3D Gladiators Forums

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-   -   Problems with the Download Center? (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=21716)

Darrell Lawrence April 11th, 2006 11:16 AM

Problems with the Download Center?
If you're having problems accessing the CG models in the Downloads, then try the following-

1. Make sure you've completed the 5 post rule.

If still no access,

2. Clear all "cookies" from your browser, re-log into the FORUMS first, then go try the downloads again.

If still no access,

3. Change browsers, aka from IE to Firefox or from Firefox to IE. Re-log into the FORUMS first, then try the downloads.

If you have done the above, then at some point in there you should have access. if not, THEN let me know :)

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