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Thomas P March 31st, 2009 07:54 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I remember this. I really like the lines on this - first class design.

evil_genius_180 March 31st, 2009 09:48 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
Your 2002 mesh reminds me of a game mesh. :D

I certainly like the lines on the original design but your revised version has a better flow to it, IMO. Thanks for showing us the old drawings and mesh. It's nice to see how the design has evolved. :cylon:

jayru March 31st, 2009 11:58 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
Cheers guys...

I did port the low poly version over to Bridge Commander... but it's a "badly made mesh" and crashed the game when it took damage, so I junked it (the game version anyways).

I have a few updates... will try and get them up later... got distracted by the fact my lil' sister is getting married... :biggrin:

jayru March 31st, 2009 02:06 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

The shuttlebay hatch - to big? (Shown shuttle and people are to scale with the ship)...


I'm thinking I need to scale it down a bit... thoughts welcome on that score.

Been working on the landing strut placement - yeah I know, that's hardly working on the ventral surface I hear you say... but when i know where the landing gear goes, i can build the hatch and bays in for it :biggrin:

I've moved the front gear as far forward as I dare (I need to leave space for the hard-docked shuttle going in), and I've moved the aft gear back, and twisted the legs a bit further round as well.

http://www.twomadmen.net/wip4/wcp206s.jpg http://www.twomadmen.net/wip4/wcp207s.jpg http://www.twomadmen.net/wip4/wcp208s.jpg http://www.twomadmen.net/wip4/wcp209s.jpg http://www.twomadmen.net/wip4/wcp210s.jpg

C&C welcome :)

gmd3d March 31st, 2009 02:27 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I think it kinda large for the size of the ship . but that me , other than that every thing looks fantastic

farshot March 31st, 2009 04:27 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
2 Attachment(s)
Here's what I have for the shuttle bay, hope it's clear enough:

babanathie March 31st, 2009 06:20 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
The ship looks good.

evil_genius_180 March 31st, 2009 08:37 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
There's a couple different schools of thought on the shuttlebay door size. On one hand, you don't want the internal bay to take up too much room. On the other hand, I'd rather try to land a shuttle in a huge opening than a small one. I always wondered what they would do on the Enterprise-D if the tractor beams were out and they were trying to land a Type-6 shuttle in bays 2 & 3. That thing barely fit through the doors! On the other hand, it wasn't a problem on the original E where the hanger bay was friggin' huge and you had lots of room for landing shuttles. So, long winded explanations aside, my thought it maybe cut the size down a little because it is a bit cavernous but don't make it so small that it seems unrealistic that they'd be able to land a shuttle there (maybe 3/4 its current height.)

The landing gear looks great. :D

Tenement April 1st, 2009 02:16 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
The big hanger bay does make sense. Could you imagine a carrier with a flight deck that was just a bit wider than the aircraft?

jayru April 1st, 2009 03:16 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by Taranis
I think it kinda large for the size of the ship...

My thoughts exactly - after sleeping on it.


Originally Posted by farshot
Here's what I have for the shuttle bay, hope it's clear enough:

Cheer's farshot - that's pretty much how the shuttlebay was configured on the 1997 version of the design :thumbup: - and your take on the internal layout is pretty close as well... somewhere I have an MSD (completed no less) for the "original" version. Will dig it out...


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
There's a couple different schools of thought on the shuttlebay door size. On one hand, you don't want the internal bay to take up too much room. On the other hand, I'd rather try to land a shuttle in a huge opening than a small one. I always wondered what they would do on the Enterprise-D if the tractor beams were out and they were trying to land a Type-6 shuttle in bays 2 & 3. That thing barely fit through the doors! On the other hand, it wasn't a problem on the original E where the hanger bay was friggin' huge and you had lots of room for landing shuttles. So, long winded explanations aside, my thought it maybe cut the size down a little because it is a bit cavernous but don't make it so small that it seems unrealistic that they'd be able to land a shuttle there (maybe 3/4 its current height.)

My partner pretty much made the same comments last night, when I asked. The question is why would you need such a large hanger bay? On the NCC-1701 the hanger bay entrance doubled as a loading port for cargo as well - so a larger opening made sense. TNG ships - even those the size of the Wolf, have multiple hatches/access points for cargo bays, so the shuttle-bay becomes just that - a shuttle bay.

I never actually designed any cargo hatches on the original version... :nerv: I kinda forgot... When I did the shuttlebay on the revised version I made it big because in my mind that became not just the shuttle-bay, but the primary loading port for cargo (yeah, yeah, yeah, they have transporters - but that just takes all the fun out of it :laugh:). There are going to be a couple of secondary cargo hatches in other locations (as I've rememebred this time)...

