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Site Spamming - Please Read
Heya all. There has been an increase in spamming in the forums lately. Someone or someones using multiple membernames has been adding threads with links to buying online drugs, porno and other things that don't belong on the forums. I've been trying to delete these whenever I find them (as have the other mods and admins.) However, we don't always notice them right away.
If you see any thread with these types of items in them, they don't belong here and need to be immediately deleted. So, please hit the report post button whenever you see anything like this so we can get right on that first thing to increase everyone's enjoyment of the forums. Thanks. |
If I see something I let you know :(
BATTLE!!! I shall fight it where I can!
Thanks, guys. I don't know about you, but I get enough of that spam in my e-mail without reading it here. :mad:
same here .... enough is enough
here's an idea... Why not spam them back :bang:
trolls are everywhere ....
what about a content parser like this: IF ($postcount < 10 AND $message contains some special words AND one OR more links to anywhere) { delete message; spank user; blacklist linkdomain; } :D |
Warrior did something a few months ago to block the spambot that was attacking the forums. We did get a little hit the other day (the same post in 3 threads that was nothing but links) but I think that was an unrelated attack. Heck, that might even have been a person doing that. :mad: But it's been dealt with appropriately.
New guy on point
Nice to see ya here too :)
Re: Site Spamming - Please Read
Is there no place that's sacred? Spammers...they aught to be lined up and shot...in an um...appropriate manner. Yes, that's it. Appropriate manner. Now if more people would turn to the dark side, then we wouldn't need to worry about that little technicality. ;)
Re: Site Spamming - Please Read
M'kay, since this is no longer an issue, I'm closing this thread so it doesn't appear on the front page again.
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