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Darrell Lawrence April 5th, 2014 10:32 AM

He's Baaaa-aaaack!

Tenement April 5th, 2014 04:31 PM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
Poor old New York. They really should have better defences set up for attack by giant monsters. Cloverfield, Godzilla and the Staypuft marshmallow man have all run rampant and no-one ever sees it coming. Pretty good trailer.

evil_genius_180 April 5th, 2014 06:01 PM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
In case my avatar isn't a dead giveaway, I'm really looking forward to this. :D

I have almost all of the Japanese Godzilla films on DVD or Blu-Ray. There are two I don't have, one because I don't like it and the other because it hasn't been released in the US on DVD or Blu-Ray. I'm really looking forward to seeing what these guys did, since Toho really doesn't want to make any more of the films.

Auditor April 5th, 2014 06:57 PM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
Really does look good. Think this one has chance. Love the original...well which isn't really the original...but you know what I mean.

evil_genius_180 April 5th, 2014 08:11 PM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
If you mean the 1954 film, I love it. Though, there are definitely two different films, the Japanese and the American films. The Japanese film definitely has a deeper story, but then there are the subtitles to read because I don't understand the dialog. :lol:

Auditor April 6th, 2014 12:10 AM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
The Roland Emmerich/Dean Devlin masterpiece of course was there one before that? :)

So disappointing.

I always loved the edited in Raymond Burr version. Love that the real original was bought for stock footage(if that's true).

But the true 1954 Gojira is awesome.

evil_genius_180 April 6th, 2014 01:20 AM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
Yeah, I finally fot the two disc version that includes the original Gojira a couple years ago. That was the first time I ever got to see the unedited film. As much as I love Godzilla: Kimg of the Monsters, Gojira is a better film.

Yeah, Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin really screwed the pooch. Toho wasn't even going to make any more Godzilla films after they "killed" Godzilla in Godzilla VS Destroyer. However, then the Emmerich/Devlin thing happened and they had to make some more films.

Hopefully, this new film will be a lot better than that was.

Darrell Lawrence April 9th, 2014 07:33 AM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
GINO was not a Godzilla movie. It was a 'zilla movie :lol:

evil_genius_180 April 9th, 2014 09:39 AM

Re: He's Baaaa-aaaack!
The real Godzilla kicked his butt in Godzilla: Final Wars. :D

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