All that aside, the door needs to be made smaller, but like you say - not too much smaller. I like the idea of a larger landing bay - especially on an exploration ship. You just never know what they are going to take onboard, and a larger hanger bay allows for better shuttle access, and the oportunity to carry larger craft if need be.

From what I've been able to work out, the shuttle facilities will allow for a few different types of shuttles be carried. The arse end of this ship is fairly big, and the hanger bay will follow suit I have no doubts, lol.


Originally Posted by Tenement
The big hanger bay does make sense. Could you imagine a carrier with a flight deck that was just a bit wider than the aircraft?

Frigates - modern day ones anyway, manage with just a small pad for 'copters, so a smaller bay in the TNG sense with there much more modern craft would be doable. Look at the Defiant and it's hanger bay (the one we saw anyways).

But yeah, I do agree that a big hanger makes more sense - especially with the role this class is going to have :thumbup:

Cheers guys for the comments... will have a play around with the hatch... more laters :)

gmd3d April 1st, 2009 03:46 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
good point EG180 ... .. If and I mean if I where you I would drop 1/4 of the top (or so) and where your Hull Panels are add portholes and move your Hull Panels Down just over the Door

jayru April 1st, 2009 07:58 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Ok, had a play around with the hatch size... the one on the left hand side is the old one...

Not added anymore detail to it yet, in case I change it again!

Any better?

evil_genius_180 April 1st, 2009 09:43 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I still keep thinking of that shot from the beginning of "The Child" (TNG season 2 opener) where that FUGLY full-sized mock-up of the Type-7 shuttle (I accidentally said Type-6 earlier but I meant Type-7) is supposedly flying though the doors of shuttlebay 2 or 3 (I don't remember which it was) and just didn't look like it could possibly fit. So, even for "just landing shuttles," the bays on TNG seemed kinda smallish, except for the big bay on deck 3.

And, yes, that looks a lot better. The width is great but you might want to shave just a little more height off. You could always put some observation windows or something above it to fill the space. :)

farshot April 1st, 2009 01:54 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
It looks much better.

And as for shuttles not fitting...
Just look at the whole Delta Flyer / Voyager thing.

jayru April 1st, 2009 02:11 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 260546)
I still keep thinking of that shot from the beginning of "The Child" (TNG season 2 opener) where that FUGLY full-sized mock-up of the Type-7 shuttle (I accidentally said Type-6 earlier but I meant Type-7) is supposedly flying though the doors of shuttlebay 2 or 3 (I don't remember which it was) and just didn't look like it could possibly fit. So, even for "just landing shuttles," the bays on TNG seemed kinda smallish, except for the big bay on deck 3.

And, yes, that looks a lot better. The width is great but you might want to shave just a little more height off. You could always put some observation windows or something above it to fill the space. :)

I guess they were either being really cheap with the sets on TNG (which is probubly the truth of the mater) or they were showing that in the 24th century precision flying was more the norm...

The type 7 shuttle was a nice design - it's a shame they never managed to realise a proper full scale set of it for the cast to work against...

lol, the height of the new hatch is fine and dandy... and there will be more than enough room for some observation windows to go on the back end. The detail on the back was just me messing about - i've cleared it as I have a better idea of what to put there... but that's for another day ;-)


Originally Posted by farshot (Post 260552)
It looks much better.

And as for shuttles not fitting...
Just look at the whole Delta Flyer / Voyager thing.

Yeah... knew about that problem... which is one of the reasons why i wanted to make sure they hanger door on this ship was big enough for something like that.

Lee April 1st, 2009 02:41 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
Looks pretty good Jay.

evil_genius_180 April 1st, 2009 07:14 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by jayru (Post 260556)
The type 7 shuttle was a nice design - it's a shame they never managed to realise a proper full scale set of it for the cast to work against...

Yeah, I like the Type-7 miniature, it's that full sized mock-up that I hate.

jayru April 2nd, 2009 05:14 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
Had anyone ever done a mesh of the Type 7? If not, it may be something I stick on my future projects list...

evil_genius_180 April 2nd, 2009 10:12 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I've never seen one. I know some people don't care for the design.

jayru April 4th, 2009 09:48 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Refined the deatils on the bay... also cut in where the window bay will be (when I get round to the windows - no idea why I leave them until the end...)

Comments always welcome.

Last update for a few days, doing a major overhaul on my PC... (making it a better machine :) )

More soon...

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