawk, are you a Black Adder fan, by any chance?

"I shall be back before you can say 'anitidisestablishmentarianism'..."

dfalconet October 18th, 2004 05:04 PM

:cool-sm: Thank you muchly...........

General Phoenix,
Where's your contribution? :confused:

I can think of much worse ways to spend my life. AND maybe I won't die until the dictionary is complete.................Many, many years away........just a thought. :)

dfalconet October 18th, 2004 10:24 PM

Oct 19th Evaluate Your Life Day

I am not leaving a mark on this world that will be remembered by generations to come. So my life seems empty, futile, and meaningless from this point of view----depressing.

Because I don't like being depressed, I have chosen a different viewpoint; that of my ancestors. Would they not be in awe of some of the things I have done? These are just ordinary things to the people of today and will be much less, perhaps, to the people of the future.

Some cases in point: 1. I have travelled from Reno, Nv to Alaska in a matter of hours---I was in a vehicle that flew through the air---I flew between two cloud layers for a very magical 15 or 20 minutes---I looked down on vast areas of the earth in one glance. 2. I have survived cancer. 3. I have written information to a person 6 thousand miles away and he received it in only a moment. 4. I have survived a 7.1 earthquake while in a 15 story building. 5. I own and drive my own private vehicle that is capable of speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour.

These are just a few ordinary, everyday, things in my eyes and yours. However, what would our ancestors think if we could tell them the things we have done. They would be in awe (and sometimes very shocked) to think their progeny would be capable of such things.

I feel so much better now! :) How about you?..............FDIMH.................Darlene

skyhawk223 October 19th, 2004 05:39 AM

GP: No, I have never seen Black Adder, though I have heard of it. British, right?

Evaluating my life...a daunting task. I submit that most people would probably be disappointed as they look back on what their endless toil has brought them.
I am happy, however. I have seen parts of the planet that others have not.

dfalconet October 19th, 2004 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by skyhawk223
I am happy, however. I have seen parts of the planet that others have not.

What a wonderful way to look at your life! ( pardon me, but my eyes are leaking). May you alway feel this way about it :) ...Have a happy forever..................Darlene

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