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-   -   After Earth: An Original S/F Universe - HELP WANTED! (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=20818)

General Phoenix March 17th, 2004 02:09 PM

After Earth: An Original S/F Universe - HELP WANTED!

After Earth is a new exciting Science Fiction Universe. It is a fresh take on the whole idea of Science Fiction. Set in the year 4150 After Earth is the scene of a vicious war raged between the 2 factions of the human race. The AU Allied Union and the other side UGC United Galactic Commonwealth.

After Earth is a science fiction universe envisioned by Michael Conomy which now consists of a team of many talented people writing and creating to make the universe a full place. After Earth is a fast growing universe that continues to expand and amaze everyone on the after earth team. As we continue to grow we find more ways to expand the universe and with up and coming projects we need more talented people to help in its development. If you can help preferably in the following:

- Concept Art
- Universe Development
- Story Writing
- 3d Modeling
- Character Modelers
- Animation
- Web Site design
- Advertising
- 2D Artists
- Or something we haven't mentioned

Come see us at http://www.afterearth.net and visit the forum!

rmclone June 11th, 2004 09:58 PM

Would be very interested in learning more about this project. Sounds very interesting and might be fun to do. I'm a pretty good writer & sci-fi enthusiast. Working on my game developing and computer skills. Anyone interested in helping a noobie? Would be extremely grateful for any assistance.
Sincerely ,
Rich McLaughlin

moovok June 12th, 2004 02:52 AM

If you visit the website, they'll probably be an email address and more information on the subject about "After Earth" and see whether you can contribute and have your questions answered. :)

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