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-   -   Building the Classic USS ENTERPRISE in Lightwave (now released) (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=23536)

gmd3d September 5th, 2011 05:05 AM

Building the Classic USS ENTERPRISE in Lightwave (now released)
I started this tutorial around January 2011 and finished it originally to the month a year later, :) after much going back and forward while I learned to build this model using only the original tools you have at hand in lightwave when your first load lightwave into your PC or Laptop.

Building the Enterprise is not as easy as you would think and has a few areas that can test any modeler skill, I worked on some areas several times to get something right and once I found a way to get it done (for me the easiest way to introduce a new comer to lightwave modeling), I had to repeat the build again and take images to show the process again.


This Tutorial has been released and revised 19/04/2012 and is now been uploaded into the Downloads section, Remember to access the Downloads you need to have more the 5 posts to access.

Or you can find it on my Blog here.

I set out to keep this as a record of how I build the Enterprise and as an aid to

I am just getting to the end of my work on the Secondary Hull (difficult)
and I thought it would be time to put some of it out there and see what

I decided on a few requirements for this for new modeller.
1. I targeted new lightwave users and make it as easy as possible.
2. Only native tools that are standard in Lightwave 9.6 (no plugins).
3. Building it the best way I could think for a new modeller to learn
his or her way around lightwave.

I would like to thank the following

Jennifer DeSalle: aka VK08:
For her guidance and invaluable modeling advise and help
Dan Baran: aka Fretslayer:
For all his support during the build
Alain Rivard: aka Al3d:
For advise given and a look at how its ready done.
Greg Charest: aka Mikala:
For his support and advise
For proofreading.
For giving it a shot
For sharing his model of the Enterprise
For his help and support
Chris Martin: aka evil_genius_180:
For his work on the Enterprise which can be found here in the download area and his tutorial
For his work on the Enterprise and tutorial in Blender giving me a new approach
For his additional help and feed back

Without their help I would never have finished.

evil_genius_180 September 5th, 2011 09:02 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Have you tried Dropbox or some such software or site where you can store sites online? It's free and you can post a link to the file here.

gmd3d September 5th, 2011 09:57 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
I have looked at megaupload and rapidshare .

but I have not heard of Dropbox .. I will look into that, thanks Chris

evil_genius_180 September 5th, 2011 10:50 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
No problem. Dropbox comes with one of the Linux distributions that I have installed, that's how I've heard of it. The guy who runs the distribution also uploaded his releases there while we were testing it, that's how I know you can post DL links for people.

gmd3d September 5th, 2011 10:53 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
great I will have a look at that asap.

I am working on the 14th chapter at the moment.

I hope to finish that tomorrow at the latest and finish with the warp engines over the weekend. I have family coming to visit and that will keep me away from LW for at least 2 weeks :(

Auditor September 10th, 2011 02:03 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Bummer. Been looking forward to this but I have LW8

gmd3d September 10th, 2011 02:11 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 266222)
Bummer. Been looking forward to this but I have LW8

It will work in Lightwave 8 too.... all the standard tools in Lightwave 8 are still used in Lightwave 9.

I will see about loading up asap.

lexington1709 October 31st, 2011 09:01 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
I may give this a try... I suck in Modeler.

gmd3d November 1st, 2011 02:19 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Welcome aboard lexington1701, I know your work from ScifiErics site, you are very welcome here.

lexington1709 November 1st, 2011 04:14 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave

Originally Posted by Taranis (Post 266564)
Welcome aboard lexington1701, I know your work from ScifiErics site, you are very welcome here.

Thanks. I didn't know about this site until recently. If it's like Foundation, we be cool! :)

gmd3d November 2nd, 2011 02:10 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
We are quieter then Foundation3d at the moment.

We have some ideas for the year ahead, real life this year has thrown use all a curve ball. (I have never played baseball lol).

I personally will be looking to build more original ships designs this year rather than Star Trek.

gmd3d November 3rd, 2011 04:15 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Thread reopened.

Present word count: 24,540.
Present image count: 633 and rising (included´s the backdrop images)
Present Chapter Count: 22.

evil_genius_180 November 3rd, 2011 09:28 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
I was trying to figure out why it was locked. (accident?)

This is a big undertaking, Ger. I look forward to seeing the finished product. I'll definitely have to activate a free LW trial and give it a go, even if that's the only thing I ever do in LW. ;)

gmd3d November 3rd, 2011 09:44 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
I locked it :)

I needed to decided on the direction I was taking the tutorial, remaining free or see about selling it., and make a little money.

Apart from the early chapters which will remain free and of course the blueprints which are not mine, but Charles Casimiros.

So I will add a tutorial about setting up the blueprints.

evil_genius_180 November 3rd, 2011 11:39 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
I would suggest trying to sell it. Most of the good LW tutorials are paid for anyway, you might as well join the party. Besides, people who use LW can apparently afford to spend $1,495 on the software, I'm sure they can shell out a few bucks (or whatever currency they use) for a tutorial.

gmd3d November 3rd, 2011 12:04 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Thanks for your support Chris

Starship November 4th, 2011 05:29 PM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
Good news Gerard! How the life is going?

Auditor November 5th, 2011 12:10 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave
This makes me sad. I've been looking forward to this tutorial since I joined and the tutorial was announced.

I understand the assumption that lightwave users can afford it. But I for one can not. I have a divorce and a bankruptcy under my belt and haven't upgraded since LW 8 barely keeping a roof over my head and don't even have internet at home.

I understand profitting from your work and you should.

I hope this doesn't sound like an attack or anything. It's not meant to be. The comment about Lightwave users affording it just rubbed me wrong. And I bare You no ill feeling either.

gmd3d November 5th, 2011 02:35 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 266585)
This makes me sad. I've been looking forward to this tutorial since I joined and the tutorial was announced.

I understand the assumption that lightwave users can afford it. But I for one can not. I have a divorce and a bankruptcy under my belt and haven't upgraded since LW 8 barely keeping a roof over my head and don't even have internet at home.

I understand profitting from your work and you should.

I hope this doesn't sound like an attack or anything. It's not meant to be. And I bare You no ill feeling either.

No I don´t see it as an attack, not at all.

Like yourself, my finance's have not been rosy for over a year now as I have had little work.

But I am not talking about a lot of money either, I have never sold a tut before (and I need to find out if I even can with copy-write law. I don´t want Paramount breeding down my neck) lol. I talking about $30.00

But is I can sell it as a teaching aid, its a year of work,
working things out for new modellers with no additional plug-ins used to make it easier.

I have practically have relearned lightwave from the ground up
and I have learned things that have caused me problems at
the beginning.

If there is a problem with me selling it, it will be released as before free. I will do something else, tutorial wise that will give me the freedom to earn some much needed cash.

gmd3d November 5th, 2011 02:40 AM

Re: Building the USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 in Lightwave

Originally Posted by Starship (Post 266582)
Good news Gerard! How the life is going?

Life is going lol.

and for you, hope all goes well.

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