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neotigZ October 6th, 2004 12:12 AM

im a newbe
hi folks. if you havnt guessed im new. i was just wanting to know a few things. ive got to where i like to use vue d esprit 4 i used to use bryce 5 and i have a lot of bryce scenes. i want to convert them into somthing i can use on vue but the only thing i can find is for mac and i dont have one of those and i dont see me gettin one anytime soon. so is there anything for windows? also i have lightwave and 3ds max and when ever i try to convert an object into somthing i can use for vue it doesnt convert all of it. i only end up with just like the main part of it and i cant find a way to group the objects so it would get it all. maybe i just need a tutorial on them but 3ds max runs really slow on my pc. so if anyone knows where i can find somthing to convert everything into somthing i can use on vue then i would be really happy :biggrin: oh by the way i just found out where kisses come from

:cow_tiny: :hkiss: :smiley:

skyhawk223 October 6th, 2004 05:39 AM

Welcome to the group. There was some converter application out there that would probably meet your needs, but I cannot recall what it is. Sorry. Perhaps the next reader will be able to help.

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