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gmd3d January 4th, 2011 02:11 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
yes its an old thread .....

I wonder what happened to the design by varsaigen. it looked great

varsaigen January 4th, 2011 04:03 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?

Originally Posted by Taranis (Post 263578)
yes its an old thread .....

I wonder what happened to the design by varsaigen. it looked great

Wasn't mine. I quoted a picture from a few pages above. Kai's work, not mine. lol

Redfern January 4th, 2011 04:56 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
Kai has a knack for showing up for a few posts and then vanishing for months (sometimes never returning to a particular forum).

But, yes, that is Kai's design. He posted WiPs upon several boards.



gmd3d January 5th, 2011 01:22 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?

Originally Posted by varsaigen (Post 263586)
Wasn't mine. I quoted a picture from a few pages above. Kai's work, not mine. lol

was it. my pardon ,, I working on a few things a the same time
Oh Multitasking why art thu my bane.. :)

thanks for clearing it up anyway


Jedman67 January 6th, 2011 08:27 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
Whats this? Doctor of what, time? Sheesh, an old dinosaur show that no knows about, with "daleks" and "weeping angels" (Peter Griffin voice) - and who flies around in a junky old police box anyway?

Oh, and im having some issues about Matt Smith - he doesn't carry around Time Lord as well as David Tennant did (speaking of which, DT is engaged to Georgia Moffat, who played "Jenny" in The Doctor's Daughter).

No one knows it, no one likes it, lets just exterminate the idea, 'k?

Cazman101 June 30th, 2011 02:04 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
1 Attachment(s)
Well since this is a Dr Who thread I thought this might be a good place to put this pic of my Smith Box Tardis.

lordiffy October 5th, 2011 04:09 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
Looking nice.

gmd3d October 6th, 2011 12:07 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
I missed this post ,,,,,, always thought the Tardis was a interesting concept.

Tenement October 6th, 2011 04:40 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
What's your favourite Tardis interior? My personal favourite is the 9th and 10th Doctor's Tardis interior. I also really liked the TV movie Tardis interior used by the 8th. (Paul McGann)

gmd3d October 6th, 2011 06:07 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
I liked the early ones a lot for there simplicity more than anything..

but I don´t watch Dr Who as much as I would like too.

Tom baker is the Dr Who I like the most..

Cazman101 October 6th, 2011 06:24 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
I like the multi level design of the 11th doctors control room. I'm not a fan of the techno junk consol though the 9th and 10th were repairing the Tardis with bits to keep it going but then the Tardis regenerated and I was expecting the consol to be 100% new alien looking Gallifreyan instead of the shelf in a scrap yard look.

But there you are you can't have everything I suppose.

gmd3d October 6th, 2011 10:42 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
alas no.

darth victor October 6th, 2011 05:11 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
I found Rose was a good way to get my partner hooked. She used to like Billie when she was a singer, so leaped right into the show as soon as she saw her.

I've since bought the 2005 season on DVD, and we'll have to watch it again sometime. When we get to the Empty Child, late one night I'll have to get my computer to play a wav of the kid asking "Are you my mummy?"

No matter where you live on this planet, you will hear the scream.

gmd3d October 7th, 2011 12:26 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
Lol. I only caught a few episodes of that 2005 showing.

rchmillar December 23rd, 2011 05:37 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
As a brit and a life time Dr Who fan have to say that I not impressed with the Moff in charge. Difficult plot lines etc all explained by others. Given that the two other producers were fired earlier in the year what next?

Auditor December 25th, 2011 12:01 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
I do love Doctor Who and I would say I'm a Doctor Who fan. Tom Baker favorite doctor. haven't watched any of the new series. I've seen original series in it's incarnations and doctors 1963–1989. I have not watched any of the 2005 + stuff. I will just haven't yet. Didn't jump on board with the new ones. Dunno why.

P.S. I did like Torchwood.

KnightStalker August 30th, 2012 02:02 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
I caught a few of the older seasons online on YouTube, and I've watched episodes from the 2005 - current online and on BBC America and SyFy (I still hate that new change in spelling, to me, it'll always be Sci-Fi Channel).

I personally liked David Tennant's Doctor the best, but I feel Matt Smith's done quite well at keeping his Eleventh Doctor close to how David played the Tenth Doctor.

I also think that the modern SFX help the show tremendously, the older season's Daleks were so limited in the evil they could do, what with the lack of flight capability (that's the problem with how early SF shows had such limited low budgets, they just couldn't do as much back then).

potentialenergy September 13th, 2012 09:15 PM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?

Originally Posted by Taranis (Post 266337)
I liked the early ones a lot for there simplicity more than anything..

but I don´t watch Dr Who as much as I would like too.

Tom baker is the Dr Who I like the most..

Agreed Tom Baker was my favorite from the
original and Tennant from the second set.
We're doing a Doctor Who Production and are
working to get Tom Baker onboard as one of
the lead characters, not the Doctor, but a
Timelord none the less. This is going to be
a very exciting film as it grabs hold of all
the elements of the original series and
brings it up to date for more action and
adventure than has been seen before. This
incarnation of The Doctor is a more physical
version drawing from the third doctor in the
series using akido, we're fighting to get Ray
Park for the part of Doctor Who as he would
fit this incarnation to a T. This movie is
being filmed in the United States and parts
of England. If you would like to get
invovled with this project or just see more
information the check out our website doctor
who fan film dot calm

Redfern September 14th, 2012 08:23 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?
First watched DW when a local PBS affiliate WFSU started broadcasting the Tom Baker stories in daily episodic format during Agust 1982. About a month or so later, WFSU started airing them in collected "movie" format on Saturday nights as well.

A couple of months (maybe January '84) after it aired a special broadcast of "The Five Doctors", Georgia Public Broadcasting also started to show the "movie" cuts on Saturdays, though an hour later than the WFSU broadcast.

I think the Florida station never aired anything past Peter Davison's serials and possiblity the Pertwee's that survived as full color cuts. The Georgia network eventually aired everything from "Spearhead from Space" (Pertwee's debut) through "Survival" (McCoy's last story).

For me, Doctor Who arrived at the perfect time. Earlier that summer I witnessed the cinematic death of my childhood fictional hero, Spock, so I was needing (okay, wanting) something to fill the fannish void.

Thankfully, I wasn't totally clueless about this "nameless" alien with his "magic box". Upon learning it would air at the end of Summer, I dredged up whatever articles and snippets StarLog magazine had printed about the series. Thus I wasn't totally confused when the title character's face changed just 30 seconds into Tom Baker's debut story "Robot". I understood the gliding, conical shells in "Genesis of the Daleks" were NOT robots, but miniature "tanks/life support armor" for radiation induced mutated "creatures". I knew the silver suited figures in "Revenge of the Cybermen" were effectively Steve Austin gone horribly overboard.

But even with that information, it was a science fantasy concept unlike any I had previously experienced. I was hooked...big time!

Now, here I am, 30 years later, and I still eagerly await each new presentation with teenaged abandon, just like it was when I was 19.



enkidu_jones May 7th, 2013 06:55 AM

Re: Dr. Who Forum?

Originally Posted by Jedman67 (Post 263713)
DT is engaged to Georgia Moffat, who played "Jenny" in The Doctor's Daughter

That's not all. Georgia Moffat is the daughter of Peter Davison, who played the 5th Doctor.

I do think Jon Pertwee was among the best, but in the end I think the companions make or break the Doctor. After Tom Baker there were some very annoying companions.

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