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seanr September 9th, 2003 08:27 AM

Joe M. Ralat, trekinside.com
Anyone know what happened to Joe M. Ralat (aka Resistance) and his site (www.trekinside.com)? I saw something about ghostbusters.net going after him for copyright infringement and the domain name is currently unregistered. Where the * did he go?

seanr September 9th, 2003 08:29 AM


jolhof April 11th, 2006 01:50 PM

Any word on Joe yet?

From the looks of what I did find of his work, it was amazing. love to know if he is still around?

Also, Sean, you're models are absolutly amazing!! From what I see on Webolutionary.com, they are the most realistic looking I have ever encountered. Marvelous!!

seanr April 11th, 2006 02:01 PM

I've seen him on scifi-meshes.com recently, though only fairly sporadicly. As for my work, thank you very much, I'm thoroughly flattered. I do think some others have done work better than mine, but I certainly do enjoy creating it. Thanks.

jolhof April 11th, 2006 02:09 PM


I can honestly say that I have never ever seen anyone create such detailed 3d renderings of any Startrek bridges other than maybe the studio itself, and even then it flashes by on screen so fast, one can't see much in detail. No trust me, these are the best I have ever encountered. If Holodecks were a reality, your Bridges would run on them.

Are all the Bridge models created with TrueSpace?

jolhof April 25th, 2006 08:33 PM


I was just curious to find out if you have any of your Bridge models for download anywhere? I found one of them here, but are the others available or any tutorials from you on how to create them? Oh also, I found Joe, he's at http://www.joseralat.com/.


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