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Neo_Hikato September 2nd, 2011 09:12 PM

Titan A.E
Well, I had looked through this form, and, to my surprise, there is no mention of the animated sci-fi movie, Titan A.E. I mean, it may have been a flop due to the release time, but it had awesome characters, interesting aliens....well I dunno what else but the movie is still a fav. So much of a fav that I include parts and races into my own works.... :nervous:

gmd3d September 3rd, 2011 12:01 AM

Re: Titan A.E
Its a film I like a lot.

The Valkyrie the main ship is a design I would like to build some time.

but you can be the first to do so. I have never seen anyone build anything
from it.

Neo_Hikato September 3rd, 2011 10:51 AM

Re: Titan A.E
I've actually attempted to make a model of the mantrin alien (aka Stith, the kangaroo alien) from that movie, though I only got the head model. I would be happy however if either I or someone else made a model for that race for Daz3D, alongside a few other races and maybe a model of Titan A.E itself.

Auditor September 4th, 2011 04:00 AM

Re: Titan A.E
I like Titan A.E. alot. Lots to like there. Really like that salvaging of wrecks. Guess it's not popular to blow up Earth.

gmd3d September 4th, 2011 04:18 AM

Re: Titan A.E

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 266187)
Guess it's not popular to blow up Earth.

That was my thinking at the time.

Neo_Hikato September 4th, 2011 10:11 AM

Re: Titan A.E

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 266187)
Guess it's not popular to blow up Earth.

Indeed. Sure its popular to blow up other worlds (Alderaan, for example), but Earth hasn't been blown up a lot in movies. Titan A.E and Advent Rising are the only two things I know where Earth was destroyed by some alien force.

Trogdor October 31st, 2011 02:31 AM

Re: Titan A.E

Originally Posted by Neo_Hikato (Post 266182)
Well, I had looked through this form, and, to my surprise, there is no mention of the animated sci-fi movie, Titan A.E. I mean, it may have been a flop due to the release time, but it had awesome characters, interesting aliens....well I dunno what else but the movie is still a fav. So much of a fav that I include parts and races into my own works.... :nervous:

I agree, plus I like the animation.

Also, in the original Japanese of Voltron, Earth was the planet that was bombarded with nuclear weapons, and not Arus. And the Earth was destroyed totally, several episodes later.

gmd3d October 31st, 2011 02:38 AM

Re: Titan A.E
Never seen Voltron ......

anyway welcome aboard Trodor, why not introduce yourself in the introduction thread

Trogdor October 31st, 2011 02:45 AM

Re: Titan A.E

Originally Posted by Taranis (Post 266547)
Never seen Voltron ......

anyway welcome aboard Trodor, why not introduce yourself in the introduction thread

Well, I like to be discreet. :bounce: Plus I want to gather some of my own pictures to show off my 3D stuffs, and want to take my time to find th ebest stuffs, you know. :sly:

And don't bother with Voltron, I say to GoLion, the original Japanese version, it's far superior and does not insult one's intelligence, like the 1980's American dub did. :nonono:

gmd3d October 31st, 2011 02:50 AM

Re: Titan A.E
no need to be discreet were not that bad,

We´re look forward to see some art,

Qumefox April 3rd, 2012 03:40 PM

Re: Titan A.E
Hmm. I forgot this movie even existed. I'll have to dig out that DVD tonight and rewatch it. I guess I don't mind as much as most that the earth gets blown up. I liked it the first time I watched it. :D

gmd3d April 4th, 2012 01:54 AM

Re: Titan A.E
Its a good film, but did not do well at all...

It was a bad start I think for many that the Earth does blow up at the start..

Qumefox April 9th, 2012 08:32 AM

Re: Titan A.E
Eh. the earth is over rated. :D

onefromb5b4 July 15th, 2012 08:13 AM

Re: Titan A.E
I like this movie. have the book and even have it for my PSP.

Theophilis July 16th, 2012 07:18 AM

Re: Titan A.E
definitely underrated

gmd3d July 16th, 2012 12:48 PM

Re: Titan A.E

Originally Posted by Theophilis (Post 267456)
definitely underrated

yeah...... I agree......

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