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Darrell Lawrence January 2nd, 2011 07:53 PM

New Avatars
Thanks to Taranis (the resizer) and a friend of his named nightwing1975 (the artist), there are a ton of new avatars to select from.

If you so desire, just go to your UserCP and Edit Avatar, and you'll see them.

Enjoy, and thanks, Taranis and nightwing1975!

gmd3d January 3rd, 2011 01:22 AM

New Avatars by nightwing
3 Attachment(s)
Greeting all.

Recently I saw some great images from many shows on deviantART: and I thought they would look great as avatars
for use here to use.

I got in touch with him "Gary Anderson" aka nightwing (a fellow Irishman bty) to see if as I said we could use them. he gave us permission which I thank him very much for.

Check your Avatar setting to see what available. !!!!!!!!

I will add more pending his further permissions to do so. (I ask that you respect the use of the avatar for this site only. if you wish to used them else where get in touch with nightwing.)

His Gallery can be found at the link below and if you have the
need he will also does commissions for you.:) if you fancy seen yourself as a Jedi or a Muppet :) get in touch with him.
bloody cool if you ask me.

I might if things improve for me get a Trek one done in the future. :laugh:

deviantART link
Face Book link

A team
Buck Rogers
Star Wars
Star Trek
Battle Beyond the Stars
Doctor Who
Loony Tunes

over 360 images that where cut to size by me and added by Warrior. inflamed RSI not withstanding

We hope you enjoy them

The Staff

gmd3d January 14th, 2011 01:32 AM

Re: New Avatars
Bumping this to remind members that we have loads of new avatars for you to play with. check them out ..

galactron22 May 9th, 2011 03:47 PM

Re: New Avatars
I'll take a look.

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