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Tenement March 9th, 2013 02:46 AM

Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Reports coming through in the last few days of the return of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford returning to the Star Wars fold.


Will the Falcon entry ramp need a stannah stairlift to help our aged heroes into the ship or are they still game? ;)

evil_genius_180 March 9th, 2013 08:07 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
What is it with all of the old jokes? (not just here, I've seen them all over the web) Harrison Ford is only 70 years old, Mark Hamill is 61, Carrie Fisher is 56. Last time I checked, lots of people those ages still have their full faculties. Sir Alec Guiness was 63 in the original Star Wars, yet I'll bet nobody gave him crap about his age.

I'm glad they're all returning. It wouldn't be the same without Luke, Leia and Han. Even one of them missing would be bad.

Auditor March 10th, 2013 08:21 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
I'm glad there going to be in it. Although my intial reaction is oh no I don't want to see an old Han Solo. The whole prospect scares me. More Star Wars. We love and hate it. Now is a chance to make something great. I fear for the worst though.

I think reprising there roles is great. I hope that they are able to get back to the feel of Star Wars and Empire. Not just the actors,but the look and feel of the film itself. Please bring on Kasdan to write it. I do believe Michael Arndt can deliver a good screenplay.

I hope is more Star Wars than The Phantom Menace.

evil_genius_180 March 10th, 2013 09:37 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Everyone gets older. The only other option is to die young. I'm sure a senior citizen Captain Solo will be just as surly and wisecracking as a 30-year-old Captain Solo was in the first film. ;)

I agree, I hope the next films are more like the originals than the prequel trilogy. I like the prequels, but I love the originals. Having the big 3 back will be great, I think. I hope they can get some of the others too. I'd love to see Billy Dee Williams back as Lando and Denis Lawson back as Wedge. Wedge was a somewhat minor character in the movies but he became big in the expanded universe. (Rogue Squadron commander) And, of course, nobody can play C-3PO but Anthony Daniels.

ulimann644 March 11th, 2013 10:27 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
I´ve seen Carrie Fisher in the 5th SMALLVILLE-Season and the first I´ve thought was: "Please No...!!"

That is not what I´ll see in Episode VII... (and now Carrie is 8 years older than in the 5th SMALLVILLE-Episode !!) I loved her in Episode IV-VI but now it´s time for some new actors.

Some people will think, that´s a good idea to tell the story of the older Han, Luke and Leia in the third Trilogy, but I think it´s a better idea to create new Characters for Epiode VII - IX... and a new story - not an "Episode-IV-VI-Refit" please.

Auditor March 11th, 2013 01:59 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.

Some people will think, that´s a good idea to tell the story of the older Han, Luke and Leia in the third Trilogy, but I think it´s a better idea to create new Characters for Epiode VII - IX... and a new story - not an "Episode-IV-VI-Refit" please.
I don't want that either. There is no way that is going to happen. I like the idea of them in it, but not as the stars. I picture there parts as big, but very little screen time. Definately not the stars.

I'm sure the movies will be about Han and Leia's children. If it follows the themes of the other 6 films.

Or something like that.

evil_genius_180 March 11th, 2013 10:24 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Or it could focus on Luke's son. That's a rumor. At any rate, I'm sure it will stick with the Skywalker family, which was present in all of the previous films. As far as I know, they never intended to have Harrison, Carrie and Mark as the main stars, just in supporting roles as their familiar characters. I'm still not sure I want them to do any more movies but, if they must, I'm glad they'll have the original actors back, even in supporting roles.

Starship March 12th, 2013 07:47 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Well, I still have a HQ trilogy published in the middle of 80´s here in Brazil.
In that trillogy, Luke goes to the dark side after to fight (and loose) a combat with an emperor´s clone. So, the Dark Side lives again!
Leia and Solo was waiting twins to born, which are fundamental in the conclusion of that trillogy, helping to bring Luke back to the right side of the force and kill the Emperor´s clone.
Lando, Solo and Chewbacca haves a small participation in that trillogy, as Leia, but Luke takes a big hole acting as a "new Vader" for sometime. It is a good HQ. :)

The problem I see is that Carrie is to much old, as Solo, and can´t be waiting babies at his current age, which makes that trillogy I described impossible to be made without some adaptations.

There is a trillogy of books too, where the twins are older, but the history is similar. Maybe, the upcoming movies will be based upon the books.

Auditor March 12th, 2013 08:18 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.

Or it could focus on Luke's son. That's a rumor. At any rate, I'm sure it will stick with the Skywalker family, which was present in all of the previous films. As far as I know, they never intended to have Harrison, Carrie and Mark as the main stars, just in supporting roles as their familiar characters. I'm still not sure I want them to do any more movies but, if they must, I'm glad they'll have the original actors back, even in supporting roles.

