Thanks for posting, Thomas.
The top pic is a light cruiser from about the same time as Valley Forge. I've been struggling with a small ship for years. I decided to base one on Bonaventure technology with an assymetrical primary hull. Instead of a nx-01/P-38 style catamaran, I used a single rear extension, which contains the warp drive machinery. I'm still working on the deflector and other details, but I think there could be several variants of this class for different roles. The nacelles are shortened Valley Forge nacelles.
The bottom pic is a light carrier, based on a modified Belleau Wood-class laminated hull. The back part of the primary hull is a big open hanger that can hold 10 of those Penquin fighters (or Puffins, not shown here). Again, I'm still working out the details, but this is nearly done. I've already enlarged the hanger doors and will probably bulk up the impulse deck topside to clear space in the hanger below.
I'll post final drawings when I get them done.
PS: I just notice that from the top the carrier looks like a Muslim crescent. Maybe I'll call it "al-Burak," after the Prophet's winged horse that was tied to the Western/Wailing Wall before he ascended to heaven.