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Lee November 22nd, 2006 09:03 PM

Hi there AriesDW, nice to meet you. I would also love to see some 2D starships...

morganzacd5p November 22nd, 2006 09:50 PM

Dont knwo ya, but glad to meet ya...

AriesDW November 23rd, 2006 01:52 AM

Thank you for your greetings. I will have to dig out the old files . . . Who are the big starship designers around here now-a-days?

BtaraKtahn November 23rd, 2006 07:38 PM


I joined over a year ago while looking for something (and subsequently had to go to the Colonial Warriors site because I didn't know that all of the BSG stuff was at another location).

After finally meeting the required 5 post minimum to download here, I rather wish that folks would put a little more effort into the Download Descriptions. They tend to only say whether things are Lightwave files but not if they're .PZ3's, neither of which are in big demand in my Runtime.

I haven't found a place to post requests yet, either.

*will post them here, then, since she might have someone's attention on the matter and honestly hopes it's not someone who will get mad and ban her or posting to the wrong forum thread*

Star Trek alien head morphs for Aiko 3.0, Hiro 3.0, Aiko Toon and Hiro Toon; especially Klingon, Bajoran and Romulan/Vulcan, in easy to apply INJ/REM poses. I tried using the V3 Klingon head morphs with Aiko in Poser but that wound up muxxing up her head terribly, and since I don't have the stupid commercial Morph Import thing from DAZ (which I'm under the impression wouldn't work with my luck, anyway), I'm pretty much S.O.L. (and not in the MST3K sense of the word).

I'd do more Star Trek toons if I just had the tools to work with at my disposal. :)

evil_genius_180 November 23rd, 2006 07:42 PM

Have you tried uploading a file? You only get so much space to post your description. Also, some of them were re-uploaded by Warrior after the site got revamped a while back and he had so much to do that he didn't have time to go into lengthy descriptions.

And, welcome to the site. :D

Henglaar December 20th, 2006 08:17 PM

Hullo, all. I'm a 50 y.o. former electronic technician in aerospace with a shiny new VT[4] (and therefore, a shiny new copy of Lightwave), and a shiny new copy of Poser. I did enough work in Aladdin4D on my Amiga to know that I'm not likely to ever be a particularly good artist, but I'm hoping that the more advanced software will be better at helping me hide that. [wry smile]

I've also been aboard Star Trek: Hidden Frontier for lo, these last seven years, and I'm hoping to contribute a little bit towards our final two episodes, mostly in the way of Poser background players. We expect to have a lot of people dashing to battle stations or wounded and needing triage, and there's only so much you can do in front of a green screen in someone's den, especially only working on weekends. [grin]

To that end, I hope to find people who have late-era TNG uniforms for Poser (the ones with the gray shoulders), or can quickly teach a newbie to make his own. Learning how to apply "makeup" for dirt and trauma would be useful, too.

And I'm greenest of the green: it was only yesterday that I managed to get a Poser figure to stop stepping out of her clothes, and even then, her hair seems to sometimes have some difficulty in keeping up with her. I'm also gradually working my way through the tutorial manual, but even for an experienced tech, it's hard to go through the manual when I want to race on ahead. [shaking head]

This is something like my third post, so it will be awhile yet before I can download. And I guess I need to add an avatar to my profile too. My preferred avatar (me in Tellarite makeup) is on my other computer. The one that seems to be increasingly wonky. Well, I'll get it transferred over, or think of something new for here . . .

BtaraKtahn December 20th, 2006 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Henglaar
I'm a 50 y.o. former electronic technician in aerospace with a shiny new VT[4] (and therefore, a shiny new copy of Lightwave), and a shiny new copy of Poser.

Well, ain't you all gou shi shiny, now? :) Glad ya' found your way in from the Black.

Poser's a lot of fun, but it gets to be an expensive hobby very quickly.

Break a leg with that Star Trek episode thingy-doober! (yes, fear my Techno-jargon!)

Henglaar December 21st, 2006 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by BtaraKtahn
Well, ain't you all gou shi shiny, now? :) Glad ya' found your way in from the Black.