If there going to be there just small roles.

Too much time has passed for them to be in any starring role. Too much time for all the books. Which would have been awesome. Wanted more Star Wars back then, but with the direction Return of the Jedi went I didn't think any Star Wars then.

I would have liked to seen more Solo's adventures back then. I'm not huge on that happening now. New actor as Solo now. Just don't know.

I'll just hope for the best.

evil_genius_180 March 12th, 2013 09:16 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.

Originally Posted by Starship (Post 268659)
Well, I still have a HQ trilogy published in the middle of 80´s here in Brazil.
In that trillogy, Luke goes to the dark side after to fight (and loose) a combat with an emperor´s clone. So, the Dark Side lives again!
Leia and Solo was waiting twins to born, which are fundamental in the conclusion of that trillogy, helping to bring Luke back to the right side of the force and kill the Emperor´s clone.
Lando, Solo and Chewbacca haves a small participation in that trillogy, as Leia, but Luke takes a big hole acting as a "new Vader" for sometime. It is a good HQ. :)

The problem I see is that Carrie is to much old, as Solo, and can´t be waiting babies at his current age, which makes that trillogy I described impossible to be made without some adaptations.

There is a trillogy of books too, where the twins are older, but the history is similar. Maybe, the upcoming movies will be based upon the books.

That sounds like the Thrawn Trilogy, though it was published in the early '90s, not the '80s. I have a some fairly worn copies that I bought brand new back in the day. :)

In the Thrawn Trilogy, a former Imperial officer named Grand Admiral Thrawn attempts to bring the Empire back to its former glory. He enlists the aid of an insane dark Jedi, who is a clone, but not of the Emperor. He promises the clone, Joruus C'baoth, that he can have Luke as his apprentice. And, through it all, Leia is pregnant with the twins. And, of course, Luke and company prevail in the end and all is well.

That's what it sounds like you're referring to. Those are excellent books, all bestsellers here in the US. I don't know if anything was lost in translation, though. That could explain why you thought the clone was of the Emperor. Those three books were the first books published that take place after Return of the Jedi and they really kicked off everything that came after. I (and many other people) already consider them to be Episodes 7, 8 and 9. However, they probably can't be adapted due to the age of the actors. They take place only 5 years after the defeat of the Empire in ROTJ. Harrison, Carrie and Mark are too old to play Han, Leia and Luke 5 years after ROTJ. They have to go further into the future because they waited so long to make these movies.

Fun fact: the galactic capitol world Coruscant was first mentioned in the first book in the Thrawn Trilogy, Heir to the Empire. George Lucas later used that in the prequel movies, probably because it was being heavily used in the books at the time. So, he doesn't think of everything. ;)

ulimann644 March 12th, 2013 10:26 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 268657)
I don't want that either. There is no way that is going to happen. I like the idea of them in it, but not as the stars. I picture there parts as big, but very little screen time. Definately not the stars.

I'm sure the movies will be about Han and Leia's children. If it follows the themes of the other 6 films.

Or something like that.

THAT sounds much better...
Funny is: A few days ago I dicussed with a guy in a german forum about it an I said to him: "Give Jacen and Jaina a Chance..."

I think it´s the much better way to tell THEIR story, when both are 25-30 years old...

I had read the Thrawn-Trilogy in the 90´s and I liked it. Especially the Character Thrawn...

Drog007 March 21st, 2013 11:34 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
If they're doing the "next generation" with Jacen, Jaina et al, it's only fitting to have the old timers around in some small way to pass the torch.

lcamaral September 30th, 2013 10:33 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Little late for the party, but the comics ST mentioned are called "Dark Empire", I have then too. they work as a prequel from the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.
I have the trilogy both in books and comics and loved every page of it.

When I heard they were going to do new movies, at first I hoped for it to be the line for the new plots; although Mark, Harrison and Carrie wouldn't be able to replay their roles as the trilogy is just few years after ROTJ and they are way too old for that.

Now that they said it's going to be a new story, I hope to at least see Mara Jade on the movies, she grown to become one of my favorite characters on the whole SW universe.

evil_genius_180 September 30th, 2013 10:15 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
You're not late to the party. This is an ongoing discussion. :)

I agree, I'd love to see Mara Jade. I've been a fan ever since I read the Thrawn trilogy as a teenager. I have a book called "Allegiance" by Timothy Zhan, it takes place during the years between Star Wars and Empire and it has some of her exploits as the Emperor's Hand. I think he also wrote a sequel to that one, but I don't have it yet. It makes sense to have Mara in the new films, as she is/was Luke's wife. (I think she died at some point) If they're going to focus on his children, you can't do that without showing his wife.

