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-   -   Ojos asi, mp3s, firewalls, ICQ, etc (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=20365)

Sess August 11th, 2003 11:39 PM

Ojos asi, mp3s, firewalls, ICQ, etc
Ojos Asi is such a cool song!!!

but I can't install anything on this computer, including msn and icq...
which means I can't get my online friends to download it for me.

and kazaa was blocked out on mine already, let alone on walter's work computer.

might anyone have it, keep it till we've hooked up my other computer, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :)

thank you.

(C, you out there anywhere? You were always nice, for a frenchie! it's not like I'll be on the messengers any time the next two months or so you might as well send an email. :roll: :D )

Kakaze August 12th, 2003 01:56 AM

*cough* let me know when you get your computer set up *cough*

Sess August 12th, 2003 10:36 AM

which reminds me
Kakaze, haven't heard from you in a while!!!

how are you

(what haircolor do you have this week?)

in fact everybody can email me


we can all be one happy mailing family.

Chris B August 12th, 2003 11:37 AM

how cheesy :P

Sess August 12th, 2003 11:54 AM

You've to talk about cheesy, you're the one who...


good point.

*backs off with tail between legs*

I hate arguing with you
you always win!

BAH I say.

Kakaze August 12th, 2003 02:50 PM


Originally posted by Sess
which reminds me
Kakaze, haven't heard from you in a while!!!

how are you

(what haircolor do you have this week?)

in fact everybody can email me


we can all be one happy mailing family.

I know, sweetie, I keep meaning to write, but I'm absolutely horrible when it comes to things like that. :( Don't ever ask me to remember your birthday or any other special day either because I never do. heh

moovok August 12th, 2003 03:21 PM

*cough* Ever tried WinMX? *cough*

General Phoenix August 12th, 2003 04:40 PM

Re: Ojos asi, mp3s, firewalls, ICQ, etc

Originally posted by Sess
You were always nice, for a frenchie!
That's nice - I like that. :D

Sess August 13th, 2003 09:37 AM


Originally posted by moovok
*cough* Ever tried WinMX? *cough*
no i haven't

but I'm not allowed to install anything at the moment....

well we've ordered the box so maybe in a week or two we can start getting a server or a gateway set up...

I'll try to remember it.

Sess August 13th, 2003 09:41 AM


Originally posted by Kakaze

I know, sweetie, I keep meaning to write, but I'm absolutely horrible when it comes to things like that. :( Don't ever ask me to remember your birthday or any other special day either because I never do. heh

that's okay

it took me two years to learn Chris's....

it took me 6 years to learn mine!!! :D :stunned: :roll:

Commodore-SirJohn August 15th, 2003 12:45 AM

I've got both a studio and live version available.

When you're up, let me know, and I'll stick them up on www.totmm.com for a couple days so you can grab them.

/me looks around for someone who can do GMAX models for FS2004... I need a Delta Flyer... :)

Sess August 15th, 2003 03:19 PM

I hope the threads don't go anywhere so I can then still find it...

wait, can I add you to bunny list?

*wanted to edit that to buddy list, as it was a typo, but then looks at her avatar and reconsiders*

that was by accident! honest!:D

Sess August 15th, 2003 03:21 PM

Re: Re: Ojos asi, mp3s, firewalls, ICQ, etc

Originally posted by General Phoenix

That's nice - I like that. :D

If you need some anti-French remarks for your next party, how about these:

It's no surprise the French won't help us get Saddam Hussein out of Iraq. They didn't help us get Germany out of France, either.

Still, it's essential for them to join us in the war against Iraq. They can teach the Iraqis how to surrender.

And why were French streets tree-lined? So the Germans can march in the shade.

How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? No one knows. It's never been tried.

What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up? The army.

How many gears does a French tank have? Five, four in reverse and one forward (in case of attack from behind).

FOR SALE: French rifles . . . never fired, only dropped once.

This joke is from the collection at www.usaone.net/jokenet

(Sorry Frenchies.. I'm not anti-french but you seem to be the only nation not taking anti-you jokes to heart...

Jews did, Blacks did, Americans did, British didn't get it, Russians called me a traitor and when I started making blonde jokes I got flame from some feminist...)

Proximo August 16th, 2003 01:33 AM

Re: Re: Re: Ojos asi, mp3s, firewalls, ICQ, etc

Originally posted by Sess

British didn't get it

... actually we british invented anti-british jokes.

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