Thread: I'm curious...
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Old August 13th, 2002, 03:26 PM   #6
Victorian Engineer
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trying to understand this.. but.. I don't like pratchett? how did you get that idea?

quotes from Chat

[23:25] <Khai> there's more guards books and Death books that Cohen
[23:26] <Xanda> And a short story in a fantasy collection.
[23:26] <Xanda> Guards books rock.
[23:26] <Dano> ...hey... oh, bugger, my copies of he first 2 books are in cambridge
[23:26] <Dano> the, even
[23:26] <Dano> heh, i meant to clean this keyboard today... i think it's the only thing in here i didn't
[23:27] <Xanda> I have... some signed books...
[23:28] <Dano> bah, you decreased their value ^^
[23:28] <Khai> yup ... there's a joke in fandom... terry books are worth more unsigned... cos he signs everything
[23:28] <Khai> he's even signed my denim jacket
[23:29] <Dano> LOL!
[23:29] <Dano> memo: don't stand still round terry pratchett
[23:29] <Khai> yup.. how do you think I ended up in Sourcery!

[21:38] <Khai> ever read any Terry Pratchett?
[21:39] <Ceci> 9o9 Don't think so...I don't usually pay attention to authors or titles
[21:39] <Ceci> Sounds familiar, though 9o9
[21:39] <Khai> hmmm I think you should... his Discworld books have us in stitches
[21:39] <Ceci> :3 I'll look for 'em.
[21:40] <Khai> if you want.. I recommend Mort, Thief of Time, the Truth, Feet of Clay, Guards! Guards!, Pyramids, Reaper Man, Witches Abroad or Small Gods
[21:41] <Khai> those are my favs... but there's over 20 books in the 'series' now
[21:46] <Ceci> Oooh, okay
[21:48] <Khai> got a feeling you'll enjoy 'em
[21:49] <Ceci> :3 What makes you feel that?
[21:49] <Khai> okay... systems a litttle tied up rendering Starside for me...
[21:49] <Khai> you like the Gold song
[21:49] <Ceci> XD
[21:49] <Khai> ok try this.. (from memory - the blurb on the back of Mort)
[21:50] <Khai> 'Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort... He offered him a job'
[21:50] <Ceci> *LOL* XD
[21:50] <Ceci> Okay, I think I'll enjoy it
[21:50] <Khai> yup... you'll like 'em
[21:50] <Khai> in the books.. Death is a character.. TALKS LIKE THIS
[21:51] <Khai> kinda of a good guy.. but very good at his job....
[21:51] <Ceci> Death sounds cool
[21:51] <Khai> he rides a White Horse.... called.. *cough* Binky
[21:52] <Ceci> Binky?! XDDD
[21:52] <Khai> he's also accompanied in the later books by the Death of Rats
[21:52] <Ceci> ...Death of Rats?
[21:52] <Khai> 'SQUEAK'
[21:53] <Ceci> o.o;;;
[21:53] <Khai> you'll have to see
[21:53] <Khai> but remember.. these are comedies

and there's more...........
It is by Caffiene alone I set my mind in Motion
It is by the juice of the Bean that thoughts acquire speed
The hands acquire shakes
The shakes become a warning
It is by Caffiene alone I set my mind in Motion
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