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-   -   BABYLON5 RETURNS. "In Lost Tales" (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=22190)

gmd3d March 11th, 2007 09:36 AM

BABYLON5 returns with a new show . read the rest with the link :) B5 has become of of my favourite shows .


CGSociety will follow the production of Babylon 5: The Lost Tales from beginning to end, covering as many aspects as a feature article allows


captaintombs May 27th, 2007 09:41 PM

definattly looking forward to this i hope we get a mention of crusade and the liandra crew that would be nice to hear or see

VidFX May 21st, 2008 02:28 AM

Re: BABYLON5 RETURNS. "In Lost Tales"
Got it, watched it, a very good attempt to restart the B5 universe on a tight budget, the more people who buy this, the more episodes that will be made.

LoneWolf May 21st, 2008 04:07 AM

Re: BABYLON5 RETURNS. "In Lost Tales"
I own it too.

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