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-   -   POSER4 to Lightwave is it possible?? (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7054)

Maximise July 14th, 2001 01:02 AM

POSER4 to Lightwave is it possible??
I know that Poser4 can be exported to 3DSMAX but can it be exported to Lightwave without to much trouble? Just asking, thanks.

Nayslayer July 14th, 2001 01:25 AM

With the Poser Pro Pack it can

Maximise July 14th, 2001 01:26 AM

ARGHH! the power of ones own research is faster then a forum, sorry guys I found what I was looking for. For others who may wish to know how to do this, goto The Poser to Lightwave Website

If anyone with experience wishes to elborate, thanks :D

Darrell Lawrence July 14th, 2001 12:29 PM

If you look down at the bottom of that site, you'll see a link to my Poser2LW tutorial for LW 5.6 :)

Maximise July 15th, 2001 01:47 AM

I was pretty cool with the LW6.5 method. The UV Mapping just makes it too easy to want to try it in 5.6 - Great tut though WarriorDL ;)

Darrell Lawrence July 15th, 2001 09:45 PM

Yeah, those with 6.5 got it easy *L*

My tutorial was done way before they even thought of 6.0, much less 6.5

Foo July 17th, 2001 08:17 AM

I remember when I had LW 5.6 I used your technique Warrior and it worked a treat. :D

Darrell Lawrence April 2nd, 2006 07:23 AM

:) :)

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