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evil_genius_180 April 4th, 2009 10:13 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I overhauled my PC back in October. I hauled the old one out and hauled the new one over into the dust void. ;) Seriously, what kind of upgrades are we talking about? (sorry, I'm kinda a nerd like that)

The shuttlebay looks really good. The size looks pretty good and I'm loving the details so far. Though, if I was those 3 people, I'd seriously think about popping open the door and going inside before I ran out of air. :blink:

jayru April 4th, 2009 11:46 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
I overhauled my PC back in October. I hauled the old one out and hauled the new one over into the dust void. ;) Seriously, what kind of upgrades are we talking about? (sorry, I'm kinda a nerd like that)

Cleaned out the case (lots of dust), new graphics card, added some more memory, and gonna re-install XP, and install Vista 64 under a duel-boot - so i can make use of all the new memory I put in the machine, and make 3D Max go faster.

Ok, I'm not doing all that...

the other half is.

Benefit of living with an IT Support Analyst. I still believe that go faster stripes on the side would do the job just as well... :laugh:


The shuttlebay looks really good. The size looks pretty good and I'm loving the details so far. Though, if I was those 3 people, I'd seriously think about popping open the door and going inside before I ran out of air. :blink:
I took a close look at them - their skin tone is way pale, nearly blue. I'm guessing they're holding there breath :biggrin:

On the other hand, the ship could be landed, (but given there colour they must still be holding there breath. It's difficult to tell, I never actually gave them faces...)

evil_genius_180 April 4th, 2009 02:40 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I've thought of doing a dual-boot for my PC but so far I'm too lazy to download the XP drivers. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm on dialup internet and I'd have to manually find the drivers because I have an Acer and Acer's website is no friggin' help, despite that the line from which my computer originally came had XP on it. Of course, that was with slightly different hardware, which is why I can't even get the XP drivers from the page for the original line on Acer's website. (I love the computer, hate the company)

farshot April 4th, 2009 03:42 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by jayru (Post 260647)
I took a close look at them - their skin tone is way pale, nearly blue. I'm guessing they're holding there breath :biggrin:

On the other hand, the ship could be landed, (but given there colour they must still be holding there breath. It's difficult to tell, I never actually gave them faces...)

They could be on V'ger, looking at the background. That would account for the bluish color, too. :laugh:

jayru April 5th, 2009 07:20 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 260657)
I've thought of doing a dual-boot for my PC but so far I'm too lazy to download the XP drivers. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm on dialup internet and I'd have to manually find the drivers because I have an Acer and Acer's website is no friggin' help, despite that the line from which my computer originally came had XP on it. Of course, that was with slightly different hardware, which is why I can't even get the XP drivers from the page for the original line on Acer's website. (I love the computer, hate the company)

Apart from my first one, I don't buy off the shelf PC's -prefer to build them myself (something I am capible of, no matter what the other half says, lol). I get the specs I want then, most of the time at a better price :)

Biggest problem we've had so far is that it seems my motherboard is rigged only to use SATA drives, and we were going to put a PATA one in to hold the OS's - took 4 hours of jiggery pokery to work out that wasn't going to happen, (so like, what was the piont of putting an IDE cable solt on the board?). Thankfully we have a PCWorld not to far away, (to pick up a new SATA drive...). Hopefully I will finally be able to use all the memory we put into the machine last year (I didn't know that XP limited you to only being able to use 4gig :fume:). Vista 64 has better upper ram limits (and so far things are looking good.

Sadly I've been banned from the study for making silly comments about PC installations, so am stuck on the laptop until when ever...

Hopefully the upshot of all this will be that I can use Max in a batter way, and get to work on doing some animated stuff!


Originally Posted by farshot (Post 260658)
They could be on V'ger, looking at the background. That would account for the bluish color, too. :laugh:

I love the background... was an accidental creation in PaintShopPro... no idea how to re-create it. Such is price for larking about and not paying attention :laugh:

evil_genius_180 April 5th, 2009 10:48 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I was going to build a PC but I had money issues to consider. A refurbished PC was cheaper than building a new one, so I bought a refurbished Acer. I've added a gig of RAM (which is only a little over $10 for the kind I use) and the HD was crap (but one expects problems with a refurb) but other than that it runs great. I took advantage of the 160GB SATA drive dying and replaced it with a 320GB SATA. (which I was going to do at some point anyway) The only other parts I want to replace are the processor, it came with a single core and I want a dual, and the graphics card, which is an older Nvidia chipset. It probably costs more in the long run to buy a "simple" PC off the shelf and upgrade it but I can spread the cost out over a longer span of time. Which helps since my newest PC before this was from 2000, so none of the components were usable on a new rig. (except the IDE HD, which is only 2 years old, but it's only 80GB and I knew I wanted SATA.)


