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TrueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
TrueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I got a notification about this today via Email .. not only is it for current users but first timers ... If true,.. its too good not to pass on. To you all who currently make use of Truespace .. Hi EG180 .... were looking at you.. Also to those who would like to make a start in CGI but don't or cannot hand over the cash.. well here is a possible answer. (If your wondering how I as a Lightwave user got the message .. well I started with truespace.. so there :):tongue: Quote:
http://cart1.caligari.com/web/Truespacemainreg.aspx Also, to aid in your learning process we have made all of our video courses, previously $79 each, available at no charge, and you can download those courses here. http://forums.caligari.com/track/lin...S76ts7a&code=5 |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
boy this is making the rounds isn't it...:p
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
sure is :)
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I've actually been expecting this exact move since Microsoft bought Caligari. In case anybody is wondering what this move means, it means this is very likely the final version of trueSpace. Microsoft is probably releasing it to get people hooked and then planning to have the (former) Caligari people make something newer and better under the Microsoft name.
Of course, even if I do all that, I can't use the damn thing until I get my new PC and I still have a bit of saving to do before that happens. (but I might still download it ahead of time, since it will take a long time to download) |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Darn .. I remember that .. dial up crap ... and it hogs the phone ...
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Yeah, but do a lot of downloading over night, so I don't have to worry about that. The largest file I've ever downloaded, though, was almost 50 MB. This should be interesting. ;)
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I remember one time Warrior sent me a 20 gig file over dialup took us days. That was a long time ago, in a place far far... no no that's right it was here in this house, but it was a long time ago. :D
This is an awesome find thanks for providing the link! |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Good lord, 20 gigs over dialup?! That's pretty outrageous. This trueSpace file is by far the biggest I've ever downloaded. Thank goodness for the download manager for Firefox, I can pause and resume my download whenever I want (need) to. :)
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
The icons rather than text turns me off to TrueSpace, and Max too.
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I agree somewhat with shrox. Icons instead of text make the program harder to learn, but once you get to know the program it shouldn't be too hard.
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I have had a look see at it ,, and I agree .. but I never been able to use it well ..
but free is a great price for some one starting out in 3d |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I'm the opposite way. I learned 3D in trueSpace 2, so I get lost in programs like Blender and Wings (I've tried modeling in both) where they have all those text menus instead of trueSpace's buttons. I love the buttons. :D
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
well your TS work is stunning mate .. details and all
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
"it means this is very likely the final version of trueSpace."
erm no. . they are working on 8.... they've already said they are re-writing the Booleans for 8.... it's all on the Caligari forums ya know? |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
its been a few years since I even looked at TS fourms .. since making the switch to Lightwave .. but still its a great way to get into cgi
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
well... trueSpace is now M$'s answer to Sketchup you see...
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Ah, gotcha. I guess we can look forward to Microsoft trueSpace from now on. ;)
It's OK by me, because one day even that relatively new trueSpace 7.6 is going to be antiquated and I'd like to stick to the program in which I learned 3D modeling. |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Usually a free release heralds a 'paid-for' upgrade to get the latest and greatest features. Still, it's an incredible deal on a package that started for over $3000 on the Amiga platform! :) I got my copy a few days ago. Pretty sweet. Ken :) |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Hey welcome aboard Ken .. :)
Great seen the Demonslayer over here too |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I've have it... but really I preferd the LG
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I had problems with it too . I'll stick with Lightwave :)
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
There's a really comprehensive .pdf user manual that you can download. It includes a quick guide.
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Wow - here we go again. I recall when they put TS 1.0 out for free when they released version 3! Off to grab this. Thanks for posting the info!
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I'm also one to use 'icons' more than text. For some reason they work in a more intuitive way with my brain. If I have to 'read' while I'm creating something it seems to pull me from my zone and becomes a distraction. Being somebody who is self taught (plus help from a few good people online) it's important for me to have tools what work around my set of 'art skills' so that I don't have to change my 'art skills' to work within the software.
I don't know of I'm explaining myself very well but I think that if any of you work like I do you probably understand. I'm going to snag this program just to see what it's like. Considering what I've read (on this site) so far I expect I'll like the program. |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Thanks for the information. Almost missed that.
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Since I have never really used anything this elaborate before I am totally at a loss in using this program. For a beginner I do not recommend this program. For the Novice and expert level user, it looks like you'll drool but I get frustrated since I do not know how to use it.
I followed the PDF and some of the things in it do not explain where the feature or function it asks you to do next is located. I tried the first lesson and got lost since nothing is clearly labeled as to what it is or where to look...you just have to be familiar with these types of programs to just "know" where things are. My only true issue is time, it is very time consuming for the beginner so if you have the time then you'll get through it. Now don't misunderstand I am not giving up on this but I am a bit frustrated. :fume: |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Thanks for this updated post of your experience..
But as I found it difficult to use too been more familiar with Lightwave I gave up on it .. there is a learning curve with these things .. took me a year to use the modelling feature from lightwave..... and my first model in her in the download area "the Brittania" That took a few months ... and its a easy model now that I look at it .. so don't give up .. try rendering a few simple scenes .. Trek or what ever . over a planet .. model making for me came later .. |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
Man, I've got to build my new computer so I can run this program. (I love a challenge :D) But I should be ordering components next week and then I'll be able to play. :evil:
One thing I'll say about trueSpace in general is that it took me many years to do much of anything in the program. Part of that was time, I didn't have much when I was in the Army, some of it was due to the somewhat confusing nature of the program. But then I met some people online who know tS and got me going. Plus, it helps that I have more time now to devote to modeling. For anyone who has the time, I'd suggest trying the Caligari forums more so than the user manual and tutorials. I bet there are some people over there who have mastered tS 7 and can help you. In fact, there are probably people over there who have asked some of the same questions you have about the program. As far as the sci-fi forums, you might be able to find some people who have already made the switch but I'd say you'd have better luck at Caligari. |
Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)
I found with the really basic tutorial where you create a rudamentory sci-fi runabout I was battling like crazy to find the tool icons they were referring to and I became very frustrated. Then I realised that I was using Model space instead of Workspace. When I switched over to Workspace I found the tools in no time. To change between the two look at the top left of the screen for 2 tabs labelled Workspace and Model. I hope this helps a bit. UA |
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