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Melvin the Dork June 1st, 2003 11:40 PM

Website help needed
Hey, I am helping a friend with a website and I have hit the same snag she has. Meaning I am not much help at all.
What I need to know is this; I have an image that is to be used as a horizontal bar for separating page sections. What I want is just the design, and no background.
Forgive the poor illustration, -----O-----
That is how it looks for the most part. Whatever I do makes the background white, not clear. What am I doing wrong?


Trek June 2nd, 2003 05:34 AM

You need to save the image a gif and ensure that you have transparncy turned on.

Hope this helps.

Thomas P June 2nd, 2003 06:32 AM

What Trek said :D

PSP and Photoshop both allow for setting and saving GIF format images with a transparency value. Just make sure the color value you use is not in the image itself.

Proximo June 2nd, 2003 06:55 AM

You wouldn't have ths trouble if only the big browsers would support PNG properly. Ah well...

Melvin the Dork June 2nd, 2003 02:13 PM

Thanks a lot guys :)

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