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evil_genius_180 September 5th, 2008 11:07 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Ah, Terran Empire. I didn't see that one coming, though it does make sense. It looks good, bro. :D

XFozzboute September 6th, 2008 10:25 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
it's just an option with this ship right now.
I've been itching to do something with the Empire and I've been working on an idea with my Bajoran ship attacking Smiley's Defiant from DS9.

XFozzboute September 11th, 2008 06:45 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
3 Attachment(s)
I've added a few things around the rim of the saucer.
On one side will be a small shuttle bay and on the other side a cargo bay.
I've also added a new bridge section and a new b and c deck. All meant to be a little bit beefer than normal.
Yes I know about the segmentation on the saucer.

evil_genius_180 September 11th, 2008 09:29 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Nice work, dude. I like the beefy bridge. :D

XFozzboute September 13th, 2008 08:11 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
2 Attachment(s)
Unfortuneatly I lost the last save of the ship so I lost some of the rim details. Nothing I can't redo.
But since I don't feel like doing them again I thought I'd go back and do some work on the engine textures.
I redid the Emblem to look like the one used on Enterprise and added textures to the bottom of the engine. Not that it matters I'll have to redo them enyway because I've decided they're way to low rez right now. So I consider these tests to see if I could get all the blend materials to work right.

evil_genius_180 September 14th, 2008 12:13 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Too bad about the lost save. How did that happen?

Everything looks spiffy, dude. I like the stripes and logo better than the earlier version.

XFozzboute September 14th, 2008 12:20 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
I don't know how I lost it.
Just that the last time I tried to open it I couldn't. It's ok because it might give me a chance to go back and add some more segments.

XFozzboute September 26th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
3 Attachment(s)
Redid the textures on the warp engine. They're a higher resolution and look much better as far as I'm concerned.

evil_genius_180 September 26th, 2008 10:03 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Yeah, from what I can see in the old and new images, those textures look better. :)

XFozzboute September 28th, 2008 10:26 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
3 Attachment(s)
I've finished the textures for the warp engien, the neck and the impulse engine. I also made a minor change to the deflector housing.

evil_genius_180 September 28th, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Looks great, bro. I like the changes you made to the deflector housing.

Vagabond Elf October 7th, 2008 12:19 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
I've always liked the lolipops, and this is a neat twist on them. It would work as a Star Fleet Battles X-Ship, too, since their version of history never gets anywhere near the movies.

XFozzboute October 9th, 2008 02:13 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
3 Attachment(s)
I thought, before I start on the new saucer I'd take a look at what the next ship could look like.
This ship is the U.S.S. Swiften.
Under the ship I included the new type 2 warp engine. I decided to add reaction control thrusters.

XFozzboute October 9th, 2008 03:49 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
4 Attachment(s)
Here is another ship.
The U.S.S. Archer. Many of the shapes are temp.

evil_genius_180 October 9th, 2008 08:27 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
That's pretty cool, dude. I've considered doing something like the Archer lots of times but I usually stop at the planning the catamarans in my head stage. (kinda like when I think of modeling the NX-01)

General Phoenix October 9th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Nice start on the Archer, Fozzy. In my mind, that's more like what the NX-01 should have looked like...

You might consider putting torpedo launchers in the front of the catamarans that extend past the bridge. Seems like a reasonable place for them, and I don't see anywhere else that you could have forward launchers.

UrbanArmitage October 9th, 2008 11:10 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Looking great! I like that USS Archer. Very interesting and good looking lines out to the nacelles.


XFozzboute October 13th, 2008 09:44 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by General Phoenix (Post 255790)
Nice start on the Archer, Fozzy. In my mind, that's more like what the NX-01 should have looked like...

You might consider putting torpedo launchers in the front of the catamarans that extend past the bridge. Seems like a reasonable place for them, and I don't see anywhere else that you could have forward launchers.

I don't like the idea of launchers at the ends of the cats. Plus as they are now they are only temp and the final version shouldn't look anything like they do now.

I started to add a few things to the saucer. I've added some nav lights. reaction control thrusters and whatever those three window like things are at the front of the saucer.

evil_genius_180 October 13th, 2008 10:02 PM

Re: This is not a reboot
Looks good, dude. :)


Originally Posted by XFozzboute
whatever those three window like things are at the front of the saucer.

Those are the windows for the female showers. ;)

gmd3d October 14th, 2008 12:43 AM

Re: This is not a reboot

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 255940)
Looks good, dude. :)

Those are the windows for the female showers. ;)

Hmmmmm :D:D yes please..

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