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moovok October 9th, 2003 01:32 PM

Off To See The Eye
All expenses trip to London, the only thing, I have to work.

Anyway, I might be away for two weeks. It's not like I'm majorly important or anyone would realise I'm gone, but I thought I'd let you all know, to be nice and stuff.

Cya whenever....

General Phoenix October 9th, 2003 08:06 PM

If you want to trade, I'll go to London and you can enjoy the weather here in Texas. :)

Chris B October 10th, 2003 03:21 AM

tis not like london is so very great - i've been there...

anyways, have fun mike! :D

Trek October 10th, 2003 04:24 AM

You're coming down to london and haven't contacted me? :(

moovok October 10th, 2003 12:18 PM

I'm coming down to London to WORK! Plus, I'd love Texas, I need a tan. My New York trip, well got me some, but not much. You can still see I'm white. Anyway, I'm going to have probably two days of the week off to spend my time sightseeing.

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