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Aeinc October 20th, 2003 10:34 PM

My review of DS9 Season 8 books * Warning may contain spoilers*
Hi all….

I thought I give you my review of DS9 season eight. For those who don’t know it season eight are all novels now. So far I have been read Avatar 1 and 2, section 31 and the Mission Gamma books 1 to 4. I have to say so far I am impressed with how season eight came out strong. The changes that took place after Captain Sisko disappeared in the fire caves on Bajor, only later we found out that he was really rescues by the wormhole aliens or prophets. The question of when he going to return really lies in Unity, which will be out in November. ( I am really looking forward to reading this book.)

In Avatar book one and two we see the how the dramatic things have changed in DS9, Kira now command the station, Odo returns to the Great Link, Garak returns to his homeworld, Chief O’Brien and his family are back on Earth, Worf becomes ambassador to the Klingon Empire, Rom now the Grand Nagus, and his son Nog becomes Chief of Engineering of the Defiant. What we see new here was the new first officer Commander Elias Vaughn who has 80 years of Starfleet experience under his belt. He kind of guy who does fit in the section 31 team, he does believe in right and wrong and in book 4 of the mission gamma, you will see a lot if his dark history. Enough of the intros and lets get to the nitty gritty here.

The Mission Gamma books 1 to 3: I don’t really recommend you read them. They started off very slow. But they do have some interesting subplots along the way. The stories were slow starting and there were a lot if repeated grammars. I have to tell ya IMHO book 1 and 3 are really weak. If are you intended to read the whole series… then don’t count on counting the sheep’s to go sleep, book 1 to 3 will do that for ya.

Mission Gamma book 4 was very good, as we see in this book the truth of Commander Vaughn’s past finally been reveled, but ended in a tragic event when he learns the truth about his wife. Kira’s gets to command an Akria class starship, but the command was force on her when their captain was killed in action. In the end the Jake Sisko was beam on the Defiant by the Dominion warship along with someone we will never expected to return, I’ll give you a hint: if u have the DVD set watch DS9 season one…. Battle Lines.

Mission Gamma books 1 to 3… poor starting, weak story and very annoying repeating details. I give these books two thumbs down.

Mission Gamma book 4: Very strong opening. Good action and good ending. I give this book two thumbs up.

Avatar book 1 and 2: Awesome beginning to end, characters well developed. Hard to put the books down. Two thumbs up.

Trek October 21st, 2003 06:17 AM

You've missed a couple of books out: 'Abyss' and 'Demon's of air and Darkness/ Horn and Ivory'

Both of these are part of Trek universe corssovers, but they are both stand alone beyond the theme of the crossovers (and both very good, especially Abyss).

While I agree that the gamma quadrent aspects of the mission gamma novels were a bit slow (although they got gradually better) I would recommend all four books for the Bajor storyline - It had me completely gripped (Partly because it features the return of one of the most neglected plotlines from TNG).

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