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Godfrey July 16th, 2004 10:43 AM

Stargate Atlantis
I've long wanted to re-do my Stargate model into Animation:Master, but wasn't thrilled about the thought of just duplicating work I'd already done.

So tonight's premiere of Stargate Atlantis gave me the excuse to do something a little different (though when I'm done with it, I can just change the glyph ring and the chevron color to get the old gate back).

Click on the thumbnails for the full-sized pics.

http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/animas...gate-Front.jpg http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/animas...on-Closeup.jpg http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/animas...ew-Closeup.jpg

Also a couple of large (2048x1536) "white renders" of the entire gate: front view and back view.

I was hoping to have it finished by today, but alas, there's still a little more work to be done.

skyhawk223 July 16th, 2004 01:08 PM

Haven't seen the show yet but the gate looks good. I assume the symbols are now lit up by those points?

Godfrey July 16th, 2004 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by skyhawk223
I assume the symbols are now lit up by those points?

Not sure what's going on. In the promo pics, it shows all the "star" points lit up on every glyph, and it looks like the glyphs are physically present on the face of the ring, like the gate in SG-1. But I caught a brief glimpse on one of the ads the other night that showed a blank-faced, stationary ring (just the separator bars between the spaces), and a single glyph appeared on the face of it, blinking from space to space until it reached the chevron.

So I'll probably have to delete the glyph geometry and use decals, once I've seen the actual show to know what it's really doing. But if so, that'll reduce the patch count, so I'm not too unhappy about it.

Commodore-SirJohn July 17th, 2004 01:21 AM


Man, it has been far too long since I've been here...

Coldheart August 5th, 2004 06:38 PM

I was noticing as the image goes toward the distance (away from the screen) it begins to fade. how did you do that?
Btw, I am a newb

Godfrey August 5th, 2004 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Coldheart
I was noticing as the image goes toward the distance (away from the screen) it begins to fade. how did you do that?

It's a rendering feature called "depth of field", simulating the effect produced by a physical lens with a wide aperture (the iris set at a lower f-stop number). I think most 3D packages support DoF these days.

thomas7g August 8th, 2004 12:25 AM

Excellent work as always! :D

Though Tom is very disapointed in that the new Atlantean gate has no spinning disk!

Godfrey August 8th, 2004 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by thomas7g
Though Tom is very disapointed in that the new Atlantean gate has no spinning disk!

Yeah, that's going to cause a bit of a problem when they end up on a planet with no DHD, and they can't even dial out manually!

Thought I'd lost my model; I had a catastrophic hard drive failure this week. Thank goodness for data recovery software, otherwise I would have been completely hosed. (I had backups, but none recent enough to have my new Stargate on it...)

Now to correct the mistakes in the model (the new gate has only 36 glyph spaces, so they'll line up with the chevrons) and do the glyphs as decals...

LeeYork August 9th, 2004 02:38 PM

Looks great man!

Was also dissapointed by the lack of a spinning disk but from what I gathered in the episode its only the atlantis gate thats "special" and the others theyre gonna come across are your bog standard stargates

niva September 6th, 2004 11:51 AM

Does anyone know where to find chart of those new glyph?

teklord1 March 22nd, 2006 02:25 PM

Nice work. I have several stargate meshes. Not as detailed as yours. One is a Max mesh and no matter what I try I can't get it to convert to 3ds correctly. It comes out like an exploded view

April 2nd, 2006 05:48 PM

nice job , well done

Promethius April 7th, 2006 03:41 PM

yes, good job. I like the details.

mikala April 22nd, 2006 01:14 PM

Very nicely detailed! Throw it into the Atlantis gaterium and presto one beautiful render coming up:)

morganzacd5p April 27th, 2006 08:02 PM

Are you planning to do the Gateroom with this?

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