Anyone Ever Have This Problem.. ?
I Was wondering if any of you have
ever had this problem and if so..
PLEASE Tell me you have & know how to fix it..
Ok, i reasont'ly upgraded from my PIII 550 to An Athlon Xp 1900..
Before the upgrade every Mesh worked as it should..
I upgrade, and every Mesh Works As it Should..
Except.. Nicos Defiant (which is 20 - 40 % of why i upgraded )
(as you can tell by my avatar, i love the defiant)
Now, what happiens is when ever i open the mesh
i get this repeating error message (repeats like 10 - 14 times)
"Error In MNFace.cpp Line 149 "..
i've done everything i can *$@%(() well think of,
but for the life of me i can't get it to stop doing that.
i can still use the mesh somewhat, but Big Shots
(more then just a beauty shot) and she crash's..
If You have ANY thoughts.. PLEASE help..
Thanks A Lot..