Originally Posted by jayru
Biggest problem we've had so far is that it seems my motherboard is rigged only to use SATA drives

That's not a bad thing until your drive goes out and all you have is IDE drives to spare. Fortunately, when my SATA drive went out in my PC, I was able to hook up the 80GB IDE and install Vista on it as a temp measure, since I had to buy a new SATA drive (OEM, of course ;)) and wait for it to be shipped from New Egg. That's the good thing about my PC having an older motherboard, it has facilities for 2 SATA and 2 IDE devices, so it worked out. :)


Originally Posted by jayru
and we were going to put a PATA one in to hold the OS's - took 4 hours of jiggery pokery to work out that wasn't going to happen, (so like, what was the piont of putting an IDE cable solt on the board?). Thankfully we have a PCWorld not to far away, (to pick up a new SATA drive...).

Yeah, sounds like you were lucky to have a store so close that sells SATA, so you didn't have to wait for one to be shipped (assuming you could even access the internet without your PC.) Most stores charge too much for components for my taste, but when it's what you have available, it's what you do. ;)


Originally Posted by jayru
Hopefully I will finally be able to use all the memory we put into the machine last year (I didn't know that XP limited you to only being able to use 4gig ). Vista 64 has better upper ram limits (and so far things are looking good.

Yeah, I don't know what Microsoft is thinking most of the time. What's up with Vista having the same RAM restrictions in its 32 bit OS as XP? That sucks. 10 years ago RAM didn't count for much, most games and apps only used 16 or 32 MB but, in the last 8 years or so, they've really started making a lot of programs that use loads of RAM so pretty soon that 4GB you can add to Vista 32 is going to be obsolete. :(

jayru April 7th, 2009 11:49 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
I've been going down the whole refurbished PC root myself for many years (money being the primary reason - my income is - well, very low now I'm medically retired), but after the last one caught fire (which sucked big time...) I put my foot down and made it clear that only a new PC would do - and at least half the money in the savings account came from me. That being said, it wasn't all new. The processor was second hand, and one of the SATA drives had been knocking about in another PC for a while as well. For that matter, i think the graphics card was reclaimed from an older PC we had (you live with an IT person, you end up with lots of dead, or nearly dead PCs over the place. Drives me nuts half the time... until you need a spair part, the it's ok, lol).

We live out in the sticks, but Nottingham and Derby aren't too far away by car... and there are pleanty of PC places around in this area. Strangly enough one of the PCWorlds near us only sells SATA drives, so getting them has never been an issue. Motehrboards that can use them is another matter, lol...

We had to give up on the whole duel boot jobbie... wasn't as practical as we first thought. Turns out everything I have works fine in Vista 64 (including Max 9 - after applying both service packs to it).

So single boot with Vista 64 only... and things seem pretty stable so far. In fact, I'm pretty much back up and running as of today... which means updates at some point, lol

evil_genius_180 April 7th, 2009 12:04 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
The funny thing is, you have just as much a chance of a new PC having a problem as you do with a refurb. (why do you think it was refurbished to begin with?) In fact, you have more of a chance of success with a refurb, IMO. When a company like Acer gets a machine back (even if it's an open box thing) they re-certify every component. So, in essence, you get everything double checked. The problem with my 160GB SATA HD was one that you had to be using it a while (about 3 weeks) for it to happen. So, there was no way they could have known in the factory that it was an issue. Though, it was happening more frequently before I replaced it.

jayru April 8th, 2009 04:12 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
LOL, I quite agree - and again, that was my argument for many years that at least with a refurb you knew everything had been tested and the like.

However, once I married an IT bod I didn't get much say in this stuff - after all "they" are the expert... (*rolls eyes*)

Touch wood, I've never had a problem with a SATA drive, and I've been using them for a number of years. My problems always tend to be the motherboard - or the power supply (which is how the fire got started).

deadliness May 3rd, 2009 07:51 PM

where do I find this Voyager of the first images?

The Wolf Class will have a version for poser?

Can i do a spaceship inspired in your desing?

jayru July 16th, 2009 07:48 AM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class

Originally Posted by deadliness (Post 261099)
where do I find this Voyager of the first images?

The Wolf Class will have a version for poser?

Can i do a spaceship inspired in your desing?

You'll find the "Voyager" mesh on the following site, it's the "Flat Eric" version > The Star Trek Meshes and Objects collection

The Wolf is being built in Max9 - I have no way to convert it to any other version/file type at the moment (and that's kind of way in the future).

As the Wolf is inspired by Star Trek, and the small dust buster I had, I can hardly say no to your final request. Although I would be obliged if it was different enough that I don't see the Wolf when I see your design. Can't say fairer than that really.

martok2112 July 16th, 2009 02:52 PM

Re: A leap into the future? - The Wolf Class
VERY NICE! :) I like its derivative take on the Intrepid class. Looks like a refit. Well done! :)

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