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gmd3d October 14th, 2008 01:48 AM

Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
ACTING legend Patrick Stewart is to make a giant leap across space — from Star Trek to Doctor Who.

He has agreed to a major role in the Time Lord’s next series after teaming up with the Doctor (David Tennant) on stage.

The pair starred in a production of Hamlet in the summer. Patrick — Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek — has been offered a role in a two-parter involving the Daleks, set to be screened next year.

The new series will also see the return of classic alien enemies the Ice Warriors and the Zygons. Patrick, 68, is a big Doctor Who admirer and has spoken in the past of his desire to star in the show.

He said: I have been a fan, actually yes, and I’m deeply dismayed that I was never asked to be in it. I think it’s a terrific series. A source said: Patrick and David are firm friends now, and want to work together again. They’ve got chemistry and that’s what Doctor Who is all about.

Patrick’s role is still being finalised but the plan is for him to play a renegade Time Lord called the Meddling Monk, who was last seen in Doctor Who in the 1960s. The Doctor thought his entire race was wiped out and gets a huge surprise to find another member of his species.

The Monk was originally played by Carry On film favourite Peter Butterworth. Our insider added: Patrick’s agent is now involved and everyone is really keen. His role is a belter.

mcmiller October 14th, 2008 05:30 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
Oh, wow... What a coup! I had thought (obviously mistakenly) that he had essentially retired from film and TV.

gmd3d October 14th, 2008 05:42 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
I have never heard of any retirement.. but I would like to see him in this show ..

gmd3d November 1st, 2008 08:42 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
here is some related news ..


David Tennant has announced that he is leaving Doctor Who during his acceptance speech at tonight's National Television Awards.
Speaking live from the Courtyard Theatre in Stratford Upon Avon David explained that he will be returning to Cardiff in January 2009 to film the 2009 Doctor Who specials, but when the show returns for a new series in 2010 it will be without him as the Doctor.

psycoderek November 12th, 2008 02:52 PM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
I knew about David Tennant going last year. It was only a rumour then but The series ending put that firmly in the spotlight when viewers of the two part special thought He was going at the end of part one. He will be doing the specials and there was a hint that there may be a movie. The movie deal was the clincher to get him to stay adn i know the BBC offered him more money to continue. I hope the Sea devils put in an apearance they freaked me out when I was growing up along with the giant maggots and the giant spiders in Spiders from mars episodes. Heck talking about this brings back memories of bessy and Sarah Jane. She was hot back then. The Daleks incidentally were built in a factoryu in Uxbridge Middlesex right behind where my mother worked. I used to see them on the back of a truck every now and then. Ah the good old days.

Ryuu December 6th, 2008 01:50 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
I liked Tennant & I liked Eccleston--they really grasped the idea of being The Doctor--I just wish they could've cast somebody who'd have the staying power of Tom Baker!

The Doctor's only supposed to have 12 regens, and if they keep casting people who haul ass for the hills the moment they've gotten the role, the series is PERMANTLY ENDED!:fume:

After all, it's not like they don't have enough stories availible for a more dedicated actor to milk that show for all it's worth!

psycoderek December 6th, 2008 02:16 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
well they are going up to 11 if my memory hasn't failed me.

William Hartnell ( The only Doctor to travel with a relative. )
Patrick Troughton ( Penny Whistle )
John Pertwee ( Humbugs ) Oh and Bessie
Tom Baker ( Jelly Babies )
Peter Davidson ( Cricket )
Colin Baker ( Grouchy )
Sylvester Mcoy ( Umbrella )
Paul Mcgann ( Pocket watch )
Tim Eccleson ( Grouchy )
David Tennant ( Humour )

Hows That for memory.

The New Doctor? well The advent calendar on the new site is a clue, or is it?

gmd3d December 6th, 2008 02:42 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
Peter Cushing was the other .. movie Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. (1966)

Neok December 6th, 2008 02:54 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who

Originally Posted by psycoderek (Post 258830)
Tim Eccleson ( Grouchy )

Christopher Eccleson not tim lol :P

but my picard joining the Dr Who team gonna be awsome :D

psycoderek December 6th, 2008 03:40 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
so i got ecclestons name wrong, heck he wasn't exactly memorable as the doctor. patrick stewart playing a time lord will be cool but i rekon it will only be for one episode or possibly two. So long as they don't write in his start trek catch frase ( Make it so) then all will be well in the world. I bet his character will be very shakespearian, it will be a change from the Loony they had last time. I must admit, with the demise of the Master they have lost a character to play around with.

Tenement January 30th, 2009 04:44 AM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
Matt Smith is the new Doctor. At 26, he's the youngest actor to play the Doctor and will probably take over the role at the end of the 2009 Christmas special.

SergeantJack February 6th, 2009 01:53 PM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
They could have a show of Patrick Stewart reading from the phone book and I'd probably tune in.

Jedman67 January 6th, 2011 08:34 PM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who

chromosomeboo November 15th, 2011 11:32 PM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
I wish that this hadhappened, that would have been so fantastic to see Patrick Stewart in Doctor Who. Well actually, at this point he can still make an appearance. Only, David Tennant is no longer portraying the Doctor. It would be nice if other familiar Doctor Who villains returned, I am sick of Daleks, Cybermen, and River Song.

rchmillar December 23rd, 2011 05:26 PM

Re: Patrick Stewart:from Star Trek to Doctor Who
No way Sir Patrick would do Dr Who. He's been trying to distance himself from sci-fi for a while and Sir Derek Jacobi beat him to it.

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