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Flashfranky April 17th, 2006 10:25 PM

Sulaco Project
Hi Forum,

I'm a newbie in modeling. Using Blender 2.41. After lots of hours learning with meshes from other people I started my first 3D-Modell. It's a Cargo-Ship called 'Sulaco'. First steps are done and now I'll be glad for your opinion. Thanks...


evil_genius_180 April 17th, 2006 10:51 PM

Ah, nothing like that first model ;) I wish mine had looked that good.

I saw the name on the thread and thought someone was doing the ship from Aliens. I've only seen one WIP on that over on scifi-meshes, but he doesn't update it anymore :(

Moving on, your ship looks great so far. What are your thoughts on what you're going to do with it next? I noticed you've already got some of your texture mapping in place. Despite what some people say, I feel it's good to start working on that early. :D

Flashfranky April 18th, 2006 01:08 AM

Thanks for the note... :-)

I'm a little bit unhappy with the front of the ship. I want to change somthing, but I got no idea in wich way... Next I want to ad more details. The warp engine is a simply glow, not more yet. My thoughts are, that a space trasporter must have a lot of options to be loaded. So the sulaco need some cranes or something. Also I want add some ramps or portholes. These are the next steps. New pics will come.... ;-)

Darrell Lawrence April 18th, 2006 01:54 AM

Yup... I'd suggest more details too. Right now it looks very low poly.

Been seeing a lot of Blender stuff lately. Looks like it's a good beginners program.

gmd3d April 18th, 2006 05:43 AM

I like the looks of her .. has that carro look about it all right .. more datails on the forward end or perhaps some form of docking area so to ba able to do with a larger station ??

Flashfranky April 18th, 2006 06:37 AM

yes... I imagine often the sulaco docks forward on a space station. So the next step is to modify the front to a porthole with an airlock. ;-)

Warrior... In my opinion Blender is a absolutely great software. I do my frist steps in cinema 4D but I just got a old version and a upgrade is expensive. Blender is free and I think you can do all in 3D what other 3D-programs do. It's not so easy to handle, but on the blender-website you see a lot of great examples for the possibilities of blender... I love that program!

Thanks for all your posts

evil_genius_180 April 18th, 2006 12:10 PM

I tried Blender with their last version, but I wasn't happy. However, it seems to me that this new version is a lot better. It seems really close to the bigger 3D suites, so it's probably a good time to get it for free before it's not free anymore :D

Ramps and cranes sound like good additions to your ship, since it is a transporter. You might also want to think of at least a few defensive weapons banks to fight off pirates and whatnot. Also, not all of the details you add have to have a function. You could just add some doohickies and nicknacks to make it look cooler. Those are always crowd pleasers. :cylon:

Flashfranky April 25th, 2006 03:03 PM

I worked on my sulaco and that's the results... Hope you like it. For me it's ready and I'm happy with my first self-made space-ship. Now I want to go on to another project... ;-))


I'm curious about your comments... ;-)

evil_genius_180 April 25th, 2006 06:04 PM

Looks good. Though, your windows are a bit too white and it would be cool if you put some pics on the backs of them so it looks like we can see through them.

Darrell Lawrence April 25th, 2006 06:23 PM

I'd recomend also to stagger which windows are lit up and which are dark.

Flashfranky April 25th, 2006 10:11 PM

Good Idea!! ;-)

Flashfranky April 27th, 2006 12:20 AM

What do you think about this...


gmd3d April 27th, 2006 12:35 AM

oh that coming on nicely :) the windows look alot better

evil_genius_180 April 27th, 2006 12:55 AM

That's what I'm talking about!! Looks great. :D

Flashfranky April 27th, 2006 12:59 AM

;-)))) Thanks for your support! ;-))

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