Poser's a lot of fun, but it gets to be an expensive hobby very quickly.

Break a leg with that Star Trek episode thingy-doober! (yes, fear my Techno-jargon!)

Yep, got back from the Black just in time to learn the Alliance won the goram war.

[chuckle] The same can be said for computers in general; Poser's just better at nickeling and dimeing us to death. [grin]

Yeah, I hope the Boss can use my fearful (uh, fearsome?) CGI talents. If not, well, maybe for our next series, whatever that turns out to be. The last seven years have been fun, but Rob sometimes stretches himself too thin, and I have the delusion of being able to take some of the load off. [wry smile]

gmd3d December 21st, 2006 12:26 AM

Welcome aboard Henglaar ..... look forward to seen your work in the future :)

Henglaar December 21st, 2006 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Taranis
Welcome aboard Henglaar ..... look forward to seen your work in the future :)

Well, if you want to see my existing work as an actor or makeup artist, you could always go over to Star Trek: Hidden Frontier. [grin]

My work in Poser is just at the stage where they don't walk out of their clothes any more. [wry smile]

morganzacd5p December 21st, 2006 11:30 AM

I always hated when that happened during a fitting. But there is just no pleasing some models. :D

Henglaar December 21st, 2006 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by morganzacd5p
I always hated when that happened during a fitting. But there is just no pleasing some models. :D

I had some clever response when I hit the "quote" button, but it's gone now. :-(

At any rate, thank you all for welcoming a newbie to the site. I'm not terribly social, but I'll try very hard to be more than just another data leech.

Star Dragon December 28th, 2006 09:58 AM

Hey all long time newb ("the silent surfer"). I probably found this site before CF so totally missed the rule of 5 (lol). I checked in about every 6 months (damn they never post anything, what is this an elitist CG board?) Haha.

If you don't recognize the name (you probably will in the future) I am on many boards that involve space sim gaming and 3d modling. (once in a while something catches my attention like jingling keys and I throw a fawning comment out of the blue and then go back to silent lurk mode on sites I am less active on).

I mainly modify a game called Freespace2 and have different levels of involvement in several projects (half are my own). I prefer voice acting due to being relatively easy and very enjoyable to hear yourself in the finished effort. I do however take great pleasure in taking a piece of art an artist have painfully and lovingly created, and "blowing the Poogees out of it"! (cookie for reference).

My interests are all Sci-Fi/Anime/and Fantasy, but I tend to shy away from the less mature or silly ones. (Slayers being the rare exception cause it's more a parody on Fantasy).

Nothing gets me more excited than a Space Battleship or a new Mecha.

Trivia: My name is the Americanized version of Getter Robo G from 1976 created by Go Nagai and brought to America by Matell Toys and Jim Terry Productions for Broadcast in the late 70's.

...I'm a virgo if anyone cares... :D

Quote: "My God, It's full of meshes!" - What Dave Bowman would say if he were here as I can see them now!

erico January 16th, 2007 02:54 AM

I'm new here also. Long time Trek fan, since the late 70's. I'm especially interested in Trek blueprints/deckplans, not sure if I've stumbled into the right place or not but I look forward to looking around.

Darrell Lawrence June 7th, 2008 10:00 PM

Re: The Hello Thread
Welcome, everyone!

*is late to the party, but hell... I own the place! :D *

knight1550 July 16th, 2008 10:23 PM

Re: The Hello Thread
Hi guys! New-ish here also. Signed up long time ago, and just getting back into the game of 3d. Mostly Poser stuff. Looking forward to scanning the boards more though.

gmd3d July 17th, 2008 12:27 AM

Re: The Hello Thread
Welcome aboard Knight1550 ..

Lee July 17th, 2008 01:53 AM

Re: The Hello Thread
Welcome guys.

Winterhawk July 27th, 2008 03:22 PM

Re: The Hello Thread
said hello in the other thread but figured I would say hello here as well.

prijikn July 29th, 2008 03:21 AM

Re: The Hello Thread
I am new here and I have just join this forum. I am priji from India. Hope that my stay will be happy and I wish have a nice day to all.

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