Starship October 1st, 2013 04:33 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Welcome back old buddy LC! :)
Mara Jade, in this context, would be a good choice.
About the childrens, they can be thinking about the sons (twins) of Leia and Han? I read somewhere a plot description that says "the story will revolve around two 17-year-old twins, one male and one female, who are trained by their uncle Luke to be the greatest Jedis in the galaxy. Problems arise when the male twin turns to the dark side..."
Sounds interesting, but I don´t want to see a FULL teenager drama...
I think you all already know this but, just for fun, here it goes a fan made trailer:

evil_genius_180 October 1st, 2013 08:21 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Yeah, it makes sense to use Jacen and Jaden (I think those are their names.) Though, in the books, it was the other Solo kid, Anakin, who had something to do with the dark side. I think he was possessed by the spirit of Palpatine, or something like that (I don't really follow the later books.) One of the twins had to kill him, I think.

I've got to agree about the teenage drama, but it might also depend on how it's done. Also, we don't know for certain what the plot will be or how it will be done. Remember all of the speculation leading up to Star Trek? The final film was nothing like what a lot of people "guessed." ;)

I don't really pay attention to fan-made trailers.

evil_genius_180 January 12th, 2014 09:52 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
By the way, you can kiss all of this discussion goodbye. Disney is doing what Paramount did with Star Trek and establishing an "official canon" so they can ignore what they want to. So, kiss any of those beloved Expanded Universe stories goodbye, because they're probably about to "officially" be replaced with something a lot more lame.


Tenement January 13th, 2014 08:16 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Chewbacca will be pleased abut that. ;)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_Prime

evil_genius_180 January 13th, 2014 10:07 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Is that the one where he dies?

Now, you do have to remember, somebody will be picking and choosing what is and isn't "canon." Unlike ST, they're apparently going to not completely discard everything in the EU, so you never know what will make it in. One thing I know George definitely liked was the story for the game The Force Unleashed, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's one EU story that makes it in. (though, that wouldn't interfere with the new movies anyway, since it takes place between Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars)

Darrell Lawrence January 13th, 2014 10:34 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Anything that conflicts with the new movies (the new trilogy AND individual films, ala Boba Fett) will be out the window.

Nothing gold can stay (who gets that reference??? :lol:)

evil_genius_180 January 13th, 2014 11:02 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Well, Disney did hire JJ Abrams to direct. After what he did to Star Trek, don't be surprised if the original Star Wars films are out because they conflict with the new films. :tongue:

Darrell Lawrence January 13th, 2014 11:11 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
I will say this for Disney - They will not allow a reimagining/remake of this.

Doesn't mean JJ won't write a story that conflicts with established canon though :lol:

gmd3d January 13th, 2014 12:12 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.

Originally Posted by Darrell Lawrence (Post 269207)

Doesn't mean JJ won't write a story that conflicts with established canon though :lol:

that's for sure,,

evil_genius_180 January 13th, 2014 12:31 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
After he made Khan a white Englishman and Klingons that looked like shaved lions, I refuse to believe he gives a damn about canon.

Though, George Lucas isn't any better and you know he's going to be a consulting producer on this. He keeps re-re-re-editing the original trilogy. I could give a damn how many rocks there are in front of R2-D2 in that one scene. :rolleyes:

Darrell Lawrence January 13th, 2014 01:03 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
5! There are 5! *damn bright sunlight*

gmd3d January 13th, 2014 01:38 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 269212)
After he made Khan a white Englishman and Klingons that looked like shaved lions, I refuse to believe he gives a damn about canon.

Though, George Lucas isn't any better and you know he's going to be a consulting producer on this. He keeps re-re-re-editing the original trilogy. I could give a damn how many rocks there are in front of R2-D2 in that one scene. :rolleyes:


agreed.. on both counts..

I have not see the most recent Trek and have no intention of doing so..

evil_genius_180 January 13th, 2014 07:40 PM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
I saw it. Now if only I could unsee it.

Tenement January 14th, 2014 01:54 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
One thing will probably make it from the books. Coruscant first appeared in the Timothy Zahn "Thrawn" novels. I have a gut feeling that one character that will be back, is Vader. Can anyone not see JJ wanting to put the big guy back in the films?

evil_genius_180 January 14th, 2014 09:22 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Coruscant has already been "canon" since they added it to the end of Return of the Jedi for the special edition. Plus, it was heavily used in the prequel trilogy.

I read those books long before those films came out, so I thought it was so cool when they had Coruscant in the films. Really, since those books set the tone and established much of the post-movie EU, I won't be surprised if many things from them become "canon." Though, I don't care what becomes "canon" or they do in the films, those books will likely always be episodes 7, 8 and 9 in my mind.

evil_genius_180 April 8th, 2014 10:26 AM

Re: Luke, Leia and Han are back...maybe.
Peter Mayhew has been cast to return as Chewbacca. Like they could get anybody else. :D

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