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Mustang February 13th, 2006 12:06 PM

A useless thread
I make this thread in extension to 'My Introduction' one, simply to tell you the kind of person I am. I am rather forward and can be quite blunt, I don'tl ike dilly dallying around an issue so I will get right to the point of this thread.

I make this thread because it is my Fifth, a momentous time for me since I believe it allows me to accessthe Download rea of this site. I had been wondering why Icouldn't download until I came across many people asking on the forum why they couldn't either. I cannot wait to see the rendering you all have donated and hope to learn from them and one day make something in honor of them.

I sound like I'm blowing smoke up your tail, yes?
No, I'm sorry but I have come here for months and read in detail many threads and learned much and although this place is not as big as sci-fi meshes. It is direct nd to the point, which is what I like.

Thank You all,

Darrell Lawrence February 13th, 2006 02:05 PM

;) If you're having probs Downloading, then check into this-

Check your browser "cookies". If you have more than one for 3dgladiators.net, then delete them all and re-log in.

If you still have problems, then use the Firefox browser.

JonathanS April 6th, 2006 05:45 AM

Since it was mentioned here. Just out of curiosity, why do they have the 5 post limit for downloading? To make sure people don't just come and walk off with everything?

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