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moovok March 25th, 2003 11:36 AM

No Spin-Off JOSS yet

Quote from: BBC Cult Website
Hopes are fading for a further spin-off after Buffy.

First it was definitely going to be Dawn the Vampire Slayer. Then they were sure it was going to be Faith the Vampire Slayer. Then they were positive that it was Willow's Witch Academy. Now it looks as though all the rumour-mongering about a new Buffy spin-off was way off-beam.

Eliza Dusku's unavailability nixed the Faith show. "There was some talk... but she chose something else, and the talk stopped," Joss Whedon said, speaking to TV Guide Online.

Ain't It Cool News also carries reports of writer Jane Espenson discussing the possibilities. According to their source ("call me Chet"), Espenson echoed Whedon's comments about the Faith spin-off, but went on to discuss a Slayer School show, with Willow heading up a Hollywood Hogwarts. But, Chet says, "that did not seem that likely as it doesn't feel right, and would most likely not happen unless Joss changed his feelings."

Whedon's hopeful that he'll be able to tell stories in the world of Buffy. Eventually. "It doesn't mean the Buffy universe is closed or that there aren't potential spinoffs, like Willow or whatever. But it does mean that Buffy, as we know it, will end. This is the last season. It's not coming back. Something may come. It may come next season, it may come later."

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/news/buffy.../24/3421.shtml

There's also been no word on any dates for Ripper. Personally, I think it'll be good for Angel to stand alone for a few seasons (depend how long it lasts) for another spinoff. Allow Joss to have a great idea. Remember, it took him 3 years for Angel, so maybe 2 years for ____?

captmiloman March 26th, 2003 08:51 AM

Joss is also probably still recovering from Firefly's cancellation. He should concentrate on getting Angel back up to speed. Maybe whoever survives the Buffy finale could have recurring roles on Angel? It would be interesting to see Spike and Angel meet up again.

Hito March 26th, 2003 09:21 AM

Yeah the next spinoff if any should come from angel.
I'd still like willow as a recouring guest on angel
her darker side fits in well with that show.
I'd love for Joss to write out fred and replace her with willow.

Besides willow is cuter :D

Artemis March 26th, 2003 04:18 PM

It seems like there are more good shows ending then there are new ones beginning.

moovok March 26th, 2003 04:21 PM

There has been comments about some of the cast going to Angel. Not sure if it was rumours or not.

I LIKE FRED! Though the accent is a bit iffy, she's major hotty.

Hmmm... choices: Faith, Fred or Willow... Hmmm...?

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