This episode was a blast, I have never laughed so much at any Farscape episode. Farscape is SOOOO much fun, its genuinely funny. There is no deadpan humor in Farscape. The punchlines stem from their established relationships and characterizations. That's exactly why fans of Farscape are so fortunate, we can appreciate the efforts put into making this show real for all of us.
The energy in Farscape is hard to ignore, the way this episode crams our eyes and ears with stuff is testament to that. I love that richness in details and the kinetics of the characters. They are able to fit a very big story into just one episode. Of course it will continue on next week, but the episode still had a solid beginning and end. And notice how, unlike Enterprise, each character has a full experience in this episode? This is NOT lazy filmmaking gentlemen!
My favorite moments *and there are many* include Aeryn's TV watching, especially when it came to "s..S! This girl is slow!". And then there is Aeryn's Cher outfit

. And John was looking sharp in those blue jeans, Kakaze must have some thoughts on that

There were weaknesses in this episode that actually left me contemplating its overall effect on me. I'm affraid I just didn't follow the plan to prevent Dad from going up in the Challenger. The solution wasn't very interesting and a little convulted. In the end, I had to ask, why does this matter and why spend an episode on it? I imagine my answer will come next episode, but as it stands it just didn't matter to me. The episode was much more entertaining while they were plotting and goofing off, the climax actually interupted the fun and that's not a good thing.
And I'm affraid they didn't spend enough time developing Mom. We're suppose to feel for her but beyond her fantasy appearance in "Won't Get Fooled Again", she was a fairly incomplere pressence here. Actually, she was depicted kinda as a loonie with the Taro card obsession. I guess I just wanted more pay-off with the "Casper the frieking joke" scenes. The scene had a substantial pay-off at the end if you had seen "Won't Get Fooled Again", but otherwise I wanted more in the episode. They hinted at it with Dad's mistreatment of her, so hopefully they'll pick up on those tensions again.
Other issues, the inept cops kinda irked me. And there were a few other contrivances that irked me, such as the trick-or-treaters walking into the backdoor in broad-day-light of an abandoned drug-house. But of course, the pay-off was hilarious

Overall, an episode that was a lot of fun but not as solid as I was hoping for.