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UrbanArmitage October 13th, 2008 12:41 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
I also hit Renderosity daily to check on their free stuff, forums, and general hobbyist 3D news. It's a great community and there is always someone there willing to help wherever they can. :)

My take on whether using someone else's 3D assets is still art is this. You could have the world's most amazing 3D models with fantastic textures and so on. The problem is that it doesn't tell a story until such time as a 3D artist takes it and builds a scene with it. The meshes/models themselves are a means to an end IMHO. This doesn't in any way mean that I consider the meshes to be arbitrary in the process of creating 3D art. It just means that one can't live without the other, just like brushes and paints don't paint masterpieces, artists do. :)


mcmiller October 16th, 2008 02:29 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hello everyone,

I've been dabbling in computer graphics and animation ever since the days of Turbo Silver for the Amiga. It's a nice way to wile away the chilly, dark winter nights up here. I currently spend most of my time with Terragen2, the much-maligned TrueSpace, Photoshop (and occasionally other apps like Silo and Blender) with a special interest in stereoscopic imagery. One of the admins here is a regular contributor on some of the other 3d sci-fi forums that I frequent and I thought I'd check out what's going on here.

Fretslayer October 16th, 2008 03:39 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hello there.
Steroscopic imagry? Very cool. I've been messing with something simiar where you cross your eyes and a '3rd image' pops out at you in 3D. What method are you using and do you have anything I could check out?

What part of Alaska are you in?

mcmiller October 16th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
I use the LCD shutter glasses to page flip the right and left images. It's easier on the eyes than the cross-eyed method, no color distortion from red-green/red-blue anaglyph, and I just generally like it better for animation construction and viewing. But you need the glasses and an app to monkey with the monitor interlace so you can view the images. I've got nothing recent to show off since I'm in the middle of swapping comps, but I could probably whip up something new here in the near future. I've always been fascinated with stereoscopic images and old-time stereo pairs since I got my first View-Master as a kid.

I'm in Juneau, where it snows all winter and it rains, rains, rains all spring and summer.

Fretslayer October 16th, 2008 07:08 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
I know what you mean about the viewmaster viewer! LOL!
Something I've been wanting to mess with in LWO is the 'Render to 3D'.
I don't have any of the red/blue glasses at the moment so I've not bothered.

A few years back I had an Asus video card (top of the line at the time) and it had the glasses that plugged into it and made everything 3D. It was awesome and some thing I miss from time to time.

Juneau? Very cool. I'm near the Gulf of Mexico on the Florida coast (near Tampa/St.Pete) where the women wear little to nothing all winter and it only rains when tourists want to come here. LOL!

gmd3d October 17th, 2008 02:21 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread

Originally Posted by mcmiller (Post 256077)

I'm in Juneau, where it snows all winter and it rains, rains, rains all spring and summer.

Sound like you live in Ireland, well apart from the Snow .. We don't get snow now.. it would be a nice change from the rain :) :farmerjoh

FleetCommander October 21st, 2008 10:19 AM

Captain's Log, Stardate 3.1415928
Good afternoon, all!

My name is Jason, but my nom de guerre is FleetCommander. There's a nice story behind it--remind me to tell you about it sometime.

I've been messing around with drawing for a few years now..never really taken it seriously, just something fun to do. The bulk of my art (so far) is scanning neat images, cleaning them up, and turning them into wallpapers.

My primary tool of choice was Corel Draw 9; however, I got a new computer and couldn't find my *%$^%& installation disk. Since then, I've been playing with Photoshop and Illustrator. Recently, I got into DAZ Studio, and have poked around with it. (So many toys, so little time.)

More to come as events warrant...

Darrell Lawrence October 21st, 2008 10:20 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Cool. Welcome.

Now go post something in your contest thread :D

gmd3d October 21st, 2008 10:22 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Welcome aboard Fleetcommander good to have you aboard .. what kind of pictures do you like to do .. Ships, people etc

gmd3d October 21st, 2008 10:31 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
FleetCommander here is your link for your thread . your PM option is turned off so I was unable to contact you. just enter and reply :)


FleetCommander October 21st, 2008 10:41 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread

Originally Posted by Taranis (Post 256411)
Welcome aboard Fleetcommander good to have you aboard .. what kind of pictures do you like to do .. Ships, people etc

Whatever strikes me. I haven't gained a lot of confidence in the graceful curves of humans and other creatures yet, so inanimate objects are my bread and butter.

Scanning and retouching images seems to be fairly easy, so I do it a lot.

UrbanArmitage October 22nd, 2008 01:10 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Welcome FleetCommander. Your work sounds interesting. Do you have any examples that you could share with us?


Robert Simmons October 26th, 2008 01:29 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Robert Simmons here. 44 years old. TOS Trek fan. Big fan of Exeter and Dennis Bailey's work. This site was recommended by him and raymar3d to me as welcoming place for beginnners of 3d modleing. I have no experience but am wanting to learn and wanting to do the most without making my brain hurt learning.

I've browsed the galleries and meshes here and am loving the skill and patience on display here. I'm wanting to learn how to make my own belivable Special Effects and use them and also sets and characters for some Fan script Starship Exeter stories I've been writing.

Nice site...

gmd3d October 26th, 2008 01:34 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Thanks Robert .. I know your name from some Treks sites .. and esp the Exeter and Dennis work and I and many here are great admirers of the work done on it

What program are you looking to try 3D or 2D .. We have some great animators here who show great promises .. they far exceed my skills


Fretslayer October 26th, 2008 01:39 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hi Robert.
You were pointed in the right direction.
This place is full of helpful and informative people who won't make you feel stupid for asking a question. Every true master or guru of something was at one point a newbie themselves. :)

As for jumping right in and not hurting your brain too badly - I'd suggest DAZ Studio.
For one, it's FREE.
It's easy to use and once you get the hang of it you might want to have a look at Poser (not free but pretty powerful).

It goes without saying (or typing!) but if you have any questions ask away.
This place has it's resident gurus in everything from TS to LWO and from MAX to Poser and Daz Studio. I'm sure somebody will be willing and able to help you out.

I hope you enjoy the whole CG thing as much as the rest of us do and I look forward to seeing some of your art when you get around to it.

gmd3d October 26th, 2008 01:42 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Fretslayer is one of the animators I was think of .. :) I have been luck enough to see some of his work ..

Robert Simmons October 26th, 2008 03:00 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
I just looked at your animation. It looks VERY NICE. I especially like the colors of your nebula and the depth and body he ship is moving through.

Warning...what I am doing is TOS era exclusively. Approximately TOS season 4 timewise in the Exeter universe. I'm wanting everything to match in look in effects and weapons and movement seen in TOS Trek.

Robert Simmons October 26th, 2008 04:19 PM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Okay...thread created in the "on The Horizons" Forum here....


UrbanArmitage October 27th, 2008 12:26 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Hi Robert, and welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing some of your work. Your project sounds very interesting. As the others have said already, if you have any questions you have come to the right place. :)


gmd3d October 27th, 2008 03:17 AM

Re: New Member Welcome Thread
I agree UA .. I have read some of Roberts post on an other site and while I am a fan of the TOS .. Robert leaves me in the dust :) for knowledge and General information.. its a project I am going to watch closely

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