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After 5 posts, do the following if you can't see the images when you click the download icon. 1. Click "Log Out" that is below the oval gallery icon. 2. Click the oval download icon and then click "Log Out" on that page. 3. Click a link in your bookmarks to leave the site 4. Clear the cookies for 3d gladiators from your browser 5. Return to the site and login. Hopefully you will see the images in the download area. If not and you get a page that looks like the image I have posted earlier, that means you can't see the downloads. Keep posting and repeat steps 1 to 5. It took me 33 posts in order to finally see the downloads. Not sure why it took so many. I can see them again after I did steps 1 to 5 above. This is a really great site and the models are top quality. It's also one of the few sites where you can get Star Trek items, especially the uniforms. Plus as I discovered, the people are really nice :) I've added the forum to my forums bookmarks and will be a motor mouth here too provided there are threads that I can relate too. I'm not really into the whole sci-fi genre save for Star Trek (except Enterprise, I didn't like that one at all), but maybe I can spark some interest in the writing forum. I love to write... but I don't write sci-fi. My writing is more along the lines of Tolkien style or so I've been told. I hadn't even heard of him when someone told me that. I've now read the LoTR books and I can sort of see a similar style, but he's much more wordy than I am, hehe |
Dude, am I one of the select few who actually likes Enterprise? Granted, it did a lot of things that didn't mesh with TOS, but it was a lot of fun. I was actually sad to see it go. I wanted to see the Romulan Wars...
Of course I didn't much care for "Deep Space Nine" either, but I did watch it when I remembered to tune in. I liked TOS, TNG and Voyager. |
At first, I hated Captain Archer with a passion, but I loved the guy who played Tripp. As time went on and they actually remembered they were in the Star Trek universe, the stories got better. I warmed to Archer over time.
I still hate the theme song with an abidiing passion. Of course when they did the whole Mirror/mirror universe episode, with full orchestral score, I choked on my pot-roast! LOL :biggrin: Figures it started to kick butt story wise, so they killed it. :rolleyes: |
You hit something there. I didn't get the feel of "Star Trek" when I watched it. It just seemed like a Sci Fi show with nothing special about it. So I tuned out and stayed out.
Thanks for that instruction list on how to do it Acadia. New here, so I've got a few more posts to go before I can try it, but it's good to have that for future reference. :)
I loved all the ST series'...I just couldn't watch most of the later ones 'cause at first I didn't have cable and got lousy reception on the channels that carried them and then later once I had kids the shows started right as we were trying to get them down for bed. Just didn't feel like watching the last 30-40 minutes of the show and trying to figure out what I'd missed. Someday when I hit the lotto I'll buy 'em all on DVD and have fun catching up. |
TOS rules!! It's by far the best, with the plastic models, cheap special effects and props that made appearances regularly on any planet. Then there were the costumes. :D You can put T'Pol in any skin-tight thing you want, but she never looked better than she did in In a Mirror, Darkly Part 2, where she had the blue TOS miniskirt on. Plus, the characters in TOS are timeless.
And, second in the running is TNG. That one was well-thought and had a lot of great episodes. Plus, they didn't turn it into the futuristic soap opera that the other series were. The stories were awesome, the characters were great and the special effects kicked ass. DS9 and Enterprise tie for third, in my book. While some of the DS9 episodes were dumb, the characters were great. I liked the way Sisko was more of a "hands on" captain than Picard. You could say or do about anything to Picard and he'd still find a peaceful solution. But, if you crossed Sisko, your ass was toast. :D Plus, the Dominion Wars made up for any bad episodes (like the wedding one with Worf and Jadzia, that was stupid) and the episodes centering around Quark, Rom and Nog were always good for a laugh. Enterprise was good, I liked the early days of Starfleet. I thought Scott Bakula did a great job playing Archer and Conner Trinneer did a great job playing Trip and John Billingsley was awesome as the doctor. Plus, Anthony Montgomery was cool as the helmsman (can't spell his character's name.) And Jolene Blalock and Linda Park are just hot and were good characters too. Dominic Keating as Reed took a little longer for me to warm up to than any of the other characters, but I don't know why. I liked the job Jolene did playing the Vulcan whose emotions were a little closer to the surface. Plus, they did some great things like explain why the Klingons looked like humans in TOS. Voyager is the series I'm least familiar with. I only caught parts of it because where I lived then (and now) UPN is a cable station and I don't waste my money on cable. I had the fortune of living a Ft Bragg while Enterprise was on, and UPN is a local station there. Plus, Enterprise is in syndication now, somthing they haven't done with Voyager. I did see a lot of the episodes with the Borg and thought they turned the Borg into wussies. They had 20 cubes going after one ship that's a little larger than a Connie and couldn't take it out/assimilate it. Yet, they decimated 40 ships in TNG and a whole lot in FC. I did like what I got to see of Voyager, as far as the characters and stories, but I didn't get to see enough, so it's last in my book. |
posting test im new =) and cant download
New to all of this and looking for meshes and scripts (all legal only) to do a poser animation.
cool looking forward to see the animations . and welcome ddogstar :)
Well, I hate posting just to post, so here is post #1:laugh:
I'll search the forum to see if there is anything of consequence to add later :) |
I do not see the link at all
Please see Post above you...
Stilll drives me nuts
Because you haven't reached "5" yet.
Do you need 5 or 10 posts to see downloads
Like I said above: 5.
I think that question was just an excuse to get his 5th post. :tongue2:
land sakes; it's the thread that would not die...;)
I'll keep my eyes open... |
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