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kingfish March 19th, 2003 08:39 AM

Space 1999 Revival
I heard they are making a Thunderbirds movie which is a Gerry Anderson property. I wonder if this will lead to a 1999 movie?

Kai March 19th, 2003 10:32 AM

hmm not sure on the 1999 front
the fact the TB movie is going ahead means that Gerry and Sylvia must have come to some sort of arrangement :)

as to 1999.... when the series ended I gather the lifesupport on Alpha was failing leading them to evac to a (close to) suitable planet.. and the message that Saundar Baines sends back to earth... becomes the signals that were coming from Meta....

hmm.. I suppose they could carry on 1999 from the point of the Colony.. but where to go from there?

kingfish March 19th, 2003 11:58 AM


Originally posted by Kai
hmm not sure on the 1999 front
the fact the TB movie is going ahead means that Gerry and Sylvia must have come to some sort of arrangement :)

as to 1999.... when the series ended I gather the lifesupport on Alpha was failing leading them to evac to a (close to) suitable planet.. and the message that Saundar Baines sends back to earth... becomes the signals that were coming from Meta....

hmm.. I suppose they could carry on 1999 from the point of the Colony.. but where to go from there?

You must be referring to "Messages From Moonbase Alpha." The last show of the series was The Dorcons in which life support on Alpha was fine.

Kai March 19th, 2003 01:04 PM

actually.. the Dorcons wasn't the last show...
they show 1999 in any order but the correct one lol

moovok March 20th, 2003 07:05 AM

Last time I heard anything about Space 1999 was ages ago, about them doing a Space 2999, or Space 3999, set in the future. But nothing seems to have panned out.

Though, Thunderbirds the movie won't be the same, since the actors aren't wearing strings :(

kingfish March 20th, 2003 03:14 PM

This was the last episode of the series. I asked someone at the Space 1999 forums. Alpha was evacuated in the fan made movie Messages.

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